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Feb 19, 2005 roguelazer link
This probably belongs in Off Topic, but I'm putting it here. I have now joined the legions of the Mac! Yes, I am now the proud owner of 12" Titanium Powerbook G4 (867Mhz, 680MB RAM, 60GB HDD, Bluetooth + AirPort). Only 10.2.8, though. I'm debating whether to upgrade to 10.3 or wait for 10.4. Thoughts?
Feb 19, 2005 Black Omega link
Wait for 10.4!!
Thats saying a lot coming from a complete mac addict like me !!
Feb 19, 2005 spliceguys link
If you have access to a copy of 10.3, it's definitely better than 10.2 by a long shot, but if you're going to have to buy a copy, then wait til 10.4. It's only a couple months away at the most...
Feb 19, 2005 Solra Bizna link
Actually, from the way things are proceeding in Apple's neck of the woods, it'd probably be better to grab 10.3 now and wait to upgrade to 10.4 much later. (the last few Tiger builds have been amazingly unstable, it'll take a lot of hard work on Apple's part to get this working well before the end of 2005Q2...)
Feb 19, 2005 silentsuicide link
wooo go rogue! mac fo' life!
Feb 19, 2005 roguelazer link
Just to clarify, I'd have to buy 10.3.
Feb 19, 2005 macguy link
Wooo yay rogue joins us!!! Welcome to the world of mac!
Feb 20, 2005 silentsuicide link
If you are money conscious id stick with 2.8 as it is bearable. But if money is not a problem, and you absolutely must have the newest version id get 3.0
Feb 20, 2005 roguelazer link
I'm definitely going to get X.4. But after using a G5 tower with Exposé, I'm a tad bit spoiled. :P