Forums » Suggestions

Make a specific number of N3's avail each week

Feb 09, 2007 smittens link
And have this based on how much Xith serco and itani bring back. This helps prevent stockpiling which makes CtC more important, and also provides a semi-blockading element while we wait for the new econ
Feb 10, 2007 jexkerome link
So under this new plan both sides would get them, only one side would have more available than the other, and always in limited numbers?

It would be a nice idea and drive people to fight for it again, I think (the idea of shutting out your opponent being harder to achieve, which would be possible if you steal all their pure xith, might appeal to some), and maybe CTC wouldn't have to go away.
Feb 10, 2007 greengeek link
Probably have to include a limit on how many of them a player is allowed to buy or have in storage (total throughout all stations), in order to prevent someone from either: being selfish and not leaving any/enough for the rest of his nation, or buying them all on purpose with an alt.

Maybe because they would be "limited issue military supplies", you can't buy or have more than you can equip on your current ship, and only one ship in your inventory can have them equipped at once.
Feb 10, 2007 smittens link
Jex: I was thinking that they would still only go to the week's winners, but your way could work too...

Nerde: That's a good idea, I hadn't thought about selfish, mean people. Your idea for fixing it seems like it might be good, though.
Feb 13, 2007 Lord~spidey link
do what smitten says
Feb 14, 2007 LeberMac link
This should all be sorted out once we get a dynamic economy - the production of N3's would be based on how much refined Xith got to that particular station.

CtC would be gone, but every day you could, say target a specific station (like Geira O-4 or Deneb O-3) and attempt to deny them their Xith shipments.

And yes, back to Smitty's idea, if N3's were limited-quantity, every Itani/Serco nation player would have an alt in the other nation that would buy up all the N3's no matter what week it was, every Sunday morning when CtC finishes up, essentially creating a monopoly.

Limiting the number of things you can buy is a game-hack that is inconsistent with "reality". If the items are available, you should be able to buy them and/or stockpile them as you see fit.

I think this is a bad idea.
Feb 14, 2007 bojansplash link
I still stand by my comment from long ago.

Get some big ass rewards for doing ctc and ppl will do it.
Substantial cash reward, special gun, battery, military rank badge, whatnot.
VO conflict will be alive and kicking once again.
Feb 14, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
/me seconds Bojan for a change
Feb 14, 2007 Zed1985 link
I agree as well. Something like 3-5k per unit of xith delivered.

each 5 xith delivered = 12 jump bulk proc mission (in faction points)

CtC badges that let you get sweet weps (maybe N3s special edition a, b, c) they don't have to be much more powerfull (say a bit less drain 1-2 e/shot, a bit more damage 5-10 dmg/shot a bit faster 1-5 m/s) so edition a would have only one of the three, edition b would have 2 of the three bonuses and c would have it all.
Could be obtained at 50 - 500 - 2000 xith units devlivered?

They would be subject to the same buying laws as the N3s
Feb 14, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Mmm, I think you're a bit low on the credits and way high on the faction.

Most people would have high faction already, and credits are the best incentive... but there's only so many cu to be hauled. Thus for it to be worth their time, they need to make more off each cu.

And for those with bad standing, it seems silly that they could have someone--or they could do it--pop the convoy in Ukari and then haul it to the station a few seconds away for an instant 400 faction points.
Feb 14, 2007 Zed1985 link
myeah, I was looking at it from the perspective of my 997 faction or w/e it is right now. Would be nice to hit POS.

The credits though, I duno and it doesn't really matter, if the idea is accepted then it will get tweaked and balanced. What matters is getting the idea out there in the field. And as fast as possible, because well I need more excitement from VO, personally.
Feb 15, 2007 bojansplash link
OK here is the deal:


Rank I: 100 ctc transports shot down /gives you access to military grade neut mk4./
Rank II: 200 ctc transports shot down /gives you access to military powercell/
Rank III: 500 ctc transports shot down /gives you access to specially enhanced nation military ship/

Rank I: 100cu ctc xit delivered /10% discount on all ships and equipment in nation space + radar storm extender S port/
Rank II: 200 cu ctc xit delivered /20% discount on all ships and equipment in nation space + radar storm extender L port/
Rank III: 500cu ctc xit delivered /POS status, 30% discount on all ships and equipment in nation space/


1cu ctc xit delivered = 8000 credits


Military grade Neutron mk4

damage: 650
Velocity: 210
Energy: 14/blast
Delay: 0.14
mass: 380kg

Military powercell

capacity: 450
charge rate: 47
Mass: 60kg

specially enhanced nation military ship

ITANI: Valkyrie Raider

armor: 10000
cargo: 4
weapons: 3 small
mass: 2850kg
length 12m
thrust: 230 N
max speed: 70 m/s
spin torque: 7.2 Nm
turbo speed: 230 m/s
turbo energy: 55/s

SERCO: Vulture Raider

armor: 9500
cargo: 4
weapons: 2 small
mass: 3700kg
length 12m
thrust: 235 N
max speed: 70 m/s
spin torque: 7.7 Nm
turbo speed: 225 m/s
turbo energy: 55/s

I deliberately didnt put Prometheus as a serco special ship. Its still too powerfull but if you think there has to be a Prometheus Raider variant, so be it.

Military hardware is non transferable. Only badge holder can equip or buy.

Imho if we introduce those badges and rewards players will go extatic with motivation to do ctc.
Feb 15, 2007 Syylk link
Nice Bojan.

Those badges would work for UIT too?

Because, well, giving SIX new top performance toys to Itani/Serco (two of which untradable; EDIT: ALL of them untradable) and nothing to the remaining third of the server population isn't going to go far. I hope, at least.
Feb 15, 2007 bojansplash link
I dont care about UIT, they are moneygrabbing warmongering scum and they are not at war with anyone.
However, provided new faction system is in place, yes i can see UIT players taking sides in the war, joining in ctc efforts and aquiring badges and hardware.
Since it would be linked to faction standings there wont be a chance for ugly exploits.

But, i have to ask one question? Why are you so worried? As a UIT citizen you are something of a VO holy cow. You dont have to fight anyones war and if pirates are your main problem, well, with a new faction standing system in place, they wont be able to get access to nation specific serco/itani ships/weapons anyway.
So if your only concern is that you wont be able to have itani/serco toys, solution is simple. Take a side or create serco/itani alt.
Feb 15, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Feb 16, 2007 bojansplash link
Yep. Bumpski.
Feb 16, 2007 Syylk link
Taking a side is exactly what I had in mind when I asked "Those badges would work for UIT too?". A simple "yes" would have been enough - it'd still be needed to do something to acquire 100/200/500 cu's of CtC delivery.

And honestly, neither itanis nor sercos are *so* compelled to fight the war, pirates could attack anyone (and rightly so), and I wouldn't blindly bet on any feature that's yet to come.

Creating alts just to circumvent game restrictions strikes me as being dishonorable, so I don't do it.
Feb 16, 2007 bojansplash link
From my long VO expirience a simple *yes* is never enough.
For instance, after some rethinking, it looks that i set requirements too low, they should probably be set at 200/500/1000.
Reason? An expirienced ctcer can pull 50 ctc transport kills and around 200cu of ctc xit in one week.

I dont know if you are an old VO player or a newbie so ill comment on this:
"And honestly, neither itanis nor sercos are *so* compelled to fight the war, pirates could attack anyone (and rightly so), and I wouldn't blindly bet on any feature that's yet to come."

VO was not always like this. In VO far and recent past /2003-2005/ serco/itani conflict was very fierce. Big teams from both sides were engaged in ctf/ctc. There was no diplomacy/peace/ceasefire and no fancy asking if someone wants a fight.
Everyone from opposing nations was KOS. And pirates... pirates loved it since they could get in the middle of the conflict and kill everyone or sell their services to one side to win ctc or some battle.

partly because of a somewhat slow game development and partly because of devs announcement that ctc will soon be obsolete and replaced by dynamic economy players started to leave the game. Real serco/itani conflict ceased. Players stopped doing ctc. Pirates found themselves in a situation that their usual targets were gone and their *war* services were not needed anymore.
Final blow came when devs introduced pirate bots in grey space.
The usual pvp arena, Sedina B-8, lost its purpose. Fights or duels were just not possible with random waves of pirate bots jumping in and shooting combatants.
Veteran traders stopped trading thru grey space because slow trade ships were unable to survive clusters of pirate bots there so another favorite pirates prey dissapeared.
More players left, mostly pirates, serco & itani pvpers.
The only fun left in VO became trading and mining so majority of playerbase turned to UIT characters. Its easy to trade and mine in the whole VO universe when you are a holy cow.
Which direction will VO gameplay take in the near future i am unable to predict but I did not suggest to you to create an alt to circumvent game restrictions. I said it because we really need more ppl playing serco and itani characters to spice up now extinct VO conflict. After all the name of the game is VENDETTA.
Feb 16, 2007 Syylk link
I understand.

So, you're trying to basically return to the "good ole days" when men were men and the war had a point in being fought.

That makes sense, I didn't grasp that aspect - as many others, being a two months-old newcomer, who just flies Cobra MkIIIs since 1985. As you say, it'll boil down to where devs want to bring the server.
Feb 17, 2007 bojansplash link
Something like that, yes.

The main point being: we all play VO to have fun.
Some players enjoy mining and trading and some enjoy other aspects of the game. Some are just adrenaline junkies living for the thrill of pvp.
Roleplaying in VO works. Even if you are just a member of trade/mining/military/pirate guild, you are roleplaying.
So what i am asking from devs is: give us something to make our roles meaningful.
If you want VO pvpers and fighter pilots to have fun: revive ctc, revive nation conflict.
Border patrol and skirmish missions /pve/ just wont do it. Adrenaline junkies need a challenge.