Forums » Suggestions

Nerf the N3s and AAPs

Dec 09, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Gavan, you're a fool, and not as funny as you think. The thing about Neutrons, or AAP's is that they have the best DPS, Velocity, Energy Efficiency, and Targeting of any other blaster. The Gauss cannon is the best cannon. Railguns are railguns. The AGT is the best Popcorn machine. Sunflares rock, Geminis kick ass, and Chaos Swarms are the way to go.

I just think there ought to be more variety in the higher levels, as opposed to upgrades to the same concept of weapon. There're more ships than there are weapons.
Dec 09, 2006 Gavan link
Damn, and I thought I was on a roll. Although I'm still trying to sort out why you took that so personally. It definately wasn't aimed at you, especially considering you have yet to put forth an argument that really makes sense...

In fact, from what I can piece together from your broken rambling, it seems we're both babbling from the same camp...
Dec 09, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Gavan, I didn't take it personally, but I do take the broken rambling remark to be an insult. I guess that necessitates that we either continue to flame eachother, or maybe settilng our differences with violence, or something. If you really want to extend this further, why don't you give me your e-mail address, so we don't take up the board's space?

What you've done is taken one suggestion, that maybe the N3's and AAP's are a tad too powerful, and jumped to the opposite extreme, that all guns ought to have exactly the same stats, as if that somehow proved something. I don't know if you're just dumb, if someone used the same arguemnt against you once and you decided to make it your own, or maybe felt that making a silly joke would somehow progress the discussion at hand, but it didn't work. I hoped that shooting down your ego might serve to give you and the rest of the board the hint that if you don't have anything that serves as a creative suggestion that would benefit the whole, then save it for a later date where it might. Did it work?

If you have any questions about my arguments, I'd be pleased to break them down further so that even an illiterate might understand them. (Yes, I'm implying that even most 'illiterates' can read to some degree.) I'd be especially pleased if you were to point out to me precicely what arguments of mine you failed to understand, on the chance that others on this board share your seniments. You make a good point; it doesn't matter how clever you think you are if your audience can't understand you.
Dec 10, 2006 Shapenaji link

I believe the "broken rambling remark" WAS an insult. Especially as, in the previous post, you insulted Gavan over and over, when he hadn't attacked you in any way.

Be Nice.
Dec 10, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Good. What rambling?
Dec 10, 2006 Gavan link
..I guess that necessitates that we either continue to flame eachother, or maybe settilng our differences with violence, or something. If you really want to extend this further, why don't you give me your e-mail address...

I'm sorry you took a little post so seriously... but did you really just say that?! Wow, I'd heard about it... but I've never seen it until now.

edit: sorry anyone who actually had an argument to discuss, I didn't actually mean to derail it. For the record, I agree that the Valk needs a serious buff. Back to the uber light fighter it should be. Just make them and the SCP more difficult to get.
Dec 10, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Yeah, I think this one's about dead.
Dec 10, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
/me looks sadly at a dead thread.