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hardest crates ever

Mar 15, 2005 ananzi link
so i jumped in to bractus c5 ... looked like a freakin smurf convention. must have been 4 itanis there. some of the good ones even. 1 red, who was probably in station. unresponsive.

oh well, whatever. no time to cry over milk i opened
late. the ship wasnt ideal but the transport was leaving.


i closed in. spiraling around, just to see if i could.
it was kidn of working but kind of not. the xport was
slightly faster than me at the non-turbo speed.

fortunately since i was high itani standing, it wasnt turboing

as we crossed the threshold where station bots wont kill
u anymore, some itani shot me in the buttocks. i was actually
glad of this because i hadnt realized the threshold was
so near. i usually waited till 2500.

well screw it now. i had tried 'spiraling while hsooting'
at xports before, but it didnt seem to work as autoaim
couldnt compensate. but with 2-3 itani on my ass
i had no choice.


roll roll roll and doodle around, shooting the whole time...
the transport health went down, down down down, BLAMMO.

oh well, that was fun i thought, surely they will kill
me now.. as on so many dozens of other occasions.


and yet, no.


surely they will grab the cargo and split, as on
dozesn of other occasions.




somehow, they missed me a dozen times. it wasnt skill,
it wasnt maneuvering, it was pure dumb luck.

after 3 passes (3!) i grabbed the cargo and ran
like hell.

i knew theyd be after me because i had pissed one
of them off earlier that night. well, looking back
i think that was good, the only reason he couldnt
concentrate well enough to splatter me all over space.

i dropped the Purified Xith at my secret spot,
docked, got a new ship, more armor, mines, and went back,
with a buyer waiting for me in gray.

toodling along i came to odia. there was an itani who had
just tried to blast me! fortunately he was off in the
distance somewhere, probably in another fight, instead
of waiting to pounce me like he could have been.

so i slid thru, until sedina.

sedina b8, the infamous. and of course i got shot. a few
mines and satisfying boops and i jumped, but there was
that damn guy right behind me. oh great, there goes
my ship ... why am i always getting slaughtered? i had
just died in this very sector after grabbing some ctc
cargo not 15 minutes ago.

but again, what can i say. luck.
i tried to line him up so he was right directly on my butt,
and dropped some mines. unfortunately the mine changes
had meant he was actually in front of the blast and got
pushed closer to me! curses

but a bit more maneuvering, ... blam blam, his shots rip
my ship apart.. down by several thousand hull...

a few more mines, Bloop! his distance meter drops off,, but
he is right back on me again.. his ship must have 30, maybe
40 m/s top speed advantage over me. . . . and me full of
3,000 extra kilos of this green gunk

he seems to be trying to fly alongside me to avoid mines.
i have to turn...which helps me hit him with mines, but
also makes me slow down.. each turn bringing me closer
to him...

as the distance closes... i plot 3 jumps... and make it.


i cant believe it.

2 weks of getting blasted over and over and finally i pull
something off against some of the best players in the game.
i taunt him over /msg but he doesnt get the Ultima Online
reference. oh well nevermind.

thank god Serco have 2 return routes to bring their CTC
back home, otherwise im sure this guy is waiting at the
other wormhole chokepoint to gank me unmercifully.


i am elated. i want to scream IN YORU FACE ITANI.

i want to shout to the heavens at my amazing spiral shooting
kill of the transport, something i have never seen before
and didnt know was possible.

but instead, i wrote this little story.

i guess looking back, it wont seem that amazing after all.
only in the moment, when the hormones and adrenaline are
pumping, does the spirit move one to do a jiggy dance in
the end zone.

but damn, it sure is nice to win once in a while.
Mar 16, 2005 UncleDave link
You get used to it. ;p
Mar 16, 2005 baturkey link
You're right ananzi, I should've used rockets :).