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Convict Transport 161

Jun 30, 2007 Borb II link
"Please state your name for the recording."

"Uh my, oh Victor Omoshik."

"Now in your own words tell us what happened for the record."

"Well as I'm sure you know I was captured by the Itani government after my failed Akrco assassination mission, I had been placed in a maximum security prison while I awaited my trial date. In approximately two weeks time my trial had been set and I was being transported back to Itan with 8 other prisoners for my hearing and trial, it was then that the incident as the news is now calling it happened."

"Tell us what he was like."

"They took us into an Atlas prisoner transport, the cargo bays are stripped down and then armored from the inside to make a high security prison that I guess was suppose to be inescapable. Well when you walk in there are these two rows of chairs starting from the front of the cargo bay and going back, two by two ten chairs total and a bench at the back for the guards. So they sit us in the chairs and lock us down real good it was then I noticed the man I was sitting next to was a Serco, I mean I could tell right away by the implants he had all over his body.

I guess he had combat implants or some thing because the guards plugged some thing into his chair after he was locked in and it seemed to slow him down allot, like the whole time he was in the chair he almost never moved just blinked. But his eyes we're always moving I could tell he was up to some thing just by the way he looked."

"By how he looked? How did he look?"

"Like I said he was a Serco you know they all look the same for the most it's hard to tell one from the other, he was about 5 foot 8 or 9 just about my hight but he had implants all over and his face looked like it had been shredded by some thing. It's odd though his eyes where fine, I guess maybe they where implants or some thing. They looked brown. I donno all I know is that he was looking all over the place and kind of making me uneasy so I thought I would try and find out what a Serco was doing in a civilian prison and not a POW camp.

So I introduced my self I said:

"I'm Vic, what's your name?" He looked over at me, I was sitting to the left of him and I seemed like he had to strain to move his neck and head, but I could tell as he locked eyes on me he was sizing me up. It's odd thinking back even though we were about the same size he seemed so much bigger then me, omonus almost...

"It would seem I'm crazy and for the time being have forgotten my name." He said and then moved like he was testing the shackles holding him down to the chair. I felt my self get a little offended that this Serco swine was playing word games with me when I had given him way more then he deserved.

"You don't look to crazy, what'd you do to get here?" I spat distastefully.

"Killed some one and tried to blow my self up. Your self?" I couldn't tell if he had any emotions at this point his tone had remained the same through out the entire conversation he was strangely detached like talking to me was just another chore in his boring life. At least I knew where the scars on his face came from.

"I'm Akanese, I got caught trying to kill a Serco sympathetic group inside of the Itani Senate." I said swelling with pride and wondering how he would take sitting next to some one as devote to the war as my self.

"Angel of Death?" He asked taking me off guard, he must have know AoD did assassinations for the Akanese he had to have known and wanted to confuse me as well he did.

"How do you know about the AoDs?" I asked as questions started to flood my mind.

"I was one." He said with what almost seemed like sadness in his voice.

"How could you have been one your a damn Serce that's impossible?" His eyes shut before the question even left my lips, I donno if he was under some kind of drug or if he just really wanted to sleep but no matter what I said he didn't wake up till we had almost landed leaving me the entire trip to wonder what he had been babbling about. At that point I guessed he really was just crazy and had some how read about AoD on the nets just like most of the wackos do when they get crazy ideas."

"So you had no idea at this point who he was?"

"None what so ever, I just thought he was some crazy Serco."

"Carry on with your story."

"Well I noticed him moving, by this point I was alittle pissed off that he would fall asleep mid conversation with some one, I mean war or not that is rather rude even for a Serco. So as he woke I started talking to him again:

"Hey, are you done ignoring me?"

"How old are you Vic?" His question once again totally took me off guard.

"25, how did you..."

"No wife, or girl right?" It was like he was in his own little la la land his own thoughts his own.

"You can't have one too..." By this point I was just trying to get a word in edge wise but the bastard just wouldn't let me.

"Be on AoD I know just making sure. This shit is gonna go down fast when it happens you keep your head on straight and do what I tell you, then maybe with any luck you might make it outta here alive and back to what ever. If not you'll just be one more Akanese I killed."

"You really are crazy, no way you could be AoD, Serco, and an Akanese killer, I think your just some loon making stuff up. How long did they stick you in solitary?" I finally said angrily.

"There was one." He said as I felt the ship hit the docking bay.

The guards reluctantly started to get up and unlatch every one from their seats, I looked behind me, one guard covered the other as he first put on leg and arm irons, and then unlocked a prisoner from the chair. We were told not to move from our seats until prompted by a guard. If some one rushed the guards they just needed to push a panic button on their radios and the cargo bay which was already locked down would flood with gas knocking us all out.

"Hey turn your fucking head around and look straight forward!" The over watch guard yelled as his partner started clamping the irons on me and then unlocking me from my chair. I could feel the Serco slowly glancing over at me as the guard walked around to his side.

I could almost feeling him tensing up, I knew what ever it was he planed to do he was going to do it now. The irons went on him with out issue, he waited compliantly for the guard to do his job until he hit the button on the back of the chair unlocking it and turning off what ever it was that disabled the Serco's implants, I looked over to see a blur of motion, from what I can tell as soon as his chair let him go and his implants turned on he used his augmented strength to push up off the floor and impact his shoulder with the guards face. I don't know what in the hell they make Serco out of these days but afterwards I got a good look at that guards face. The whole lower half was mangled and crushed, I can only assume he died from the force of the blow as his brain sloshed around in his skull, either that or the whip lash broke his neck, either way it was one of the most amazing feats of raw strength I've seen in my life, I had no idea you could do that to some one.

I was still in shock as I saw the muzzle flash and heard the other guard at the back of the cargo bay slump to the floor. The Serco was still in the air and amazingly still cuffed as he fired that last shot. Some how he must have gotten it out of the first guards holster as he killed him and then as the first guards body feel to the floor and as his body still went up from the momentum he got his shot off. When he hit the ground how ever you could tell he was more then just flesh and bone as the loud thud echoed throughout the ship.

"Isono, what the hell was that?!"

The Serco looked up at the cockpit you could see the bloodlust in his eyes, he was like an animal preparing to devour his prey as he stood back onto his feet.

"Barko you guys good down there?"

I was surprised to see the Serco while his hands were still cuffed he had a blaster in his left and a radio in his right as he brought it up to his lips.

"I need you to listen to me carefully and don't do any thing with out me telling you. There is a bomb in the cockpit do you understand me?" He said calmly into the radio as if he had done this a million times before.

I could hear a commotion up in the cockpit as the Serco spoke into the mic again this time yelling as he started walking towards the door separating the cargo bay from the cockpit.

"Do you understand me! I need you to stop thinking and answer me!"

"Y, ye, yes. We understand what the hell is going on?"

"I've killed your two guards and I'm holding the detonator to the self distract program for this ship, I need you to open up the blast doors now."

"Fuck you, I can see the prisoner escort team in the bay now in a few seconds they are gonna be all over this ship, I'm not gonna let you come into this cockpit and kill us."

"Fine." He said matter of factly as some thing popped out of his forearm and he ripped the key pad for the door off the wall exposing it's wires.

"Last chance to save your lives." He said as he attached the wires to the device on his forearm.

"Like hell I'm.... What the hell!" Two flashes filled the cargo bay as the pilots lives were ended.

All was quite for a few seconds until a loud banging was heard on the cargo bay door.

"Open up we don't have all day!"

Then we felt and heard the afterburners fire up as the ship started to move again, I can only imagine what it did to those guys standing by the cargo bay door. After that it was kind of hard to tell what was going on I could feel blasts impacting on ship as I guess the stations guns and attack force attempted to stop our ship, I could also hear the bomb bay dropping mines as we made our exit. Nothing else really happened till after we felt our 4th jump end. Then he came over the loud speaker.

"Greetings prisoner flight what ever what ever, I'll be your pilot for the duration of the flight, at this time we are avoiding Itani strike forces in Jallik our final destination is Bractus Stronghold in the Bractus system, currently our hull is at 67% and at this time I am quite confident we will survive to see freedom once more. Due to the short duration of this flight no meals or refreshments will be served, also because of our current KOS standing in Itani space for your own safety you will be kept securely fastened to your seats until we land at our destination. On the behalf of my self and the rest of your crew I would like to thank you for flying convict transports and I hope you enjoy the remainder of your flight."

When he mentioned being fastened to our seats it dawned on me that I had been unlocked before he had. It's funny thinking back but I can remember wondering if he would kill me as I shuffled up to the cockpit with my shackles still on. I took a deep breath as I walked into the cockpit half thinking that it may be my last.

"Keys are on the table over there, get in the gunner seat once you unlock your self, I could use your help when we get to Eos welcome Vic." He said with out ever taking his eyes of the HUD.

Looking out the window as I unlocked my restraints I could see the ship was coming under heavy fire as he attempted to escape Jallik Watch.

"Your at 39%!" I yelled as the ship entered the Worm Hole.

"Yeah better then I thought too, I need you to keep an eye on our ass end and drop mines if any thing gets closer then 300ms. You've got three left don't shoot them all off in the same spot."

I think at the time I was still in shock at every thing that was happening around me, but with my adrenalin high and my heart pounding I did was he said. Some how I'm not even sure how that little ship made it into gray space intact. I can remember very vividly relaxing back in my chair after we hit the Bractus WH trying to piece together every thing that had happened as the Serco came over the loud speaker once again.

"Greetings once again flight this is your pilot speaking once more. I am happy to inform you that we made it to grey space and are no longer under pursuit. We will be touching down shortly, at this time I am going to release you from your chairs feel free to gather your baggage and prepare to exit via the cargo bay door. And once more I like to thank you for flying convict transports. We at convict transports know in the penal system you have no choice what you fly or when you fly it so we would like to thank you for your cooperation any ways."

I looked over at the Serco as he chuckled and pressed a few buttons while the blast door slowly slid closed again. As the ship put set down in the dock and powered off he turned to see I was staring at him. I guess I looked really confused or some thing because he started laughing as he climbed out of his chair.

"I just do what I do bro, it's how I roll." He said with a smile as he extended his hand towards mine.

"Who..." My voice trailed off as I stood up and took his hand.

"Borb Sarken, it was nice flying with you." He said as he shook my hand.

"What!" I said as my head started pounding. He just chuckled and opened up the cockpit door.

"What can I say, shit happens kid. Keep your head down ay?" He said as he jumped down to the docking bay floor."

"And that was it?"

"Yes sir, after that he just blended in with the crowed."

"Well thank you very much for coming back to us with this information. And don't worry about any thing your going to be placed back in your old spot just like nothing happened no repercussions or any thing for your failures."

"Thank you very much sure."

The young Akanese warrior stood up to salute his commander as he walked out of the interview room wondering what would happen next to him. His mind racing with all the information he had found on the news nets about this Borb Sarken, a Serco of a proud military family, a pirate, a mercenary, a humanitarian, an Itani, an outcast and a spy master with ties to almost every organization in the universe.

"And I thought he was crazy." Vic said with a chuckle as he closed the door behind him. Turning around he saw a blur of motion as the black sword of an Angle of Death severed his head from his body, he never even felt the blade as it cleanly parted his flesh and bone.
Jun 30, 2007 Borb II link
Blah gramor errors suck. I should be banned from RPing.
Jun 30, 2007 jexkerome link
I second the motion!
Jun 30, 2007 Borb II link
Yes we have 400 from the man in the where ever the hell he is now, do I hear 600?!
Jun 30, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
An angle of death, Borby?

DING! Try again.
Jun 30, 2007 Borb II link
Yeah I saw that right after I posted and said aww fuck it. I think I'm gonna start doing posts like apple makes products, my first ones will be real bad and problem ridden and then I'll fix it and charge extra for the fixed version. :P
Jun 30, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
You back in-game yet?
Jun 30, 2007 Borb II link
Look at the APL. :P
Jun 30, 2007 Martin link
Boooooooob :D

Ermm Booooorb

Hi and welcome back :D
Jul 02, 2007 Ghost link