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“I’m too sexy for my moth”

Jun 09, 2005 Obsidian link
“I’m too sexy for my moth” thought Obsidian as she pulled into Fenhall Mining Station. After completing another successful mining expedition Obsidian could hardly be considered sexy. A thin layer of sweat ensured she was covered head-to-toe in ore dust making Obsidian as black as her name.

“Maybe after a hot shower I’ll feel better.”

As she got up from the console to enter the station, the comm. System crackled “How land plane?”.

Huh? Land? Plane? In the back of Obsidian’s brain she started to put together the fragments of the message. Yet another new pilot was in distress. The shower would have to wait.

Obsidian slid back into the seat and flipped on the comm.

“Look for the blue docking arrows. Those indicate open docking bays.” She replied.
“Then send the activate code when you are inside the docking bay.”

When Obsidian was younger, she was a loner and never joined anything, not even the Nyrius branch of the Girl Scouts. She had tried to join a guild once but was kicked out for not being social enough. Sheesh, you’d think attending meetings 3 times a week would be enough. Guess not.

A few months later Obsidian was working a trade route and stopped in bar in Azek. There she bumped into a guy named Blachawk. He was the commander of a trading guild and he invited her to join. Obsidian decided to get it another try and signed up. Adjusting to guild life wasn’t as easy as it may seem. Before she had joined TGFT Obsidian had a collection of ships from every color of the rainbow, a ship for every mood. Now she was required to have TGFT Green. It took her three weeks to repaint all her ships.

“At least this color matches my eyes” she thought.

The uniformity of the Guild color made Obsidian uncomfortable. She felt like she was giving up part of her ship’s personality. However she took it all in stride for the first few months happily naming her Atlas “PeaPod”, her Moth “HoneyDew” and her centaur “StringBean”.

Obsidian was enjoying her life as a regular trader and miner until she saw an ad in a Dau station bar. “Join the UIT Work Corps”. It sounded like a good deal. Agree to work for the UIT for 2 years in exchange for advanced training and ½ price equipment.

The UIT advisory council gave Obsidian her instructor’s license, a special battery and a new engine and sent her on her way. The recent Heliocene rush was making everyone want to strike it rich. Specialized mining equipment that was once only available at mining stations was now sold at every station in UIT. Any old, Broma, Taso or Tokka could buy a scanner and beam and head out mining. The problem was, no one bothered to read the manual. What is it with manuals anyways? They always seemed to be out of date the second they were printed. However, now was not the time to muse over that. Obsidian was being paid to scan channels and respond to all distress calls.

“How do I mine?” called a second voice over the radio.
“What does aquean ore look like?” called a different voice.
“Will this asteroid explode if I heat it up over 100k?” called a fourth voice.

Obsidian settled in for a long night and started at the top.

“Do you have a mining beam equipped?” “Look for shiny ice crystals” “No, it won’t explode but it will mine slower.”

“I bought one but I can’t use it.” “Where can I find those?” “Will it ever blow up? I wanna see it blow up!”

“Did you install it on your ship?” “Try sectors around stations” “I have never heard about an asteroid blowing up due to mining.”

“I don’t know. How do you do that?” “Why can’t I have a scanner AND a mining beam in my EC-88?” “How hot can an asteroid get?”


Little did the TGFT council know that in an old storage pod in a grey-country station Obsidian had kept a secret. Obsidian smiled as she thought about her ship. It was a rare ship, only a few had come off the production line. In fact when she took it out for short flights other pilots would wonder if Axia even made a wraith. She had bought the old Axia Guardian from a scrap metal trader in Sedina and over the past few months she had been carefully restoring the ship back to mint condition. In defiance of TGFT regulations it was painted magenta. Yep, that’s right. Bright Pink. Now that was a sexy ship.
Jun 09, 2005 JackRum link
Yarr, a hell of a tale. Ol' JackRum gives 'is seal of approval, Mizz.
Jun 09, 2005 dbr066 link

Don't you just LOVE rookies! :)

A great tale.
Jun 10, 2005 who? me? link
"i'm to sexy for anything but a bus" thought who? me? as he raced rather slowly from sedina to bractus. "I wouldnt have to do this if one of the guides would just warp me into itani space once!" But alas, who? me? is stuck lowering his standing by shooting convoys untill the day he dies.
Jun 10, 2005 LeberMac link
LeberMac sidles up to Obsidian with a bottle of tequila...
"Why don't you slip out of that itchy 'moth and into something more comfortable?"

LeberMac nods in the general direction of his IBG Cent.
Jun 10, 2005 smittens link
However, Obsidian's attention is instead caught by the tall, handsome man casually sitting down on her other side.

"Or, instead of hanging around with lowly council members, you could spend a magical night with the Commander of the greatest guild since ISP, in a real ship such as my MSC over there..."
Jun 10, 2005 Person link
Just because none of us have lives, doesn't mean that you all need to start hitting on Obsidian over a forum. :D
Jun 10, 2005 Seraph link
Then, Obsidian's attention is caught by the glowing, ethereal, six-winged figure before her, glowing white and gold and saying:

"Or, if you like, you could share in my angelic meta-reality, looking down upon all the rest of the war-torn universe in peace and utter bliss.
But then, I might not be able to hold you there, since I'm made of pure energy and you'd slip through me like water through an osmosis membrane. This might pose problems."
Jun 11, 2005 dbradhud link
Oddly enough, membership applications to TGFT have quadrupled in the last couple days.

Lieutenant Broma-Ba Slick
The Guild of Free Traders
Jun 12, 2005 Fnugget link
Finally, Obsidian's attention turns to her LT, ViciousNanite.
"Well hey there Obs," he says, pausing to look at what she's typing on the console.
"Oh, no no no! DON'T DO THAT!!!"
The last words he saw were '/oper kill ViciousNanite'
Jun 12, 2005 smittens link
Fnugget is VICIOUS NANITE!?!?!?!?!?!
Jun 12, 2005 who? me? link
omg it is~!!!???!?!???