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"Chat with the DEvs"

Dec 18, 2004 epadafunk link
Perhaps some time ther could be an hour or so when a dev could be in the game and they could chat with players. It would be a time for the players to have closer interaction with the devs since they are chatting in real time.
Dec 18, 2004 Celkan link
This is called "Update Time". This is also called "IRC". Be warned that Neither of these happen Often, but they do every now and then.
Dec 18, 2004 Starfisher link
The devs here are remarkably close to the players, compared to pretty much every other game out there now. And they are in game, sometimes, although I think you mean announced and ready to answer questions.
Dec 18, 2004 roguelazer link
Come to IRC any time. We'll scare ya away...