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"First" Mac Virus... in the wild...?

Feb 20, 2006 Rhalmas link
Feb 21, 2006 davejohn link
AKA Ecka Estenk,

Hmm this seems like a fairly amateurish attempt at a worm, but sooner or later someone will write a really nasty one to attack we trusting mac users.

Nor is it the first . Years ago a floppy based virus called "Killscores" went the rounds and , if I remember correctly , caused problems with the Imagewriter LQ printer driver.
( Sorry slightly geeky moment there )
Feb 24, 2006 LeberMac link
The Scores Virus was the first virus "ever", it was Mac-only, and it was written by a guy who used to work at EDS (Ross Perot's old company), as far as I can remember. (I used to be a Perot-bot as well back in the day...)

There are two things you can do to basically eliminate the chance of becoming infected:
1. Run the Mac OS X Updater program regularly
2. If you use any kind of IM chat client, Don’t accept file transfers from people you don’t know.

Those go without saying, but hey - apparently there are stupid Mac users out there.
Apr 12, 2006 zamzx zik link
Apparently there are stupid people out there.
Apr 16, 2006 Galaxy613 link
Gosh thats stupid. o.O While we may think it's stupid and "Why the heck would you do that?!" Some people just don't think it about it any, so when a IM pops up about promising the latest pics of the next Mac OS, "Why NOT see them?".
May 18, 2006 Person link
That's the beautiful thing about Macs. No one has YET devised a way to get past the UNIX safeguards. IE, any virus still has to ASK YOUR PERMISSION before doing any harm. That's why I have one account on my comp set as the administrator, and I use another non-admin account for all my daily stuff that doesn't need administrator privileges, so just incase I DO get a virus or something, it needs me to first enter the administrator password before doing any TRUE harm.

May 21, 2006 Solra Bizna link
There are ways to bypass the UNIX safeguards, problem is Apple keeps patching them before anybody finds out about them.
Aug 17, 2006 Racer link
How is that a problem, Solra? It is one of the reasons that Macs are so good :)
Aug 17, 2006 MSKanaka link
I think Solra was just saying that by the time you could find a way to bypass the UNIX safeguard(s) and write a virus to exploit them, Apple would have patched and closed the hole you used, rendering your virus harmless.
Aug 18, 2006 ananzi link
uhm, the first major internet worm exploited standard unix stupidity and arrogance (ie overly complex undocumented crap). google robert morris. calling something 'unix' does not make it safe.
Aug 18, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
"Google it" is not a valid source.