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Timed /ignore

Mar 26, 2005 Solra Bizna link
It's probably been suggested before, but...howabout adding an option to the /ignore command to make the ignore last only a certain amount of time? I don't like using /ignore on a "temporary" troll and then realizing two weeks later that I've forgotten to /unignore...
Mar 26, 2005 Beolach link
How long do you want? And what's the maximum for a wait command? Would this work for a 10 minute ignore?

alias ignoreprompt "prompt '/ignore '"
alias unignoreprompt "prompt '/unignore '"
alias ignore10min "ignoreprompt; wait 600 unignoreprompt"

It would require you to type in who you want to ignore & unignore both times, but should be reminder enough.
Mar 26, 2005 kihjin link
I actually was going to post a new thread that was related to this. I decided against it when I saw that this was posted, so I'm going to put it in here.

The idea I have is similar to Beolach's, except it doesn't work because the functionality doesn't exist in VO to the best of my knowledge.

Although trivial to gameplay, I think it would be cool to expand the alias functionality to include parameters.

For example:

/alias tignore "echo Ignoring $1 for $2 seconds; wait $2 'echo Unignoring $1; unignore $1'"


/tignore "kihjin" 10

It would ignore 'kihjin' (whoever that is...:-P ) for 10 seconds and then unignore me.
Mar 26, 2005 roguelazer link
Beolach: Wouldn't that, uhh, freeze game input for 10 minutes?
Mar 26, 2005 Infinite_Skillz link
The logical way to do it would be simply to have a temporary ignore command that reinstates that player when you log off. As much fun as it would be to have an incredibly powerful command line interface ignoring system, it's really just overcomplicating the issue!

so /tempignore "player"
When you log off they get unignored...
Mar 26, 2005 Fnugget link
yeah. the two solutions were timed and per session.
Mar 27, 2005 Beolach link
@roguelazer: I hadn't had a chance to try it before I first posted that, but I just tested it now. Works fine. But it could be awfully annoying if it popped up the unignore prompt at an inopportune time. Now, if we could only store variables for later use, it would be much nicer.
Mar 27, 2005 Solra Bizna link
A problem with the timed prompt solution: what if I log off?
/tempignore (ending at the end of the session) sounds good to me.
Mar 27, 2005 Beolach link
hehehehe, I'm having fun figuring out ways to use the current system to "almost" do what you want. I can't think of a way to have it unignore when you logoff, but you can make a bash script that will tell you who you have ignored when you log on, so you can look it over and decide if you still want to ignore those people. If you decide you NEVER want anyone ignored for more than one game session, you can change the script to echo unignoreall into wgaf.cfg, and everytime you start the game it will clear your ignore list.

echo ignore >> ~/.vendetta/wgaf.cfg