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Top 10 (gameplay) Things that really piss me off...

Apr 13, 2004 alienb1212 link
While it may come across as so, this isnt meant to say "devs suck omglol" or anything like that. I'm just trying to make some gameplay issues aware. I think guild does a great job with what they've got, and I do know this is a work in progress. That said, heres my rant.

1: Station camping. Wtf is this crap? It's somwhat fixed with the modular station builds, but not really. Nothing at all stops anyone from spamming flares from the docks, Lmining, etc, while sitting in the safety and protection of the dock. Someone shooting at you? Not a problem! Hit enter!.

2: Lagges being able to exploit mines. IE, someone that's even slightly laggy will drop mines, and those mines will continue to do damage to anyone within a ridiculous radius. Also some bug allows people to drop more than they can actually hold. Wth?

3: Lmine, and Proxy mines being able to be dropped inside objects. Yes, I know this is part of the whole collision-calculation stuff, but what the heck.

4: WH hoppers. This could be very, very easily fixed. At present, anyone with a fast charge battery can WH hop to their hearts content and stay invunerable while in the WH. This is a pet peeve for many, many people, and is used by everyone.

5: Overcompensating NPC players, specifically the Defbots. I've complained about it in many other games. For example, I'm playing through in FarCry. I'm at a part where I cant kill this helicopter flying around chaingunning me, because instead of the programmers actually making the pilot intelligent, being able to dodge shit, they went, "Oh, that'd take an extra 5 hours to finish" and decided to give him 400,000,000,000 hit points instead. Defbots are similar to this. They've got a pair of high-autoaim, high rate-of-fire rails on them, and infinite energy. They also respawn WAY too fast. Overcompensation is probably what I hate most in games.

6: Global chat. This is a controversial topic for many, but I think it has to go. Spamming, badmouthing, swearing, anything. IMHO it'd help everyone's attitude a bit, as you'd at best be only heard by the people in the same sector. I know what I do, even when I'm beat, I have to somehow justify to everyone that I died unfairly. Not always true, but because the other guy it spamming OMGLOL ALIENB DIED HAHAH OMFG in the chat, I've gotta save the ego a bit. If it was only me and whoever killed me that knew I died, or just everyone in the sector, that'd be a big ego-reduction for everyone. Teamchat should stay global though.

7: Specials available to other teams. Sure, but I shouldnt be able to go to s18 and buy 100 proms just because it stikes my fancy. They should be HEAVILY limited in stock, if ever available.

8: There is Never, ever, ever anything to do. Nothing. You know how many gold medals I've got? I know you're working on the mission set, but could you at least keep us somewhat updated so we dont go insane botting or blowing the snot out of each other?

9: Total and complete lack of support for roleplaying. You know, when I signed up, I was kind of hoping that I'd get to test a MMORPG, not Dance Dance Space Quake Fragging 2004. Basic guilding support should have been one of your top priorities a while ago, imho.

10: Lack of Game Masters, Guides, whatever you want to call them. Sherpa's great, but he's human, has mouths to feed, and a business to run. He cant be on all the time, and this is fine. However, you guys really need to approach some of the more stable members in the community and appoint some more guides. Dont have support for non-dev-empowered guides? Make it. Some examples of who I think would be a good guide: Eldrad, Ku Genin, Asp, Firemage. etc. You get the point.
Apr 13, 2004 Durgia link
While these things bug me I always thought they(Devs) would get them done "Soon"
Apr 13, 2004 alienb1212 link
Yeah, the Winbug issue was taken care of "soon".

It's been here since I started, 3.2.3
Apr 13, 2004 Sheean link
It all sounds a bit... hmm.. negative.
Apr 13, 2004 Demonen link
I belive what alienb has done here is more or less EXACLY what the devs want from an open test: Feedback.

Devs, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the sort of feedback that's GREAT to read when you're reviewing the playability of a game.

In the future you can choose to have, or not have people go "Nah. I'm not paying to play a game where griefers just sit inside a station shooting at me, then dock when I return fire!"

Only BAD thing about alienb's post there (IMHO) is that there are no suggestins about how to fix it.

As I totally agree with alot of the things brought up here I have a frew suggestions:

1) Anyone fireing a weapon within 2000m from a station will be considered a "risk to trade with" and will not be able to dock in that station for 5 minutes.
Anyone hitting the station, even with a stray shot or splash damage, should be engaged by automatic deffence turrets or atleast banned from docking for 10 minutes.

2) I had some suggestions, but they're not very thought throug. Maybe later. It was something along the lines of "lag over 1 second to the server and weapons get deactivated".

3) Poxy mines detonate on proximity to anything not transmitting the correct "team signal". Roids do not transmit this signal. Bang.
As for lightning mines, they should have limited energy and also "engage" roids/objects until depleted.

4) Jumping destabliazes the hull of the ship. Jumping twice within 2 minutes causes 90% damage to the ship.
This will NOT benifit me, as I am a trader and often "change my mind" when I discover pirates are in the target sector. Fast-charge and get out? No more. That would break apart my hull! I'll have to stay alive for two minutes before I can jump again.

5) As I see it the Devs are allready working on this.

6) That would be NICE! Turn off global chat and if I don't want to listen to some spammer I can just leave the sector!
How big is the lotto? I'll have to go to s9 and wait for BountyBot to announce it. (I allready have to go there to play anyway, so why not?)

7) What about leaving the whole thing up to players by allowing player-to-player trade? Wanna buy my Maud? Not gonna be cheap!

8) There's plenty to do if you gang up. Playing is ALOT of fun in a large convoy facing a group of pirates.
I've only been in one or two real convoys, so that sort of thing should happen alot more often!

9) OH BOY do I agree!
I get "Get real, idiot" thrown at me when I attempt to play the role of the cowardly Sun Worshipper Scarab and claim that The Dev-ine Power created the Universe.
Do NOT confuse "Scarab" with a real person. It's the character talking!
This is an attitude problem in the community and has nothing to do with the code, allthough guilds and missions will improve the feeling of an artificial universe alot.

10) I know I'm not much on theese days and I'm definalty not one of the more popular/trusted players, but I hereby set myself at the Devs disposal for Guide Duty absolutely free of charge.
I also nominate Lin and Uncle Dave for the job.
Apr 13, 2004 silentsuicide link
demonen #1 and #2 are so far the best ideas ive heard yet for no station mining. You mine a station close enough for it to cause dammage and then #1 kicks in and you cant dock there, it would severly limit the ammount of mines a person could put out. Nice job on that idea.
Apr 13, 2004 alienb1212 link
Lin flies off the handle a bit too much IMHO, and there's a huge language/culture barrier, Dave would be ok i suppose, but he's never on.
Apr 13, 2004 Arolte link
Few more...

11. Tri-flare Valkyrie jocks.

12. Camping station exits.

13. Logging off during wormhole jumps.

14. Typing /explode to avoid crediting a player for a kill.
Apr 13, 2004 Demonen link
Funny. As I read "[UncleDave] is never on" I watch him chat on the other 'puter that's in Vendetta. :)
Apr 13, 2004 [Draco] link
Demonen wrote,

"4) Jumping destabliazes the hull of the ship. Jumping twice within 2 minutes causes 90% damage to the ship.
This will NOT benifit me, as I am a trader and often "change my mind" when I discover pirates are in the target sector. Fast-charge and get out? No more. That would break apart my hull! I'll have to stay alive for two minutes before I can jump again."

I like the idea, but why not make it under 30sec-1min .... since I like to scout and I can get from 11-5 (Being in sector 9) less then 2 minutes.

Demonen wrote,
"3) Poxy mines detonate on proximity to anything not transmitting the correct "team signal". Roids do not transmit this signal. Bang. As for lightning mines, they should have limited energy and also "engage" roids/objects until depleted."

Yes, do that I please you!!!!

Some of my thought are... Turn ON Friendly Fire ...., becuase then we can help teamates and two no more docking flares ...

- Horgrathi (Serco)
- Horth (NT)
Apr 13, 2004 Forum Moderator link
>While it may come across as so, this isnt meant to say "devs
>suck omglol" or anything like that. I'm just trying to make
>some gameplay issues aware. I think guild does a great job with
>what they've got, and I do know this is a work in progress.
>That said, heres my rant.

These are good and you intent is well taken. These things are much easier to hear when they are not presented in rant form, however.

>1: Station camping. Wtf is this crap?

See? The temptation is to make a really nasty reply. Anyway, there has been a discussion of station mounted turrets to cope with this problem. It's more complicated than that due to the "karma" ideas, of course.

>2: Lagges being able to exploit mines. IE, someone that's even
>slightly laggy will drop mines, and those mines will continue
>to do damage to anyone within a ridiculous radius. Also some
>bug allows people to drop more than they can actually hold. Wth?

Laggers, Ya. WTH? Anyway, L-mines are kind of a peculiar weapon. This is being looked into. A fix was in for a bit, but I think it broke again. This is why we want the devs to be able to work in a nice linear fashion.

>3: Lmine, and Proxy mines being able to be dropped inside
>objects. Yes, I know this is part of the whole collision-
>calculation stuff, but what the heck.

Ooo, part of a much bigger project being worked on, but it seems you know this.

>4: WH hoppers. This could be very, very easily fixed. At
>present, anyone with a fast charge battery can WH hop to their
>hearts content and stay invunerable while in the WH. This is a
>pet peeve for many, many people, and is used by everyone.

Generalize much? As discussed, the timing is funky as far as the invulnerability vs. the inability to fire, so that's part of it. There are many ideas for coping with the overall issue, but I'm not aware of one fix being favored as yet.

>5: Overcompensating NPC players, specifically the Defbots.

The AI is not up to snuff YET, but is being tweaked on an ongoing basis. The bots are a bit stupid and players have exploited that in the past. At least they are a little bit of a challenge in the meantime.

>6: Global chat. This is a controversial topic for many, but I
>think it has to go.

This is another one that is under dev review. Whatever change they make will be criticized, so they'll be making the best decision for gameplay. They may have to wait until they see what happens after this next update.

>7: Specials available to other teams.

This was done for testing, then was limited to 18 due to requests to make 18 a "black market". This will change in the future.

>8: There is Never, ever, ever anything to do. Nothing. You know
>how many gold medals I've got? I know you're working on the
>mission set, but could you at least keep us somewhat updated so
>we dont go insane botting or blowing the snot out of each other?

This is a not a complete game, and most of the gameplay has not been added yet. The things that are in place are there to entertain playtesters while they hunt for bugs. As you may have read, MY solution is to shut the place down between updates, but the devs have been really very nice about this and keep the lights on 24/7 for everyone. The last update was 2 weeks ago, and little has changed since then. The only thing they could add is an estimate on when the release will be made - but it's a big update and the date will change. Users have been pretty unkind when this has happened.

>9: Total and complete lack of support for roleplaying. You
>know, when I signed up, I was kind of hoping that I'd get to
>test a MMORPG, not Dance Dance Space Quake Fragging 2004. Basic
>guilding support should have been one of your top priorities a
>while ago, imho.

The basic structure of the Vendetta test/game has been the priority. Many of the systems that would need to be included as part of guilding have not been completed. Implementing a system and then going back to revise it to work with new systems is a waste of time and leads to inefficient coding and bugs. Please trust the devs to handle the tasks in a logical fashion.

>10: Lack of Game Masters, Guides, whatever you want to call
>them. Sherpa's great, but he's human,

Lies! Oh, wait... yes this has been an area of concern. The Guide system was built a long time ago as a kluge (see point 9) and offers a great deal of access and power - the wrong person could create a great deal of mischief. I've had a1k0n pissed at me a few times for things I've done inadvertently. The guide system will be changing "soon", and yes I am lurking and watching to see who might be a good candidate (PLEASE don't volunteer - you will be contacted). For the record, I am still on for several hours on a daily basis - usually lurking under a different name. Many of the annoying things that occur (a particular player saying "penis" every few seconds, griefing, incessant arguing) are really not under my charter to act upon at the moment.

[Edit: It was not my intent to imply that one player is responsible for all the actions in the sentence above.]
Apr 13, 2004 alienb1212 link
what's with the ">"s
Apr 13, 2004 roguelazer link
He tried to quote like this:

> This is a
> quote from
> alienb

But he forgot to press enter. :P
Apr 13, 2004 The Kid link
11. Rocket should take energy and have max ammo cap (maybe let's say 14 on valk + 2 every launcher, so tri flare valks would only have 20 to fire max, adjust amount of ammo to balance), or make the ship less agile (and making dump ammo an option to go faster).
14. I don't see anything wrong with that, killing yourself (or have an ally kill you) to avoid others to gain advantage is in a lot of games
Apr 13, 2004 Morbidly Wrong link
who is that mased man... FM...

/me will be lurking in the shadows... watching to see who might be watching...

I'm sorry I cant report any bugs... i play the game and thats it... i help people when i can.

everything i've sugested was in another post or is allready being worked on... so i'll just sit back and play...

as for griefers... well i must be good at being quiet or somthing i've never been hasseled by anyone... i always avoid 9 so that could be part of it...

as for a person playing the game... (alot... my wife says) i like the idea of not being able to shoot around the stations... i think the staiton should be proactive in protecting thier space space (air space.... no air in space... ha) with ither having turrent shoot people that fire thier weapons too close or hit the station.. maybe even a station "champion" bot... who will attack only those who hit the station..

3 S ports... well it seems to me that people complain about the ships with 3 S ports, with sun flares... to me.. boo hoo.. dont get hit... :) if you really want to limit... dont take away the amount of ports just limit what can be equiped, make the center port equip any S weapon and left and right ports only equip energy weapons... or somthing like that... i'm asuming that these ports will equip things other than weapons in the future... like long range radar... limited cloak... spare battery modules, energy shilds and a ton of other space sci-fi oriented stuff...

any rate... i ramble ramble ramble on... see me shoot me love me feel me... wOOOOOOO


Apr 13, 2004 simondearsley link
alienb, I suggest you do some reading on product development and design managment. This will help you understnad things a little better.

Apr 13, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Now, two things before I respond:

1) I love Vendetta and will be truely sorry to see some people leave the game and to see our current jobs end. I wish to tell the Devs that what they have managed with their resources is totally out of my grasp. And I hope that Vendetta lives a long life.

2) I agree with what alienb said above

The use of the word "soon" as a responce to player needs is humorous and also the most correct, but it doesn't do anything for us. The wingbug for example has existed for months on end with "soon" as the correction period.

Also, several people have noted the lack of action. I too have noticed this. Many people have resorted to piracy merely to entertain themeselves. We all wish to further itterate that updates and some sort of Job/Mission system is direly needed ingame.

And the DefBots. Many have noted that the DefBots are severely overpowered, and overcompensated. A defbot in a Vulture is a supieror fighter to ANYTHING else ingame...only through stealth and a direct assault using Flares is there even a slight hope of breaching defenses. I have said in the past, and say again, weapons should be kept standard per craft. I propose mixing DefBot craft, say like this:

defbots 1-3: Vulture Attack Fighter armed with Tachyons (or somthing)
defbots 4-6: Warthog Fighter Bombers armed with AGT and Flechette weaponry

This combo would give the craft the same weapons as the players can place on their craft and also allow a more selective weapons deployment rather than Flare Ramming that is widely regarded as cheap in the first place.
The current way of beating a DefBot is TRAINING players to be rammers and spammers and while some of these players are legitimate and good players, many turn this tactic around against players and more specifically traders.
Apr 13, 2004 roguelazer link
Used to be:

NPCDEF 1-4 : Vulture with dual-Advanced Gat Mk2
NPCDEF 5 & 6 : Warthog with infinite ammo Sunflare launcher
Apr 13, 2004 zoid fuzor link
Demonon what if i am making fireworks huh? huh? huh?
Apr 13, 2004 Jm262 link
"(a particular player saying "penis" every few seconds, griefing, incessant arguing) are really not under my charter to act upon at the moment."


Well There goes my chance, if there ever was any, at becoming a dev =/. I'd try to back it up showing what good I can do, but It's probably useless. One point though, griefing? I don't grief, I kill rationally, if someone decides to insult me over the chat of course i'm going to strike back. Other than that, griefing is not a trait of mine.