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A Serco Farewell

Oct 04, 2012 Inevitable link
Date: 20:04 Wednesday, October 3, 4440
Location: *SMV Meressen
To: Any and All
From: Inevitable
Subject: A Serco Farewell

I was brought into this world a Serco as an only child. My father and mother both served in Serco's military as required by decree A-1-635. My memories of them are almost non-existant. When I was only four I lost both of them to what I'm told was a great battle for a certain Deneb sector. My mother served as a cook in a Heavy Constellation ship while my father served in a coveted SkyCommand Prometheus squadron. Since then my hatred for the Itani has raged red.
After their demise I was left in the care of the Serco Dominion's military. I was a quick learner. By the time I was twelve I had killed my first Itani soldier. He was a scout flying an Itani Centurion Border Guardian. Although his ship was quick and maneuverable I was able to destroy it in no time. By sixteen I was in charge of a small squadron who's duty was to demolish
small hive invasions in Serco space. I quickly advanced the ranks. At the age of 18 I was assigned as a bomber. Flying various versions of the Ragnarok I managed too take out rogue Hive Queens and small Itani Tridents.
After news of my performance against various enemies reached around the universe I was contacted by ONE. You must understand how excited I was. ONE was the squadron every Serco person dreamed about joining. Flying with ace's such as Seragyn, Star Buck, and The Central Scrutinizer was something I had dreamed about since I was a kid. I'm not going to lie, revenge against the Itani's who killed my parents was still fresh in my mind. So I joined.
Life in ONE was not easy. There were countless times where I managed to eject my life pod at just the right time. We fought Itani's elite squadron ITAN, we battled against pirates ranging from PA,FAMY, to even THC. It was during this time that I almost lost my life. It was a great furball against FAMY. Sunflares exploding, gatling guns raining, and green plasma streaking like shooting stars through the empty black space put me in a state of confusion. Before I knew it Famy had some how managed to separate our squadron and had me out ranked least three to one. All I remember after that is being banged around and a great burning sensation all over.
I then woke up in a Biocom Trident who said they found me floating in Latos with my escape pod's life support minutes from extinguishing. As much as I wanted to get back into the cockpit and get revenge, Biocom wouldn't have it. They kept me as their "ambassador" although it was
obvious I was a hostage.
Years later I was finally released. I was dropped off in a Corvus station somewhere in Odia. I had to work odd jobs escorting convoys and running weapons until finally I could afford to buy a ship. I bought a Warthog mkI and high tailed it back to to home. On
the way I ran into a Serco Xith transport who's escort had been destroyed. After finding the right communication frequency and hours of arguments the transport agreed to let me escort him to Pyronis.
When I finally reach a Pyronis station I rented a room and slept for days. Yes, even cybernetically altered beings sleep. When I awoke I headed immediately to the bar. It was here that I heard disturbing news. Many of the same pirates I fought years
ago had started a squadron declaring to be Serco nationalist .Their squad was called [RED] To many this might have been great news. More Serco soldiers fighting the good fight! However, the only thing on my mind the past years while being imprisoned by BioCom was
revenge against the pirates that put me here. I was in quite a predicament.As a twenty something year old Serco male you were either dead or in the military. Not to mention I was imprisoned for years by Biocom who has been known to steal Serco's cybernetic technology. This fact
would hold me accountable for treason by any Serco court which is punishable by only death.
I had only one choice, I had to join [RED]. After a few drinks I managed to talk the bartender into giving me Espionage's contact information. Yes, I did find it kind of Ironic the leader of this new guild's name was Espionage. It wasn't but a few days later that I was initiated into [RED]. I'm not going to lie at the time things were going great. After years of Serco being dominated by the disgusting Itani things were looking up. My mother and father would have been proud to see that Serco was finally winning the Deneb battles,the Xith trading lanes were also being dominated by Serco, and not to mention the Nation Wars. And boy were the credits rolling in! It was this time I felt I would leave my mark on the Universe.
It didn't take me long to figure out what I needed to do. All Serco children must go through rigorous education before being deemed fit to server in the military. It is during this time that we learn the Earth's history. There was one theme that stuck with me during this education. That was the Earth's peoples need for a champion. I learned, that from the gladiator days to the bare knuckle boxing days, the one thing that hadn't changed was the people's thirst for blood. Easy... I can give them that. And thus became the Vendetta Cup. Of course being in a squadron full of "reformed" pirates they all wanted a cut.So the name became [RED]'s Vendetta cup. Well, I say they
wanted a cut yet there were know entrance fees so they made no money off of it in fact it was the [RED]'s bank that ended up paying the prize money due to my future injuries. They just wanted their name out there.. and hell I don't blame them for that.
So, there I was, making a name for myself and then tragedy yet again struck. This time I let my ego get to my head. I had always considered myself a decent pilot. Hell, I had great training from ONE and sparring with some great fighters. But, little did I know just because you can dodge
some lasers does not mean you can maneuver through tubes at top speed. I took a fat purse to Sedina F-5 expecting a great return. I had heard of Centurion Superlights. Their speed. Their maneuverability. However, it ended up too much machine for me to handle. In fact if you go there today you still might find some scrap metal left from my horrendous wreck. Needless to say I was back in Biocoms care.
It has only been a few days since I've fully recovered from the wreck. I missed the Vendetta Cup, but I see now I've missed more than that. The Serco race that I use to love is now almost demolished. It seems my first suspicions were correct. Those pirates who founded [RED] have now turned almost every Serco warrior into pirates. It seems that all Serco warriors know this too. ONE has changed their names to BR1 as if that won't tarnish their reputation. [RED] has declared war against traders. Yet I have witnessed FAMY shooting newborn Serco's and even Serco nationalist with no repercussions. It seems FAMY now has Serco in their pocket.
I feel as if I am one of the only true Serco nationalist left. I'm war torn and war beaten. Old and frail. This last message is to all and any true Serco nationalist left. Whether newborn or tried veteran. I call for you. Take up arms against this nasty corruption. Don't let these pirates ruin a nation of great warriors.
And here I sit. At the Edras-Jallik. One last Hoorah. A Warrior. A Fighter. A Serco!

Mom .. Dad.. I'm coming to see you.

Inevitable Signing out.


Communication Interrupted....
Trying to Reconnect......
Oct 04, 2012 Espionage link
I am disappointed in you brother.

You have been back for a mere 3 days and already you are passing judgement like you have been fighting alongside us the whole time.

Serco military officers in RED and BR1 aren't pirates and not even mainstream members of TGFT think so. We're holding conquerable stations free from foul Itan scum that TGFT fight hand in hand with as if CrazySpence wants to hold the stations purely for 'free trade'.

TRI and ORE: trade guilds that have adopted sensible neutrality policies and enjoy regular access to Serco Dominion stations.

In the meantime the Itani suffer like never before, Serco enjoy a golden age of victory in every endeavour. FAMY, LAW and the other mercenaries serve at our pleasure and the foul Itani smurf CrazySpence draws text-based facepalms as his once glorious empire fades into distant memory.

There once were three Serco who felt ashamed of corruption as Itan and ONE members fought together as allies. Those Serco banded together and in strength and fortitude created RED and turned the tide of the war in favour of the Serco Dominion like never before.

After 3 days you seek to criticize the efforts of those Serco because apparently we aren't nationalists now. If you want to change things in the Red Eternal Dominion I bid you rejoin us and participate in the decision making process by voicing your opinion. Don't just quit if you disagree with things like you've done with both ONE and RED.

Otherwise step up and create your own Serco Nationalist guild and lead by example. It's easy to criticize, try leading.
Oct 04, 2012 Irbis link
Heh.... Inevitable... What is this?

Do you even know *why* we are shooting TGFT?? It would have been better to express your concerns to us and try to understand what's going on, instead of just leaving the guild without a word and now talking shit about us. Oh and for your information, peace talks are underway.

And anyway, TGFT is just a side issue, Itan is and has always been our main opponent. Even most of our enemies acknowledge that we are not pirates, that says something.

The door is still open...


My name is DeepSpaceOne and I approve this message.
Oct 04, 2012 Chaosis link
Oct 04, 2012 CrazySpence link
Oct 04, 2012 greenwall link
your head got longer and narrower, CS... should we be worried?
Oct 04, 2012 greenwall link
Sad to see a true serco nationalist depart, good enemies are getting harder to come by!
Oct 04, 2012 ryan reign link
Don't worry Greenie... there's plenty of enemies out there for Tani scum like you. At any rate, Inevitable should not be held accountable for his vacuous, inane ramblings. During is time as a hostage to BioCom, his mind was obviously altered.

Of course, no real Serco would ever be captured...
Oct 04, 2012 Pizzasgood link
If you copy that facepalm into a monospace text editor, it looks like an angry duck wearing a deerstalker and smoking.

Oh, and Inevitable: It's 2012 man, we ain't on typewriters anymore. Let the browser word-wrap for you. When you try to add manual linebreaks your text just ends up looking like crap, cutting off in the middle of the page and stuff.
Oct 05, 2012 TheRedSpy link
lol what the hell rin
Oct 05, 2012 Pizzasgood link
Well, I didn't bother reading the first couple posts at first, so I didn't catch the comment about CS posting facepalms. And for some reason when I looked at his facepalm, I didn't see anything recognizable. So I assumed that it was supposed to be viewed in a monospaced font, and pasted it into my text editor. The above is all I could see. I knew it was wrong though, so I sketched it up and asked what I was supposed to see.

Then of course I scrolled up and suddenly was able to see the facepalm, so I edited my post to remove the question.

Only then did I go back and read the first few posts, which of course would have cleared up my confusion right away had I read them in the first place. Derp.
Oct 05, 2012 TheRedSpy link
my god, it's chaotic in your brain!!!
Oct 05, 2012 Chaosis link
Never change, Rin.

Never change.
Oct 05, 2012 anso link
Hang on, you mean it's not an angry duck now?
Oct 05, 2012 Savet link
I see no problem with the logic of Rin's thought process.
Oct 12, 2012 Keller link
I'm still laughing over the reference to PA as a pirate guild.
Oct 12, 2012 JJDane link

Oct 12, 2012 SkinWalker link
PA? Who are they?
Oct 12, 2012 Pizzasgood link
[PA] = Pigeon Alliance. They live in greyspace and are one of those guilds with no purpose, where "members do whatever they want". Kind of like Famy, except they don't allow piracy and are mostly populated with carebears lately, when they're around at all. Used to be a lot of PVPers too, but they all left or stopped playing, or both.
Oct 13, 2012 trolley link
THE COMMANDER SAYS: you prove nothing, Inevitable, and nothing's inevitable.