Forums » Suggestions


Mar 13, 2005 ananzi link
i think there could be religious temple stations, where no weapons or weapons technology
is sold. there are no missions either. people just go there to pray and to find safety and tranquility.

if you are poor the station will give you a free pilgrim bus, that has no gun ports.

Mar 13, 2005 Beolach link
I actually had the weirdest dream the other night, that went somewhat along these lines.
Mar 13, 2005 ananzi link
dude you dreamed about vendetta?
Mar 13, 2005 Beolach link
What, doesn't everybody? And I was flying my ship into chapel... not exactly a temple, but close enough.
Mar 14, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I could see this being added. Just have them as places that you can only take procurement missions, or, deliver only "creature comforts" to (food, pruified water, textiles, etc).

Also, if you were itani and raised faction enough with the "temples" you could start to learn "force" and start to develope shielding abilities. Put a high combat license requirement on starting your training and make it take time to get.
Mar 14, 2005 ananzi link
johnhawl that is not the purpose of a temple, to develop military technology.

obviously there would be conflicts about this issue just as in
the real world there are similar conflicts.
Mar 14, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I never implied that they taught military tactics, simply that a pilot needed to be extremely skilled before even thinking of trying to use their meditative state to generate a field of protection, and still be able to fly in combat.

The temple, as most are, are for speaking with a superior being or to worship an idol, and also to participate in activities help in developing ones spirit or internal ennergy (force).

Don't the temples in Asia and Japan teach martial arts in them. Is that not a form of military tactics?
Mar 14, 2005 ananzi link
john look up the buddhist and taoist temples in your neighborhood, i dont think they are teaching kung fu.
i dont think the christian churches are teaching fencing or swordfighting either.
Mar 14, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Actually, I'm currently studing Kendo at a budest temple. I've met several people in SF that are also studing martial arts at there local temples. Perhaps it's just the Bay Area.
Mar 14, 2005 ananzi link
ok nevermind

but i think it woudl be really dumb if some religious temple
came in the game and ppl just go there so they can frag
the ctc transport more easily

Mar 14, 2005 tboyz007 link
a little too creepy for me...*shivers*
Mar 14, 2005 harvestmouse link
/me laughs so hard... oooh boy ananzi...

vendetta -is- pretty though. s13 and s10 were particularly tranquile.