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Aug 20, 2014 Dr. Lecter link
Rin: I think I like your nice promotional better than 86's "nice promotional." Where the fine, green wimmen at?
Aug 21, 2014 Pizzasgood link
Up in space, Dr. Lecter. This is why it is so critical that we convince the government to spend less money chasing hobos in the desert and more money developing spacecraft. There is an entire extraterrestrial economy out there just begging us to tax it. Those tax funds would then mean that high schools could afford to put doors on their bathroom stalls again. It is my dream that no child should have to take a dump while those in adjacent stalls can watch their reflections in the mirror. Through the export and taxation of our sexuality to interstellar markets, this dream can be achieved and more.
Aug 21, 2014 Dr. Lecter link
I like where your head's at. NASA's new slogan: To Uranus, and Beyond!
Aug 23, 2014 Captain86 link
Well, with that in mind you don't really need any payment cards or system at all now do you ?
Why bother ?
Since visa/mastercard and paypal already take a percent to process every single transaction you make including payments to VO game subscription, why bother ?
Why not just make sexual payments to be used as legal tender for all debt including paying for your VO subscription ?

Oh let me guess ? You probably do that already har har har har.

I know VO doesn't need any financial help their all rich beyond belief which is why this game is so succesful.

I hear what your saying they just don't need any subscribers that would ruin everything. No extra money or incentives. Certainly NO pesky subscribers that want to get a FREE $20 bucks worth of game time AND $50 bucks just for opening a bank account.

How silly of me to think that VO would EVER want any more subscribers, or any way to give incentive for new players to try the game; AND while getting paid to do it.

I know it's just stupid thanks for clearing it up for me hahahahahah.
Aug 23, 2014 Captain86 link
As far as taxing goes for doors for stalls, that is about the most lame ignorant thing anyone could ever say.

You think they don't have money for doors on stalls ? hahahahah

Soooooo much money, sooooo much waste, soooooo much more then they ever could need.

The wasteful spending in gov. is the problem not the lack of funding. WOW ! Don't tell me you believe there isn't enough money for doors on stalls ? Don't tell me you think that the government is doing such a great job and that people simply are not paying enough taxes to get doors for stalls ?

Aug 23, 2014 Phaserlight link
I think we've gone far enough off-topic here. Ray stated Paybycash is no longer a present option; if it ever becomes viable again we can look at resuming this thread.