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Character Wipe????? (Dev's Please Read)

Oct 14, 2004 Claimjumper link
So we have to start from scratch with the release? What happened to the Undieing Gratitude of Guild Software to us Beta Testers? Please dont Wipe us out!!!!
Oct 14, 2004 Starfisher link
Think about that for a second.

You just buy Vendetta and install. You log in, exit the station, and go on a trade run... when...


You are destroyed by a guy in a sunflare Valk.

Basically, they're wiping everyone so that those who are not in the beta have a fair chance to level up. You already have a massive advantage compared to others because you know how to fly and use the interface. Don't beg for more :/
Oct 14, 2004 Claimjumper link
And what about then people who buy a month or 2 later....Personally I have never gone hunting other players and I'm at 7-8-8-7 now....I understand the problem you would have on release of the about a penility for Beta types killing Noob players in protected space, like a 1 day suspension of of their account or seizing their bank account? least for the 1st few weeks?
Oct 14, 2004 Le_Poisson link
People who buy a month or two later will be balanced out by those who are in the non - piratey profession and our good.

It just wouldn't be fair to have all these players with a 1 up with a surge in population.

The population will surge at release then (hopefully) slowly build over time.
Oct 14, 2004 sarahanne link
It's a beta test. While we do appreciate all the time you have spent testing out features and leveling the final content will change the game.

A player wipe before final release to the public is fair becuase it would remove all any trace of profits or penalties from exploiting game bugs. There are players going on about making a killing in credits through bugs and gaining high levels. There are others trying to get KOS status and different faction standings to test how the mission system penalizes players.

Also the game is going to have player driven story lines. I think it would be nice to start on a level playing field at the begining so the game can follow its own path. Having charcters who have faction statings that don't reflect thier involvement in the story line would upset the balance.

For example say in the beta you have a high faction standing with TPG. When the games goes public the story line might invovle a resource war where the comparies that get the most resources win. Pilots who deviler cargo the the station faithfully will gain standing and can push the storyline in a given direction. These pilots would have access to different missions on the mimssion tree. Without the wipe you could have the standing as if you had delivered cargo to TPG when in reality you haven't delivered any since the beta test.
Oct 14, 2004 fleabait link
If you want a head start, pre-order it.

One of the pre-order features:
Advanced access to the final game launch. Pre-Order customers will be able to start working on their characters after the "post-beta" character wipe, but before the retail launch, giving them a head start on everyone else.
Oct 14, 2004 simondearsley link
sarahanne is our new demi-dev!
Oct 15, 2004 Claimjumper link
If thats what it must be, then I can live with it....(Guess I didnt read the fine print about Beta) :^(
Oct 15, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Thank you fleabait, that's dead-on.
Oct 15, 2004 yodaofborg link
Its very true what the demi-dev has said, i myself have found ways to make money, ways to get for instance, ammo replenished for next to nothing... and also i have tried exploiting the defbots (station guards and the likes in beta...) which means im hated just about everywhere... dont get me wrong, i have never really gone to the height ppl did with the old station/money bugs (as I dont want to be responsible for a premature reset...) but i feel thats what we are here for (as long as we report the said exploits..). Another thing that should be pointed out is anyone here pre 3.2 has been reset three times already! Once all i lost was cash and a score (bounty) - This was due to an uber rich community after a few exploits had been made public.... then came the mission system (3.3?) Again, reset... We also got reset just before the open beta... You guys had a hard enough time fending us off at the same or simaler levels, it would have been a bloodbath.... (; Stay kool all, remember, BEST SERVED CHILLED ;)
Oct 15, 2004 AlienB link
"we dont need no...stinkin headstart..."
Oct 15, 2004 toshiro link
"we don't need no... sunflare tube"
Oct 15, 2004 spacecowboy link
"we don't need no... education"

er sorry off-topic although strangely relevant no?


Oct 15, 2004 sarahanne link
Woot! i've made it to Demi-God faction standing! I wonder what kinds of ships and equipment I'll be able to access in game now. I can't wait to fly the cargo crate. :) I could do the CEO spy mission and they'd never notice I was there. Awesome!
Oct 15, 2004 spacecowboy link
/methinks sarahanne is pulling our legs... where would you fit a scanner in a cargo crate?


Oct 15, 2004 genka link
It comes pre-installed.
Oct 15, 2004 goatwarrior link
Of course there has to be a character wipe. Every massively multiplayer online game has a character wipe before the release.

It would be foolish to give the beta testers an unfair advantage. We need to be all on the same playing field.

Dev's... please ignore this thread and proceed with the character wipe.
Oct 15, 2004 Viper2560 link
Well lets face it nobody in beta test wants a character wipe cause we've been workin on this for a while and lets face it its been hella fun. A character wipe just means another reset which i know i dont wanna do again. I say make certain sectors where noobs can hang out and high levelers cant get in. It would protect the noobs and keep everyone happy by not having a character wipe. Face it no one likes starting at zero credits and in a bus again. (even thou ive seen pros goin around in busses) So how bout limited sectors in certain areas, like around home planets, and leave the characters alone.
Oct 15, 2004 mcnut link
how can you say nobody in beta test wants a character wipe when goatwarrior just said he wants a character wipe?

I definitely want a character wipe, this will be my... 3rd or 4th.. and every time it gets better. Part of the game experience is starting from the bottom and seeing how quickly you can get that one piece of equipment you really want badly.
Oct 15, 2004 goatwarrior link
Hehe. Bring on the character wipe and a side order of fries.