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Lecter trial verdict

Mar 31, 2006 CygnusX link
Giving Dr. Lecter access to various torture devices may not be the cleverest idea, but what else can you expect from an Akanese? No Serco, regardless of diet, will let themselves be tortured to false confessions.

And hey, what were these devices doing there in the first place?!
Apr 01, 2006 LordofBlades link
Well, there's still the fact that he's tied down, probably in incredably efficient ways in that day n age. Not to mention to ten guards with really large guns. Lol. I don't think Lecter would be goin anywhere, or moving much at all.
Apr 01, 2006 Cunjo link
I have been authorized to make a statement on behalf of SCAR in the Dr. Lecter case.

The SkyCommand Assault Regiment has reached a decision regarding the doctor. His behavior prior to his apprehension has been on numerous occasions in violation of the Regiment's new policy. Because of this and his inherent tendency to act independently of the Guild, it has been decided that he is a liability. Dr. Lecter will be released from our guild and his protection removed as soon as the necessary arrangements are made. No court martial is in order, and his sentencing will be left to the current jurisdiction. SCAR will not be taking questions until the decided upon action has been taken and our Commander has chosen to begin answering them.


Council and Representative,
SkyCommand Assault Regiment
Apr 01, 2006 Beamrider link
Wow....I just had a "Foreshadowing of Doom" event...complete with musical score! It will be interesting to see if this SCAR "liability" becomes a detriment in the future.....
Apr 01, 2006 Borb II link
Well even though Dr. Lecter is not ST6 and has some issues he is still a Serco. I think I can speak on behalf of all ST6 when I say we all swore to protect our fellow Serco from any harm. I think this mockery of a trial would count as harm to a Serco.

Commander Borb Sarken The Second,
Serco Team Six.
Apr 01, 2006 Beamrider link
Borb, I don't often agree with you.....but this time you are right.
Apr 01, 2006 Borb II link
Well I really just did it so I could use my really long title/name I think it has a nice ring to it, though I think I should start calling my self Grand or maybe Supreme Commander. I'm still trying to figure out which one I like best. Ooh oh maybe I'll go with Over Lord some where in there, or is that too menacing? Or maybe I'll start with...

Wait a sec who are you again, and why would you not normally agree with me? I mean I love my ideas 90% of the time.

Hey and wheres that sentencing thinggy! I want to make more idle threats while I wait for VO to update. (Going on hour 89... Update 50% done ohh the raptor will soon be mine!)
Apr 02, 2006 Cunjo link
Supreme Galactic Overlord Borb...

Apr 02, 2006 Spellcast link
Supreme Galactic Overlord Borb Sarken The Second.

get it right cunjo, you have to use his full title and name.

Anyhow, lecter is a pitiful excuse for a human being and his actions are disgusting and disreputable, but this trial was a mockery and a joke without any form of real legal merit.

I think hes a blight on the face of mankind but no-one deserves to be railroaded through the inane excuse of a trial that he was.
Apr 02, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Sentences were laid out in the 2nd addendum to this thread (aka, 3rd post), located here:

These sentences apply immediately after prisoner transfer on thursday.

Lecter, consider yourself Gitmoed. You should have plenty time in your cell blocks to study pre-galactic history and know what that means.
Apr 02, 2006 Borb II link
You mean here:

And I Grand Supreme Commander Of Serco Seam Six, Borb Sarken The Second would like to voice my dismay at this um lack of justice, I demand you turn Lecter over to his own nation to be judged!
Apr 02, 2006 LeberMac link
So when is the prisoner transfer? I'd like to help...
Apr 02, 2006 LeberMac link
Borb, you need some minor subtitles in your official title, like "Duke of Initros", or "Baron-Adjutant of Betheshee". Or something.
Apr 02, 2006 Borb II link
Oh I never thought of that... But should I be a Duke or a Baron, oh oh or a Count?


Leadership is so hard.
Apr 02, 2006 mgl_mouser link
LeberMac, as stated in the sentences list:

Prisoner transfer

Lecter will be transfered from his current detention cell block to a more permanent location in Deneb on thursday the 6th of April at 6PM ET (11PM GMT).

Details of the prisoner transfer mission forthcoming. All Itani-friendly pilots willing to participate ought to let their intention known to either member of ITAN or it's allies.
Apr 02, 2006 Astaroth link
oooh, cant wait :)
Apr 02, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
We may have to play with the times... more soon.
Apr 02, 2006 Astaroth link
I was thinkin about pushin it back a bit later....
Apr 02, 2006 MysticRogue link
Borb said:Oh I never thought of that... But should I be a Duke or a Baron, oh oh or a Count?

Count Borby of Betheshee!

*me passes the roid rammers in celebration :-)
Apr 02, 2006 Borb II link
Ohh free grog!

As for the time later would work better for me as well but I'm not that picky.

Grand Supreme Commander Of Serco Seam Six, Borb Sarken The Second, Count Of Betheshee.