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Lecter trial verdict

Apr 03, 2006 LordofBlades link
More likely some loyal serco will stage an escape for Lector, that or he'll stage one on his own. The only sure way to carry out justice is to execute him.
Apr 03, 2006 LeberMac link
Well, if it's at 5PM US central time, I'll never make it. I'd need it to be 1 hour later at LEAST to have even a prayer of making it.

So, sorry if I can't participate. Lecter will have to escape from someone else's custody.
Apr 03, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
It's going to have to be 9pm this Thursday. I have an admitted student's "weekend" thing on Thurdsay/Friday, and the BBQ kicks off at 6pm. Mmmm, free beer & free BBQ...

Yeah, 9pm ET
Apr 03, 2006 mgl_mouser link
I will reschedule this tonight.

Apr 03, 2006 Astaroth link
Just say what time and Im there!
Apr 03, 2006 mgl_mouser link
The Prisoner Transfer event has been RESCHEDULED

Transfer of convicted Lecter will take place at 9PM ET (aka, 2AM GMT).

Let all Itani-alligned pilots willing to help out defend this convoy and fend off any attackers.

Commander Mogul Velaio
Coalition Of itan
Apr 04, 2006 LeberMac link
Yay! Serco BBQ!
Apr 04, 2006 Cunjo link
As acting representative of SCAR in this case, it is my duty to inform you all that while Lecter may no longer be a member of SCAR or under SCAR protection, he is still a member of the Serco Dominion. As Serco, it is our duty to Lecter to resist this mockery of a trial, and exact vengence if he is unjustly sentenced for these so-called 'charges' brought against him.

Of my unit, as many as we can spare will be there to stop this insult to justice.
Council and Representative,
SkyCommand Assault Regiment
Roughnecks Special-Ops Squadron Leader
Apr 04, 2006 Borb II link
Funny that's what I said...

Any way nice to see y'all doing some thing. Now then Some one needs to call ahead and get some reservations at a nice bar in GR for the party after we kill all the Itani.
Apr 04, 2006 JestatisBess link
If Cunjo is in charge of recuing Dr. Lecter I'm sure we itani will keep him forever :)

/me drinks to Serco planing

(and borb i love your title Its so much better then my old one)
Apr 04, 2006 Blacklight link
Ill be damned if Cunjo screws this up again
Apr 04, 2006 Borb II link

What I'm interested in would be what does "chemical therapy, under restraints" imply. Why the restraints unless your pouring acid on him hmm?

Or how about "certain experiments from the confines of a specially-constructed holding cell, under restraints." Would you be trying to *gasp* make your own biochemical mods? And again why the cell and restraints?

I can't help but wonder if you won't use this as your play time with ol Lecter. Maybe a little revenge hmm? Like say an electrical shock for every hour your son was gone before as you allege Lector supposedly killed him.

Why don't you just come out and say this is torture time. Or why don't you just step down from your post and go get the help you've been needing for along time? Better yet why don't you just come out and say your an inhuman monster rivaling that of Akan?

You disgust me, at least the good Doctor has the guts to stand up and say when he has dome some thing wrong.
Apr 05, 2006 LordofBlades link
And run away from punishment when its presented. Consider this Lecter's atonement. Lecter will not be tortured, and he'll be under restraint due to the fact that the chemical will have to be injected directly into the area's of his brain concerned with the operation. In other words, we don't think he's gonna sit still and play nice while we stick needles in his head.

-Shadow Man
Defender of Itani Space and PF of [Itan]
Apr 05, 2006 Borb II link
Oh so your only brain washing him? Sorta like what y'all did with the spike right? So nothing to worry about every thing is cool you guys are only carrying on more abominations.
Apr 05, 2006 LeberMac link
Heh. Borb, Move along. Nothing to see here...
Apr 05, 2006 Borb II link
Ahha! What's that scalpel for behind your back!

I cry coverup! And um... Slap you with my gauntlet!

/me hits Leber with a glove wrapped around his fist.
Apr 05, 2006 mgl_mouser link
As Commander of the Coalition Of Itan, I would like to clarify a few things.

First and foremost, ITAN doesn't have have a history of any use of torture. In fact, ITAN does not have any policy on the use of torture.

Secondo, Lecter's sentence to a medical laboratory is, amongst other purposes, to cure him of his various deficiencies, deviant ideologies and afflictions, including any bodily modifications and enhancements. If everything goes according to plan, he'll be human again, for the first time.

Thirdly, the use of restraints is for his own good. As Lecter cures, we want to make sure that as he realizes all the infamies he has committed (including those for wich he has not been trial-ed for) will not lead him to commit any self-inflicted wrongdoings due to remorseful desperation.

Though, while we will try our best to avoid such self-inflicted wrongdoings, Lecter will be Lecter and thus is another reason to keep in close to a contracted medical laboratory. Except for that brief visit to the security guard academy. We'll bring bandages, just in case.

Commander Mogul Velaio
Coalition Of Itan
Apr 06, 2006 JestatisBess link
I might be wrong but i think i'm right...
Mogul with the time change isn't 2am GMT now, 10pm ET. Its GMT -4 now, not -5.

I will try to be there but i need the right time :)
Apr 06, 2006 mgl_mouser link

*blush* was using GMT0BST wich is not GMT.

1 AM GMT, folks.

Apr 06, 2006 moldyman link
19:30 GMT when it's 3:30pm EDT, which is 15:30 EDT

4 hours Mogul

GMT time brought to you by /time and the *Royal Sercan Bank, "/time, not /thyme"

*The Royal Sercan Bank does not approve this message officialy.