Forums » Suggestions

Dopelganger** Ship, Real Name: *(Ramora*)

Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
No, I really like your ideas, the joke just came to me, reminded me of Family Guy… anyway…

There could definitely be a "Ramora" class vessel with varients

Tugboat - attaches to your hull and boosts you where you need to go, probably to a station. Massive trust to weight ratio. No weapons and high armor. NPC only possibly. Works with disabled ships and recovery of escape pods. launched from closest station when distress call is sent out.

Pirate - for attacking and stealing cargo and disabling a ship. Equiped with navcom jammer(disabling jump capability when attached only), 1 small weapon, medium sized cargo hold, good thrust to weight ration, high top speed, and low armor.

Fighter - works as a team, based of a "Hammerhead" style ship (or any heavy ship). 1 small weapon, no cargo hold, max thrust to weight ration, max tops speed, light armor.

Cargo - None

Mining - None
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
Waht you are describing Johnhawl218 is the non-guild/comercial "Basking"[c].

This "Basking"[c] is the smaller "Basking"[c] variant which is available to all of the public to be purchased. It in some cases is basically what you could call a "Basking-Minor"[c]. Smaller in everything than the "Guild-Basking"[c]. Good thinking Johnhawl218.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
I just thought of a new Ramora related ship:

The "BlueFin"©

This ship is like a "Hammerhead"© but goes much faster and has a capacity of one tag-along i.e.:Ramora© or non-Ramora.

The pilot of the tag-along can use the sole turret on the "BlueFin"©. The turret on top, the tag-along ship docked beneath.

How does that sound?
We have now created=


Thanks Johnhawl218 :p

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
From what you've said, I gathered that there were three different classes of ship you are talking about

1. Frigate aka Basking
See specs for "Serco SMV Nemesis"

2. Heavy Carrior aka GreatWhite
This is the ship that can have docking with repair and rearmorment capabilities.

3. Light Carrior aka Hammerhead/BlueFin
This is the ship that the Ramora attach themselves to for traveling long distances and is capable of light fire, minimal weaponry.

4. Super Light Fighter aka Ramora
These are the ships capable of attaching themselves to other ships, or capable of combining multipule ships together for added thrust.

Is this correct Overkill? And what does [c] mean? are you trying to add the © symble?

--Updated to reflect the Overkills version of frigate.
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
Answer#1= NO! The Basking is a [und]SUPER-HEAVY[und]ship support/carrier. This makes it almost like a small battlestation. The BlueFin© is a Super-Light carrier designed for tag-team misions. It's also really long and superfast.

Answer#2= Yes, I was trying to make the copywrite symbol since i don't know the code for it and it is not on my keyboard.
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
updated info in previous post, your Basking sounds pretty much like the frigate that is already in developement.
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
Nah not really, does the frigate heal ships?

The Basking© is almost like an ambulance/micro-station.
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
read up on the frigate, it's a floating station of death. Is good for attacking, healing, trading, and potentially mining. When the devs finish with the interface, there will even be mission that you can take from it.
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
Well maybe the Basking© can be a non AI ship. Maybe it can just be like a Behemoth crossed with a GreatWhite©.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Does there really need to be a Basking if we already have a frigate that does it? Everything else is unique in it's design and function.
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
1. Does the Frigate have a combat piloting liscence of 30?
2. Does the Frigate swallow ships whole?
3. Can a Frgigate intentionaly jump to empty sectors?
4. Is the Frigate completly neutral unless the pilot decides to make it dedicated to a nation?
5. Can the Frigate be sold to other pilots?
6. Can Frigate be completly independant?
7. Can there be a Frigate for each guild which acts as a station only on the guilds NAV map and remain hidden to all others unless within a sighting range 1300m?
8. Can the Frigate sell other ships?
9. Can the Frigate purposfully swallow attackers for peace offerings or for self defense?
10. Can Frigates have the ability to RAM other ships as an attack?
11. Can the Frigate swallow asteriods under a certain size to process its minerals?
12. Does the Frigate have a distress radio that lets other pilots type /distress [message]?
13. Can the Frigate act as a Hive Queen for a sector with many bots?
14. Can the Frigate have a TURBO function?
15. Does the Frigate have the ability to act as a store but NOT have infinite supply.

Answer me these questions I am more then willing to learn.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Ok, well since it's STILL IN DEVELOPEMENT the frigates license levels are a mystery to me. It can't swallow ships whole, but I don't expect the devs to EVER implement a ship that can do that. I'm sure the frigate can jump like any other ship. Right now there is only one in service and it's aligned with the Serco, the "SMV Nemesis". No ship can be sold by one player to another as of yet. When the devs are happy with the frigate they will introduce a player owned version that will be as independent as it's captin. Also, once players are able to gain there own cap ships I'm sure there will be guild specific ones and they will be for whoever the guild decides is worthy to dock, could be anyone or perhaps just guildies, can't say for sure. In regards to the nav map, I don't think it will be visible as a "station" is on the map since it moves and you can't see ships on the nav map anyway. Potentially, the frigate will have most of the capabilities as a station does. Again, I dought very much that any of the developers will make a vessel that can "swallow" another. Ramming with the frigate can potentially be done though at that size/speed there are better tactics available. Distress Calls can be made to any of our 1000 channels available, but there still needs to be someone there listening to it and willing to act. Hive Queens are Hive Queens. I'm going to take a guess and say that the frigate does NOT have turbo, but it would be interesting to see if it does in the end. And lastly, yes, the frigate will have tradegoods for sale.

*** Please corrrect me if you see bad info ***
Mar 22, 2005 Overkill link
DAMN, that is @#&%ing good intel.

Although, I suspect that the Frigate is a large bulky ship.

What I intend the Basking to be, is a long, thick, cigar shaped vessel. (Pardon the phalical references.) The Basking in some way would be like a crossbreeed between a Basking shark and a plane-launching submarine. I believe that they would be battle platforms capaple of healing and rescue missions. states as follows:

1. A warship, usually of 4,000 to 9,000 displacement tons, that is larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser, used primarily for escort duty.
2. A high-speed, medium-sized sailing war vessel of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.
3. Archaic. A fast, light vessel, such as a sailboat.

As stated from above, the Frigate would most likly be a ship that is the size of an over-weight Behemoth.

The Basking, would be more like the dictionary stats as a Destroyer but the Basking would not have as much firepower.

The Basking would probably be three times the size but would have the same firepower as a Frigate.

Does that sound a bit more descriptive?

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 22, 2005 Dark_Phoenix link
Since everything were fling seems to be a fish I suppose that it should be an atlantian ship? Frankly I suppose I could get used to another faction, though it would feel so SG Atlantis, but we would get out fac. only ships.
Mar 23, 2005 Overkill link

I'm talking about Vendetta you #@%&ing $@#hole.

The Basking would be a SPACE ship that would move through SPACE. It would be slightly shorter than the Cap ship, but it would be muuuuuch thicker. Think cigar not cigarette.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 23, 2005 johnhawl218 link

Those are some images of the frigate Overkill if you have not see it yet.

The problem that I'm suprized no one has mentioned with making a ship that big, is that what do you do with it. It's extremely slow and bulky. It's great for bases of operation and trade and repair but who wants to fly something that big. Ships of that size are better left to the AI to command and have us, the combat pilots, defend or destroy it. Don't get me wrong, I think there needs to be bigger ship in VO for players to command, but not huge motherships, unless it were for a guild and more of a base of operation. Would probably only go into battle if there were a guild war, and as the population of VO at the moment is bare bones, huge conflicts like that don't happen. Biggest battle I've seen happened in Sedina B-8 with about 15 people at the max.

fish in the sea is a pretty close analogy for space ships in space. I don't have a problem with a few ships having aquatic names.
Mar 23, 2005 Dark_Phoenix link
neither do i really, it does seem a little out of character, which is why making them specific to a new faction might be worthwhile. its a big change in namin conventions, perhaps a little too big to feel consistant with the rest of the game thus far.
Mar 23, 2005 Overkill link
The whole thing seems to come together in my head now. Sometimes I go on wild rampages to get my idea out but the cap ship looks the same as the frigate. Why?

~Cpt. Overkill~

P.S.- yeah the fish idea for ships seems a bit far but there could be a slight ease into the development and mabye it could start with the Ramora©! :)
Mar 23, 2005 Overkill link
Maybe there can be one BIG ship called the MVS Nemisis while each guild has there own separate medium-big which would be a Basking©.

Besides, calls a capital ship a.....

A warship of the largest class, such as a battleship or an aircraft carrier.

So as you san see, the Basking© could still have a role in Vendetta.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Mar 23, 2005 johnhawl218 link

Capital ship
The capital ships of a navy are its "important" warships; the ones with the heaviest firepower and armor. There is usually no formal criterion for the classification, but it is a useful concept when thinking about strategy, for instance to compare relative naval strengths in a theater of operations without having to get bogged down in the details of tonnage and gun diameters.

In the 20th century, typical capital ships would be battleships, battlecruisers, heavy cruisers, and aircraft carriers.

The definition of "capital ship" was formalized in the limitation treaties of the 1920s and 30s; see Washington Naval Treaty, London Naval Treaty, and Second London Naval Treaty.

Before the advent of the all-steel navy in the late 19th century, a capital ship was a warship of the first, second or third rate:

* 1st Rate: 100 or more guns, typically carried on three or four decks. Four-deckers tended to have problems with the waterline and the lowest deck seldom was able to fire except on the calmest of seas.
* 2nd Rate: 90-98 guns
* 3rd Rate: 64 to 80 guns (although 64-gun third-raters were very small and not very numerous in any era).

Frigates were ships of the fourth or fifth rate

Corvette was a ship of the sixth rate.

So here's the thing, we are just now getting one of the lowest level of a cap ship. We still need to have the 3rd-1st Rate Cap Ships. To me, this would be an insperation to see, if only as an AI ship that we have to help with incursions to Serco/Itani space. Also it would be nice to be able to have guild wars using vessels like this, plus our combat pilots. As I see it we still need a few models made.

Here is a list as I see it: (* before ship is not real, * after ship is in more then one location due to variants)

Capital Ships-



XMV Nemesis





