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Client Beta 6 feedback

Feb 22, 2006 igni ferroque link
Apparently shaders are now required to be enabled for normal maps and full-scene glow effect. If shaders are disabled, FSG resets to Off when I click OK after trying to enable it.

Also, when I disable shaders, several textures go all screwy (texture coordinates get messed up) including the station, normal maps, the ship color picker, and some HUD graphics. They look fine when I restart the game with shaders disabled.

(MacOS 10.4.5, Radeon 9000 Mobility)
Feb 22, 2006 incarnate link
That's interesting, I've seen those same texture artifacts before, when I was having driver problems with my nvidia card.

Also, shaders have always been required for full scene glow. There's no fixed-function pipeline equivalent, although Ray and I were discussing that the other night. The object-space bumpmaps (the original bumpy asteroids) will work without shaders, but no other normal maps will (the rest are tangent space, and require pixel shaders).

Regarding smoke: we can make it a selectable option at some point in the future.

Regarding double-click: I think that's still a fundamental UI problem Ray is working on.
Feb 22, 2006 roguelazer link
Both download sources keep canceling at about the 15 MB mark. It's getting on my nerves... Anybody got a torrent?

[edit] 5 downloads later, it finally completed. :/ [/edit]
Feb 22, 2006 roguelazer link
Neat "feature": Press o at any time to get a HUD. In-warp, whenever...
Feb 22, 2006 Cunjo link
Umm, of course it makes SENSE (in a purely realistic fashion) that it would block your vision when moving forward, but it certianly doesn't do anything for gameplay... that is one of those things where you bend the laws of physics to make the game more fun... bending would be nice.

the smoke DID cause framerate problems for me though, so turning it off is a good thing... perhaps in a future version though, the smoke will be included in your settings so you can make it manageable if your computer has difficulty with it (as mine did)
Feb 22, 2006 raybondo link
igni ferroque: you need to exit VO and rerun it if you turn off shaders. Materials don't get reloaded when shaders gets turned on/off, and you're seeing the dirtyize texture instead of the diffuse texture on the station.

rogue: oops, may have been due to the fact that you can now chat in-warp.
Feb 22, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Jex, think before you yap.

The fact that a vacuum exists in space does not make smoke move with you. That's utter nonsense. As soon as smoke ejects from it's source, if you move forward, the smoke can not be dragged along. New one keeps ejecting, but as you continue moving forward, you simply let it trail behind you.
Feb 22, 2006 yodaofborg link
/echo still doesnt goto the errors.log file :(

Let me explain further, I have a few things I run in the background, ok, third party, but nothing major, I use a kinda clone of Beolachs script that enables me to trigger xvidcap from within vendetta, I also use /echo to *remark* my logs and to trigger a copy of them, I also use a very expanded *pfstat* script, but although I have not seen the real pfstat thingy, im pretty sure it uses some /echo thingies.

Now I could still do this in the new client, by messaging myself, or spamming some random channel with certain words, but meh, /echo is cleaner, for both me and ye, dont all /msg's go via the server? As does channel spam, sooo, I hope I made my report clearer this time, but /echo still does not work.
Feb 22, 2006 raybondo link
Ok, that makes more sense, yodaofborg. When you said echo doesn't work, I interpret it as not working at all as opposed to not working as expected/desired. I'll make echo output to the log file.

I'll also have to side with jex on this one. The ejecting smoke will have the same forward velocity as the ship and if the ship isn't accelerating, the smoke will appear as if the ship is standing still.
Feb 22, 2006 Cunjo link
"The fact that a vacuum exists in space does not make smoke move with you. That's utter nonsense. As soon as smoke ejects from it's source, if you move forward, the smoke can not be dragged along. New one keeps ejecting, but as you continue moving forward, you simply let it trail behind you."

wtf are you smoking? I want some!!

If you're moving in space, then the smoke ejected from your vessel retains the same velocity as you, therefore staying with you. The smoke isn't "dragged along", it's going the same direction you are! the only way to leave it is to constantly alter course or change your velocity (something which, incidentally, didn't work too well in the game, because the rate at which the smoke was expanding outward)

EDIT: Damn you ray! you speedy bast.... beat me to it.
Feb 22, 2006 Nya13 link
SCALE UD does'nt work!!!
Feb 22, 2006 raybondo link
yeah, yeah. The HUD scale thing isn't there, yet.
And to beat others to the punch, 3rd person mode doesn't work either.
Feb 22, 2006 Shapenaji link
mglmouser: Cunjo is right, there's no air drag to create a trail of smoke, if you're moving at a constant velocity, it SHOULD stay with you.

And as far as hampering fighting, that's what was so beautiful about it. Consequences for being damaged.
Feb 22, 2006 yodaofborg link
Heh, im pretty sure my first report stated that it didnt goto errors.log, but there was much more to deal with in beta 4, thanks ray! My shrine around my PC wasnt wasted!
Feb 22, 2006 Doukutsu link
Mglmouser: Cunjo is righ ... errr well, I think Mgl might be somewhat reffering to the acceleration factor. The smoke that is already ejected will not follow you around once you change speed. So the smoke would become less dense if you quickly began to move forward.

What I meant to say was I found a couple of bugs.

With the Corvus Vulturius, I have the big green block of health on the right hand side like the hog used to have. I haven't tested it out with other ships.

When I'm jumping / entering the station, my chat window stays up, but the text for the duration of the sector/station loading is outdated. Like, it goes up five or so pages temporarily until the loading is finished.
Feb 22, 2006 terribleCabbage link
> And as far as hampering fighting, that's what was so beautiful
> about it. Consequences for being damaged.

And if it becomes an option, then it becomes pointless for that because the previously-mentioned backrollers can just turn it off. :/

Good work on the client, chaps, no problems thus far.
Feb 22, 2006 Will Scarlet link
- able to sector-jump at <25% battery, by hitting activate during "jump-in" animation.

- after taking, then aborting, the trading mission, the missions list did not update until after exiting to the "options" screen and back.
Feb 22, 2006 sarahanne link
things that I'm not sure about
-character selction screen that play button looks out of place. the loading screen is so nice and then you get a face full of plain blue background. ugh, yuck, blah.

-sell messages are in guild colored text
-it lets you sell a full ship but when I click on the ship in the commerce area that is full I'd like to see what's inside in the descriptions window
-I'd like to use the arrow keys to move up and down the lists once I have selected the window
-it is nice that you can load items by certain numbers instead of all or none
-I like how I can compress the universal inventory with a few clicks but I would like the inventory to stay closed or open as I set it as I move from station to station

-it took me awhile to find the nav map. make sure to tell new players where to find it. maybe have a hot key for it in station?

-could you color code the newsposts to sort them visually into trade news, bounty news, player generated news, storyline news, etc.

-also color code the missions into categories. with the new mission generator the fun, descriptive titles may make it hard to decide what type of mission it is before you select it. the groups that make sense to me are hive, trade, mining, research, defense/combat and other.

-you sort the addons by type which I find helpful. would sorting the trade goods for sale by type or by name be more useful than the current buy price?
Feb 22, 2006 raybondo link
What you listed are suggestions, not bugs. However, it is feedback and the thread title is feedback and not bugs, so wheee.
Feb 22, 2006 KixKizzle link
Since everyone is so intent on telling their version of smoke in space....
When you accelerate the smoke should not be as visible because your moving faster than the ejected smoke duh.
Once you stop accelerating then there's teh smooke!
Once you start backrolling, OH NOES I CAN"T SEE!

I think smoke should be mandatory if put back in.
It was the PERFECT balance to constant backrolling.
Nothing that screws with stats or anything.
Just a lil loss in visibility.