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Space Opera

Oct 28, 2006 Dark Knight link
I got this idea stuck in my head after a conversation in c100, which went as follows:


[Sat Oct 28 17:23:03 2006] [100] <Qurano Alamina> Is Vendetta basically a shoot-em-up with a "space opera" storyline, or is there else worth doing?
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:07 2006] [100] <Omega 0> rawr VO
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:25 2006] [100] <Qurano Alamina> "something else" even
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:26 2006] [100] <Pa Jannos> trading, mining, role play...
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:39 2006] [100] <Blue Streak> VO != Star Wars
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:49 2006] [100] Ardo Remlosa got the black lung after he made a mining alt
[Sat Oct 28 17:23:53 2006] [100] <Shedu> yeah, space opera... Cunjo and Miharu are about to break into a song...


After that, the idea got stuck in my head, and well, this is the result.

~Sung to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's "I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General"~

The Serco shot Itani and the UIT sold all their scrap
Then Oernon killed Karun and the Serco all screamed "CRAP!"
Then a Serco sniper's shot hit Eo's champion in the chest
Itani screamed for vengeance and the warriors got no more rest.
With that tragic note their attempts at diplomacy were toast
The two sides fought and fought but Indy traders stood to gain the most
Serco forces tried to hunt Akan but Itani pilots shut them out

Shut them out, shut them o--I've got it!

In grey space, while this occurred, the TPG corp got major clout.

In grey space while this occurred, the TPG corp got major clout.
In grey space while this occurred, the TPG corp got major clout!
In grey space while this occurred, the TPG corp got some major-ajor clout!

The sides met in a stalemate so neither side gained any ground
While Itani troops flew well, the Serco pilots were not quite as sound
The UIT ships, at this point, were benefiting from both sides
With Itani thrust and Serco weps, those Indy mercs had some sweet rides.

The UIT ships, at this point, were benefiting from both sides
With Itani thrust and Serco weps, those Indy mercs had some sweet rides.

Both civilizations were trying to gain any advantage
The ranks were thinned and half the troops were sent to base to be bandaged
Galactic peace was gone and there still was no word from our old home
Itani civilians all still wished that they had never bombed those domes.
The conflict grew (if possible) and warriors were in demand
Terra II became paradise, with even a couple wetlands
The Serco and the Itani; half the galaxy was fighting

Wooh... was fighting, was--got it!

Down in grey space it was just as bad--lots of guys had fun pirating

Down in grey space it was just as bad--lots of guys had fun pirating.
Down in grey space it was just as bad--lots of guys had fun pirating!
Down in grey space it was just as bad--lots of guys had fun pirat-irating!

With the galaxy at war a bunch of people started trading
They flew their ships through war zones and avoided much the rai-aiding
Unfortunately for them they started to get insanely rich
The pirates fixed that quickly with a scream of "Suck some plasma, b****!"

Unfortunately for them they started to get insanely rich
The pirates fixed that quickly with a scream of "Suck some plasma, b****"

The Akanese shot Serco up and Itan's forces harbored them
The TPG corp sent bots out and filled their stores with some Aquean
Half the troops in Serco lines were buffed with artificial parts
The Itani forces, in contrast, could shield themselves with naught but heart.
In the year forty three ninety the Akanese blew Serco up
The Serco tried to hunt them down but some UIT backed them up
The Serco then turned to Itan, and tried to send some ships to search

Oh, I say, "ships to search", "ships to search", "ships to search", ooh, that's a, that's a hard one, innit, heh--GOT IT!

Alas, the Itani said no, and left the Serco in the lurch.

Alas, the Itani said no, and left the Serco in the lurch.
Alas, the Itani said no, and left the Serco in the lurch!
Alas, the Itani said no, and left the Serco in the-in the lurch!

At last our story nears a close, as the date approaches today
The conflict still goes on, and we feel as if it's here to stay
Recently, a Serco ship seemed to have a cloaking device
This very well could lead to the Itani's eventual demise.


I'll probably tweak this over the next few days, as I figure out better rhymes.
Oct 29, 2006 toshiro link
Nice :)