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Search for Nearest Station in NavCom

Mar 20, 2005 Celkan link
I was sitting in Sol II H-13 today, as I have been for the past several, helping repair the Nemesis on its various misadventures around Geira.

When today's tourny was about to start, I considered going as a repair person, but I figured it would be more efficient if I had an Aggresso. I wondered for a moment which Tunguska station would be faster to reach (and then get to the tourny from there).

I then thought, wouldn't it be nice if the navcom had a function that allowed us to input a faction and/or type of station (Capitol, Research, etc.) and would tell us the location of the closest station matching our query and plot a course to it?

The implimentation of this feature is mostly in place already, from what I have observed. The game already plots courses for you when you take the trade guild missions. The game also knows the faction, type and location of each station, so making the search "engine" wouldn't be horribly difficult... theoretically.
Mar 20, 2005 roguelazer link
I'm still looking for a fully index attribute search for all sorts of things in VO. Really. And switch the servers over to BeFS already!!eleven!