Forums » Role Playing

*Golden Rules of the RP Forum

May 11, 2006 MSKanaka link
Mostly common sense stuff, expands upon the "BE NICE" thing at the messageboard entrance.

Golden Rule the First: The following pages are the bottom line when it comes to rules:
» The EULA
» The Rules of Conduct
» The Be Nice forum entry page.

Golden Rule the Second: If you don't like someone else's writing or don't have anything constructive or nice to say, don't say it. Even better, don't read the thread so you won't be tempted to.

Golden Rule the Third: If you wish to participate in a multi-person RP thread, it's recommended that you read the thread in its entirety as well as any other threads that may be related. This will help prevent headaches and arguments over continuity later.

Golden Rule the Fourth: Don't nitpick over semantics, spelling or grammar.* If you have a question about the meaning of something, go ahead and ask, but don't offer corrections unless it has been requested.

* Yeah, I'm guilty of this one. I try my best.

If you have other ones to add, please post them; I'll add them to this list.
May 11, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Golden Rule the Fifth: Dont presume too much of other character's reactions and dialogue. Sometimes in an RP post you might read about discussions or actions taken by characters other than poster. This doesn't mean he's played in for their part. Often, details of the story line are discussed offline (email, in-game chat, IM or else) and incorporated in one post for continuity, instead of having many small posts. Dont assume you can fill-in for other characters. Get in touch with them first.

And obviously I totally approve
May 11, 2006 FiReMaGe link
ATTENTION: This thread is under consideration for being stickied. Please post an approval or disapproval of this thread. Adding a serious rule counts as an approval. If there is a feeling of general approval or if there is no opposition, this thread will be stickied in around three to two days.
May 11, 2006 moldyman link
Golden Rule the Sixth: "Thread hijacking" is generally not received well. This may be malicious, humorous and/or unintentional. Whatever the case, try to avoid butting in on the stories of others unless you have talked to them first. If you have posted a story in their storyline and they ask you to remove it, please do so courteously. It is their loss if they don't want your story. Make your own RP instead!
May 11, 2006 slime73 link
[Stamp of Approval]
May 11, 2006 Person link
Don't sticky it, I think Miharu's just feeling a little too almighty again, and trying to sum up eveyrone else's views and stuff in one post. Personally, I like a little spice of ananzi, whome, Lecter and genka. It keeps life interesting.

May 11, 2006 davejohn link
In the main agrees with Calder ,


Ecka the nebulous,,,,,,
May 11, 2006 Dark Knight link

"Golden Rule the Sixth: "Thread hijacking" is generally not received well. This may be malicious, humorous and/or unintentional. Whatever the case, try to avoid butting in on the stories of others unless you have talked to them first. If you have posted a story in their storyline and they ask you to remove it, please do so courteously. It is their loss if they don't want your story. Make your own RP instead!"

/me senses that that remark was aimed at me and my Deneb Run story in Monky's first short story thread

Hehe... Oops. Want me to remove it?
May 11, 2006 moldyman link
I had it with you in mind, but I'm not bothered by it. :)
May 11, 2006 genka link
Pretentious, presumptuous, and really rather pointless. Will only add to the ever-growing number of useless topics stuck up for no-one to see.

Major disapproval.

Edit: just saw calders post, feel need to reply:
Stop kissing ass.
May 11, 2006 Snax_28 link
I approve. I can't stand when certain people have to stroke their egos all over somebody's role playing work. It's immature and needy to say the least.

Oh look. There's Genka.
May 11, 2006 toshiro link
I'm with Person and Ecka on this one...

However, I approve with the grammar correction rule (unless it's dead languages grammar, of course).

About 'butting in':

That one is pretty vague. It obviously lies in the power of the original author to define what is appropriate and what not, and therein I see potential for abuse of said right.

Take this situation for example:
Person A makes a RP post, others ('authorized' ones) reply in it. Someone else who is 'not in on it' replies in a way that could be seen as provocating, but entirely within his character. The original poster(s), feeling offended, exclude him from the happenings, and we have a nother mud fight on our hands.
May 11, 2006 Borb II link
I agree with those that want this stickied, some thing like this has been along time coming.

A few things I've had issues with are:

When some one is RPing an item and is saving up what it will really do and then some one else RPs what it does with out talking to the guy who came up with the item in the first place and gets it all wrong.

When some one crosses RPed alts and makes them as one. I at this point in time have three alts I RP on sporadically sticking mainly to Borb, as far as I know the alts are unknown by any one other then a trusted few. That said I don't like when some one thinks it is cool to say have an issue with the main char (Never happened to me but I've seen it go down) can take it out on the alt. Now I understand that it is some times hard to tell an RPer, but if it's clear don't link the two alts in any way unless you have the owners consent. Also I've never liked "RPers" that don't keep their alts separate even though they claim to be doing such. Either you are or you ain't don't bull crap us.

Um, and yeah that's it for now, I'm sure I can think of more I'm just sleepy right now.

Edit: I also think I'm starting to dislike people that think the Golden rules of RP should not be stickied but seem to not be RPers them self's...
May 11, 2006 softy2 link
Hey Genka! C'mere! Let me stroke *that*....

/me wear gloves.

/me strokes
/me strokes.
/me strokes.

Howzit feels buddy?
May 12, 2006 Borb II link
I disagree with self-censorship my self this is a teen rated game I think cussing should be allowed, if you are offended by it make a note of whose doing it and don't read any more of their RPs.
May 12, 2006 JestatisBess link
[Stamp of Approval]
May 12, 2006 zamzx zik link
Meh. you've got a point, I guess I didn't give it much thought (not that I mind, but parents might)

Thought, I'm a bit offinded at soft2....that's unnessesary.
May 12, 2006 jexkerome link
I approve that it be stickied.

Yes, a lot of what's said here is common sense, and yet so few of us exercise it ;) This way everything is clearly laid out.

And if some people are bothered simply because the stickied thread will "give prestige to Miharu" (at least in their twisted little minds), we could have a Guide post the sticky. Or we could sticky this one, give full credit to Miharu, and allow those people to go into fits of envy and resentment, so we can film then and then upload the files to Youtube for the world's enjoyment.
May 12, 2006 LeberMac link
I guess I don't care enough that this should be stickied. Or not.
The rules are essentially ignored on this forum anyway, so I'm not sure that creating NEW, FRESH rules will do anything. Even if they are "golden."

My opinion: Meh.

Actually, lemme revise my opinion:
Whatever time would be spent making this thread stickied, I hereby request that it be used to update the screenshots section of this website instead.
May 12, 2006 Phaserlight link
I'm also not a fan of useless stickies cluttering up the top of the forum, however I think this thread warrants a sticky. MSKanaka is by no doubt at all an RP vet and the points are all good ones.

i.c. cussing or whatever aside, people need a gentle reminder once in a while... if everyone actually followed the first six rules the RP forums would only get even better.