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Should Corvus buy CtC cargo?

Feb 10, 2005 Person link
Yep, it's as simple as that. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but here, you have two waring nations, both attempting to build an ultimately destructive weapon. Now a third pirate nation simply exists to make a profit, and both nations would definitely pay a lot to get this weapon out of the hands of a nation who sells it to the highest bidder, and it there follows logic that Corvus would pay a reasonable sum for the weapon grade premium xithricite.

For now, we can forget the role playing aspect though, and just concentrate on the in game advantages and how it would be worked out.

I think Corvus should buy both nations CtC cargo for a little less than each of the nations, so that players who make the long trip are rewarded for their loyalty to their nation. Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, I just want to hear people's thoughts on this.

Personally, I'm tired of having to spend 30-40 minutes either bringing the cargo back to Divinia, or at least 20 minutes auctioning it off to the highest bidder.
Feb 10, 2005 Spellcast link
uhh, NO. corvus is much too close to the stations where the cargo launches from, the chance of intercepting someone who is planning to deliver it to corvus is non-existant.
Feb 10, 2005 Infinite_Skillz link
There is another thread on this somewhere, where quite a few people agreed that you should be able to sell cargo to Corvus, but with a largish itani/serco faction hit.

I feel the point here is that more alternatives are needed to the long trip back home and to make CtC more exciting. If nobody is on, I usually just take serco cargo to an empty sector and dump it. :|

I have often thought this might be a good idea:

How about the abiliity to deliver cargo to the frontier station, and get a much smaller reward for it. So if Itani captured some cargo, instead of flying to Divinia, they could drop it at Bractus and recieve say 250c for each cu. This cargo would then be loaded onto the next transport bound for divinia -- raising the stakes a bit and hopefully making CtC a bit more dynamic. Serco could similarly drop cargo in Sedina.

Or maybe if enough cargo was delivered to a station in Dau each week, the UIT could make a limited number of n3's? etc etc

Ideas like this could make CtC much more interesting, and hopefully bring in a number of different players with broader intentions than those currently involved.
Feb 11, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
we need a piratefaction :(

itani - serco conflict, only serco and itani can participate.

Then you have the pirates that can take cargo from both nation players (not from the npc - ships).

And then you have the neutrals that need to stop the pirates from acquisitioning the cargo to a piratehold and effectively delivering it to neutral territories.

So as a recap:

itani vs serco (ex: serco takes posession of a itani transportcargo)

pirates need to take the serco possessioned transportcargo and deliver to piratehold. Both serco asd itani can try to take the cargo back from the pirate (serco to get the itani cargo to their hold, and itani to defend their cargo).

Then neutrals have the option to take on the pirates, but not anybody else. So any non neutral in close proximity of the neutral carrier will not be able to harm him in any way. Naturally a failsafe is that you can not switch your ship once you have some of the ctc cargo in it, that as soon as you dock into a station a warning flashes on saying bring this cargo to some place in neutral territory, but you can still repair and rearm if you want. And most important there is a 1-3 hours (actual time) delivery time to nation space before the cargo just dissapears. (to make sure that we do not get some people flying around invulnberable for the entire game...). This time depends on the average time of 1 ctc episode and add another hour.

AND while having that cargo as a UIT person (!=faction) you are immune to neutral, serco and itani weapons and your weapons can't harm them either.

However the same is not true for the people from the pirate fraction. Meaning they are the only ones that can actually harm the UIT player during ctc.

This would give 4 fractions, and each one has a goal in ctc and pvp. So you do not have to be just itani or serco to have some benefits and fun. Although this is probably a bit hard to get fit in the backstory... and I do not know if the devs would even find this interesting since it would overly complicate things.

UIT delivery wins: gives a special item (some special mine, lightning mine with on top of it concussion force zo it zaps and dissorientates).

Serco delivery wins: gives a special jackhammer (bigger damage, like same as a screamer but with a bigger proximity)

Itani delivery wins: gives the neut3

Pirates delivery: Either

a) choose to let itani or serco win and give that respective item access to the entire piratefaction.

b) special piratingweapon (small port disabling device, either rocket or something else)

PS: I hope everything is clear, and that it is not to hard to do. But it would give some refuge to all these people actually willing to be a pirate (since they are barred from any other station and it gives some roleplaying opportunity). And at the same time the UIT (trader conglomerate) gets a purpose even in pvp. In stead of only being the trader, rif raff...
Feb 11, 2005 mgl_mouser link
"we need a piratefaction :("


"Legalize anarchy!! Woot!"
Feb 11, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
why not...

we had pirate coves/dens in the past. And if you want to make it part of a roleplayingperspective then it should be possible.