Forums » Suggestions

Space Debris

Jun 11, 2005 Phaserlight link
In response to a post about a recent Vendetta-movie...

Amazing how long some people have stuck around. Good times, good times....

/me watches as thread gets booted to OT
Jun 14, 2005 esromneb link
roguelazer was talking about a sector with heavy space-fog. I think that would be really cool. I especially like the radar messing up deal. I think that instead of the radar being jittery, it should be realisticly jammed. What I mean is: tons of false blips on the map, some that look real, as well as real ships sometimes not showing up on the map. Locking would also be cool.

Maybe a blurb about omni-directional radar not being possible, so you are reduced to old skool (Real) rader where it scans a line in a circle blips only show up once every revolution.

Hell, maybe this could happen for ion storms. lol