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Personal Log 01/12/4433 "The First"

Mar 02, 2005 Apex link
"The First"

Since I began my combat training, I applied myself in many ways throughout the universe trading, mining, exploration, etc.. Combat in zero G came naturally to me, I was afterall a renowned amateur antigrav racecraft driver back before I started traveling between the stars. Combat was fluid and simple, I systematically tore apart the most vicious of assault robots with ease. I trained with a few of the more well known Itani warriors, and they taught me some of the more advanced techniques that I could apply with my already-present natural skill. I had difficulty believing most of them when they told me that I had more potential as a combatant than most they'd seen. I figured that was a trick they used to build the confidence and spirit of an aspiring pilot. Itani aren't big on the idea of 'trial by fire' or 'breaking and building' of their people. I initiated many battles with these veterans, and they consistantly took me down, I was able to do a fair ammount of damage to them usually, though I typically lost by a hair. They told me it's not often that a new pilot does any damage to them at all. With my new combat skills, I figured it would be safe enough to travel into neutral space, I was curious to see what was out there.

I'd been told by seasoned traders that Sedina and Latos are by far the most dangerous areas of all the known universe. I figured with fairly advanced evasive techniques and a sufficiently fast ship, I could get by most threats without fear of being destroyed. After exploring the so-called "pirate central of the universe" in Odia, I headed out toward Ukari, and eventually Helios, I've always wanted to see the great star of helios up close and in person, so I headed into Sedina on my tour. As I passed through the wormhole and materialized in Sedina, I prepared myself for a possible attack, heading away from the wormhole point as directly as possible. There was no one in the sector at all, complete emptiness. I dissregarded the emptiness and set my nav computer for the next wormhole entry point on the edge of Sedina. When I warped in, I immediately scanned the sector and found another pilot in the sector that he had Serco formatted comm relays. Upon checking my range from this pilot, I noticed that he was gaining on me very quickly, he stood between me and my destination. I recieved a hail from the pilot, "Transfer 50,000 credits to me and I will consider not burning you alive".

I remained calm and headed straight toward the wormhole. The Serco was closer. at 1200 meters in distance between me and my pursuer, I smoothly changed my direction downward and to my left, He changed his direction accordingly. I then waited untill I was just in weapons fire range, and sure enough, at about 400 meters, he began to let loose a hail of neutron fire, at the very second I heard the incomming fire on my sonic holographers, I jerked my direction toward an opposite heading, throwing my attacker way off my course. The wormhole entry was home free. I boosted toward my goal, dissengaging at about 300 meters from the entry point to let my batteries reacharge for the entry. Light wrapped around me as I passed through, and I could vaguely see my attacker on my starboard side passing through as well. At this point I realized the struggle had just begun.

As soon as my jump through the wormhole completed, I waited a few seconds for my battery to charge so I could flee. I boosted for a few seconds and noticed that the serco had been gaining on me since I exited the wormhole. I had about 5 seconds left in my boost when I noticed my ship begining to shudder from being repeatedly hit by pulses of plasma. The serco hailed again, "Prepare for oblivion, where Itani belong". My palms began to sweat and I felt fear crawl over me, It did seem that I would die this day. I started to re-assess my situation and consulted my experience from combat training. I thought to myself "what would I be doing if I were dueling right now?" I shifted in my seat as I slapped myself in my mind. "I've already given him a 50% advantage!" I gave up concept of the true situation and prepared to get tricky with my pursuer. I hit my brakes, thrusted backward, thew my ship 180 degrees upward and sprayed calculated strams of plasma at my target. The ship twisted and flipped around, as if startled. At this point, the duel had begun, and we were even, both at 50% effective hull. Reality began to dissipate, and I became an imput/output device. Every dodge and fire was predicted, planned and instinctive. I was hitting my opponent with calculated bursts of neutron fire as if it were a piece-by-piece task assigned to me. I showed no mercy to the pilot. To me, there was only my guns and my target. After maybe a minute of the gyrating dance of the duel, I took a look at my target's effective hull after noticing the craft was spewing gases and flames, nearly nothing left. Immediately after I fired my last shot, I realized all that had happened. The Serco had not hit me once during the duel, and the pilot inside was about to be burned alive, as he had threatened to do to me. I could sense the suprise and fear in the Serco as he undoubtably saw the last burst of incomming fire headed toward him. I almost felt remorse as I watched his ship rip itself apart. Anger, relief, and satisfaction overtook me. I took a deep breath and threw my fists upward, acceidentally hitting the cockpit bubble of my Centurion, and shouted so loudly it hurt.

I completed my tour of neutral space without another runabout with a Serco or a pirate. After passing through Sedina, I smiled and decided I'd stay in this 'grey space' for a few more days.

Personal Log
IA leader Apex Azimuth
Mar 02, 2005 Apex link
As usual I didn't really bother combing it for spelling and grammar errors.

/me is lazy
Mar 02, 2005 Borb II link
Nice read. Reminded me of my first real fight. I did not do as well...