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Mac OS 10.4 "Tiger" to Support OpenGL 1.5

Apr 12, 2005 Kuvagh link
Hey, Guild. Tiger has been announced for Friday, April 29th at 6:00 pm. According to the site it supports OpenGL 1.5. I'm not sure what this means for Vendetta Online but I thought I'd mention it.

Perhaps you already know this from the developer site. :)

Apr 12, 2005 Cam link
Yes, I immediately thought of Vendetta performance when I heard the news.
Apple is stepping up it's game development lately, supposedly creating a team with ATi to make graphics run better.
I hope this 1.5 upgrade will help, that is of course if I actually get Tiger. =/
Apr 13, 2005 Black Omega link
Tiger OS X10.4 will be available as of Friday April 29th 2005.
Pre-Ordered my copy ( so it better not break anything vital, like VO )
Apr 16, 2005 mdaniel link
Im using a final build and I would say all in all it seems to be 25 - 30% faster. Just my impression...

M. Duncan