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SCAR has 3 Lts!?

Nov 11, 2006 smittens link
How did this happen?
Nov 11, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
They need that many to just find their own ass with a map and six hands.
Nov 11, 2006 upper case link
Nov 11, 2006 drdoak007 link
SCAR is special.... like short bus special.

but honestly, who cares. it's not that having the extra LT does anything special for them...

this may be the way of things to come, pretty much every guild has asked to increase the LT count...
Nov 11, 2006 jexkerome link
Yeah, one wonders if it's worth it, and I used to be in one of those three-Lt guilds. Obsidian has at least once mentioned annoyance at having to do it; maybe it's time to consider giving an extra Lt. spot to all Guilds as standard.
Nov 11, 2006 Whistler link
SCAR had a laundry list of reassignments in the Guild Update thread in the RP forum (where this thread belongs). The list included 3 Lts and I mindlessly followed the list.

[x] Whistler
[ ] a1k0n
[ ] global warming
[ ] killer bees
[ ] Robert Anton Wilson
Nov 11, 2006 ThinkHen link
Don't whine smittens. Besides, we aren't the first guild to have 3 lts. We got the idea from CLM.

But dang, it took you that long to realize it?

Nov 11, 2006 smittens link
Sorry Nauty, I was a bit busy spending time with real people to notice.

Whistler: So does that mean it's open for every guild? Or will you shortly remove the least popular Lt (Starts with a Cu ends with a jo) so they're back down to two? Contrary to what people say, I remember how many times throughout ISP, IA, and Itan I wished there were an extra Lt to give out invites to already accepted recruits.
Nov 12, 2006 ThinkHen link
Can we get this locked and moved to the RP forums? I don't want more guilds to whine about this.
Nov 12, 2006 Phaserlight link
I see nothing wrong with someone asking one of the guides for something and having them implement it. If any other guilds feel like they would benefit from a third Lt. also, why not just ask?
Nov 12, 2006 MSKanaka link
I'm starting to think that 3 Lts should be standard.

For the record, the order of guilds (as I know it, there may have been more) to have three LTs is:

[SoR] Shades of Red
[TGFT] The Guild of Free Traders
[SSC] Sigma Shipping Company
[CLM] Cargo Liberation Movement
[SCAR] SkyCommand Assault Regiment
Nov 13, 2006 Demonen link
Nov 13, 2006 yodaofborg link
CLM has three Ltnts, this was originaly done as a mistake by one of the guides, when I got myself and mystic swapped positions, then it was noticed by another guide and removed, and then we did anothr shuffle, and got it back, and then we lost it again, then I think mystic sweet talked someone, cos we obviously have 3 again.

To be honest, having 3 (or even more) ltnts hurts nothing, and just gives a guild control where it usually has none (more ability to invite by more timezones being covered), also the ability to make as many guild members council that we desired would be great! Because that way (specially if it was kept to 6 votes to change something) we could re-organise ourselfs! (And not many people can consider themselfs smart enough to get 6 alts in a guild, and promoted to council, so abuse isnt a good reason not to)

My 2c.
Nov 13, 2006 Whistler link
I'm moving this to RP as it concerns guilds.

I've requested clarification from the devs regarding the number of Lt's allowable and won't be taking any action to either increase or decrease Lts until I hear back from them.
Nov 13, 2006 MSKanaka link

Note I didn't say "has", and used the past tense.
Nov 13, 2006 smittens link
So Whistler, until you hear back from the devs, you won't

A) Allow all guilds to have 3 Lts
B) Force 3 Lt guilds to have 2?

Both those are easy ways to make it fair, and refusal to do either seems a little surprising to me.
Nov 13, 2006 MysticRogue link
I asked about this because when real life interferes as it ultimately does, we were ending up with sometimes no Lts available, the way it is now, when one or two are away from the game dealing with life, there is still someone around to help out and a good thing recently. I was very ill and out of game and two of my Lts were away. But thankfully the third was around to keep up with recruiting, guild issues and whatnot so CLM didnt fall apart as some guilds do when real life rears its ugly head. The way I see it, guilds need a structure of rankings, preferably even with names changeable of them. As in a military guild might have a commander, a captain and a couple of sargents. A full itani guild might have a commander, an advisor and two acolytes..etc. This way you have your first and second in command, then your lieutenants, maybe a training officer tag or something would also be nice. But I will put all this in suggestions.
Nov 13, 2006 Shapenaji link
Smitt is teh interfering!
Nov 13, 2006 Whistler link
By awaiting clarification before making a bunch of changes I avoid doubling my work and alienating additional players.

When I hear back from Inc I will either open the flood gates for additional Lts or request that guilds who already have 3 demote somebody. I don't think it's fair to jerk people around without reason.
Nov 14, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
Give everyone an LT position, I say! Drinks all round! Yarr!