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Order of Eo's Toleration for the Akanese Insurgent Terrorists

Mar 14, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
How can both the leaders and followers of Eo's order simply stand back as the very terrorist group responsible for our exile and near extermination over a millennium ago continues to attack all our attempts of peace?

Our people were wrong to allow the slaughter of innocent Serco civilians.
We were wrong to follow Akan in his reign of terror.
We were wrong not to exterminate the last remnant of his followers before leaving Terra II aboard the Ark.

Now our people still bear the suffering wrought by the atrocities of the Akanese, and yet still we allow them to continue their crimes against all those who live, work and die to uphold the prospect for peace. We allow them to attack and terrorize the Serco, unprovoked, unrelenting, and unopposed from the safety of our own Nation's borders. We allow them to jeopardize the safety, security and sanctity of our nation just so that they may pursue a deplorable blood feud that should have ended over a millennium ago.

The order of Eo's dream of peace can never be realized so long as these terrorist insurgents are permitted to exist, yet they do nothing. Even as the Akanese, ever growing in audacity form a militia in our midst, those who call themselves the Order of Eo do Nothing.

Yes, our borders must be held so long as there is strife between the nations, and our people must be protected, but they must be protected from the Akanese, not by them. If the followers of Akan cannot cease their attacks on the Serco and become peaceful citizens of the Itani Nation, then they are enemies of the peace, enemies of Eo, and they must be stopped.

It is to this Directive of true Peace that I, Aequitas' Talon, pledge my support and my life, as a citizen of the Itani Nation.

Give me the power to Act, and I will die to restore peace to the children of Earth.

Mar 14, 2006 Ory''Hara link
The Itani people are not willing to be slaughtered by the Serco like sheep, and so they shelter us. We move through the people like fish through the sea, because they know we will protect them and defend their own best interests. As Akanese, we will always protect the Itani. As Itani, the people will always shelter the Akanese.

And because the people will always shelter us, you will never stop us from eliminating every last Serco, man, woman and child. We will not kill our own kind without remorse, but we assure you that should you stand in the way of our mission, you shall be neutralized by whatever means are necessary.

So say we of Akan's First Squadron.

Lieutenant, [A1S]
Mar 15, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
The Itani people shelter you out of ignorance – they forget that it was the doing of Akan and followers like you who brought the storm upon them. One day, they shall awaken and remember that it was you who betrayed your people and led them to the verge of extinction; that it was you who gave them fear, strife, war and a ominous aura of painful death. When that day comes, they shall no longer harbor your kind, and you will be brought before a united people and declared guilty of these crimes. The damage you have done to our race is irreparable and your crimes unpardonable. Where will you turn in your exile? to the Serco? the UIT? there are none who have not suffered your grievances.

It brings me no joy to fight my own countrymen, but if you will not cease your feud, then the lives of you and your order are a sacrifice that we must make in the name of peace. It is peace and prosperity that you have taken from our nation, and it is peace and prosperity that by your removal or destruction you shall restore.

If you truly cared for the people of your nation, you would renounce your ways or leave. Our nation will not go unguarded in your wake, as there are more than enough sensible Itani willing to lay down their lives to guard our borders, and I am one of them. We will continue to preserve our nation's sovereignty long after Akan's Order is gone, be it by peaceful disbanding or forced removal – the choice as to how you depart is up to you.

Mar 15, 2006 Shadowed Divinity link
Fool, were it not for us, innocent itani lives would have died at the hands of serco interrogators. We will not allow any itani to die, and should any itani attack us, we will offer no resistance. So come, kill your countrymen, show your loyalty and your conviction, by destroying those who would try to save our race. We cannot fight this war forever, and the only answer is for it to end. I, for one, do not want to see our people enslaved! So I will do my best too end this war in our favor.

And you, as for you, your beginning to sound like a damned serco! No organization can survive exept the ruling body, even if you have to kill your own people to acheive your goals! Kinsmen, I believe you have been in this war for far to long.

We will not commit genocide, but we will not lose!

Commander Shadowed Divinity
of [A1S]
Mar 15, 2006 toshiro link
You already commited genocide. Time to wake up. The Akanese are nothing more but an anachronism, a lumbering dinosaur on a rampage. The problem is that you are given new technology, thus your ckaws and teeth are diamond-tipped, so to speak.

But in the end, you're nothing more but a terrorist splinter cell. In the long run, you have to either

a) overthrow the Itani government in place (which will not happen, haven't you seen Star Wars?... ooc, sorry) or

b) succumb to due process and die. That is what will happen. Perhaps not today. Perhaps not tomorrow.
But you will die.

Oh, and besides, you have already lost. You made sure of that when you bombed Serco Prime. You will be given no quarters, instead you will be immediately executed whenever, wherever you are caught.
Mar 15, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
"Fool, were it not for us, innocent itani lives would have died at the hands of serco interrogators."

Three Itani Lives!! At the expense of how many? a hundred million? a billion? How many have to die before your lust for blood is satisfied?? And let us not forget that it was you who put those Itani in the hands of the Serco to begin with! No, you have been the cause of this war from the beginning – you cannot clean the blood from your hands. If it were not for you, there would be no war! what right have you to try and end it with violence? Countless Itani innocents have died, and they died in the wars that you orchestrated.

Mar 15, 2006 jexkerome link
I'd really love it if getting Akanese faction would make you vulnerable to Itani fire, and viceversa. As it stands, the Itani will have to stand by and watch as the Akanese rip into the Serco and UIT, but apart from Ory, I can easily see the Akanese getting ripped a new one for all their troubles.
Mar 15, 2006 Shadowed Divinity link
No akanese will attack a UIT, period. Anyone who does will be booted.

As for you Aequitas, if you feel that way, why don't you just convince the Council of Eo to surrender, that would be the quickest, and least messy way to end the war.

We are not terrorists, we are a legitimate force set against the serco, and labeling us will do you no good. All your doing is showing your own ignorance. Leave us be, or be destroyed. I will not tolerate your attempts to discredit the akanese any further. We may have different ideal's, but we to want the war to end.
Mar 15, 2006 toshiro link
Leave us be, or be destroyed.

All we do is defend ourselves against your attacks.

I will not tolerate your attempts to discredit the akanese any further.

I don't have to attempt to discredit you, the Akanese have already lost all credibility. All that is left for me to do is state the obvious.

Here's why: you cowardly retreat into the ignorant Itani populace and use them as human shields and you use weapons of mass destruction (in itself a heinous act) to further your own agenda (reinstate your military regime, far worse than ours at the time of the triumvirate). Do you think we are overjoyed with having to pressure the Itani by war to reveal your bases' locations? Think again.

We are not terrorists, we are a legitimate force set against the serco, and labeling us will do you no good.

First of all, how do you legitimately use nuclear weaponry?

Secondly, you operate outside the boundaries of any common restraint, you do not maintain diplomatic protocol, you are not officially acknowledged by the Itani government, you resort to guerrilla tactics and did counduct a nuclear strike on a largely civilian target (namely, Serco Prime).

That constitutes being terrorists in my opinion (sufficiently). Naturally, your opinion would differ, since you are the terrorists, and obviously believe in your cause, which is commendable, but I loathe extremism.

We may have different ideal's, but we to want the war to end.

Then stop attacking, dismantle your ships, reveal the locations of your bases and abandon them, melt down your weapons. That usually tends to stop the fighting.
Mar 15, 2006 Cunjo link

Way to stick it to 'em, Tosh!
Mar 15, 2006 toshiro link
Great way to unwind after studying ;)
Mar 15, 2006 jexkerome link
Make me not laugh, you Akanese bigots. Joyce has been on the receiving end of Ory's guns more than once, and she was never the instigator (and, in case you don't know, Joyce is a Union trader). If you don't want your newfangled Guild to attack UIT, then I suggest you kick him out, because I can assure he has and will continue to attack UIT, regardless of how much you rail at him (or anyone else, really) about your peaceful intentions.
Mar 15, 2006 softy2 link
Jex said : Make me not laugh

/me brings out the old feather and starts to tickle Jex's feet.
Mar 15, 2006 LeberMac link
The Akanese are terrorists. Using violence to instill fear and disrupt what relations exist between Serco and Itani is not productive nor is it beneficial for either side. Since the dawn of time, terrorism has only been a way to initiate wars, not win them.

The Akanese are meddlers. The Akanese do not consult with other Itani regarding military goals. They defy any attempt to be mainstreamed into Itani society and seem to revel in their outlaw status. Their goals do not coincide with the goals of the Itani nation.

The Akanese are unnecessary. Military victory is easy to come by for the Itani, we do not need rogue elements of shadowy organizations fighting wars for us, we are more than competent in that regard, thankyouverymuch.

The Akanese are cowards. They hide amongst the civilian population of the Itani people. They strike out of the shadows and then retreat behind the diplomatic and military lines that the legitimate Serco and Itani leaders have worked on and died for.

The Akanese are not wanted or needed. I suggest that they go sell crazy someplace else.

I speak for myself, however I strongly encourage my brothers in [Itan] and [SKV] stand with me on this issue.
Mar 15, 2006 Eternal Sun link
You Itani forget that we have protected you in countless battles. Were it not for our fleets, Eo would be in the hands of the Serco. The IDC would have been wiped out at the battle of Deneb if we didn't show up. We too have risked our lives in aiding the Itani.
Mar 15, 2006 Spellcast link
were it not for your terrorists Eo would never have come under the guns of our fleet...

We Serco were content on our world until your terrorists wantonly destroyed thoulsands of innocent lives with a neuclear attack in an attempt to cover the tracks of your jailbreak of the spies we had captured.

For the love of lady serco we don't even have a death penalty for criminals. While it is true that the itani spies COULD have challenged for thier freedom in a trial duel, they showed no signs of doing so and at worst would have lived out thier lives in confinement. It was the akanese who set the conditions of this war, not the Serco.
Mar 15, 2006 jexkerome link
So, you save their hides in a couple of scrapes and suddenly they are supposed to let you practice terrorism? I think not. Like Leebs said, go sell crazy somewhere else. I hear Xang Xi is buying.


*smacks softy2 silly, dresses him as a sheep and hands him over to DND*
Mar 15, 2006 LeberMac link
Eternal Sun, what, all of a sudden you realize that you're Akanese and quit [Itan]? Backroller. As far as I'm concerned A1S is just another incarnation of lunatic fringe terrorists that must be snuffed out before it starts to frighten small children.

And, Spellcast, do you really think that the Itani captives you took from our peaceful scientific & exploration mission understood the barbaric ways of your Serco "culture?" Looking back on it, did you expect a bunch of frightened and intimidated scientists to challenge Serco Warriors in Trial Combat? That's a moronic viewpoint, even for a Serco.
Mar 15, 2006 Cunjo link
"You Itani forget that we have protected you in countless battles. Were it not for our fleets, Eo would be in the hands of the Serco. The IDC would have been wiped out at the battle of Deneb if we didn't show up. We too have risked our lives in aiding the Itani."

Hmm, few corrections to be made in editing here... lets see what I can fix:

"You Itani forget that we have -protected you in- started countless battles from which you then required protection. Were it not for our fleets, Eo would -be in the hands of- never have been discovered or attacked by the Serco. The IDC would have -been wiped out at- never existed, and the battle of Deneb would never have occured if we -didn't show- hadn't shown up. We -too- have risked our lives in -aiding- bringing war to the Itani."

There, that's MUCH better...
Mar 15, 2006 moldyman link
Throwing in my OOC two cents *tosses in two pennies*

The itani probably would've lost Eo (and by deafult, Deneb) were it not for the Akanese. Betheshee and Geira Rutilus used to be Itani held systems, remember.