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Updates are a-comin'.

We've been building a lot of features over the last eight months, in the push towards a launch on VR, Steam, iPhone and elsewhere. As is often the case when we're rapidly developing, many of these changes have not been pushed into production yet. The amount of time required to carefully commit changes, test them thoroughly across all platforms, and release a patch is basically prohibitive when we're developing quickly; so it's often delayed until later.

We're now approaching the point where we're going to start merging a lot of our development changes and pushing them into production. Some changes will be quite noticeable, others may be more subtle, or are more specific to certain use-cases (like VR). But understand that when you see the changelog for the next-release, there are also a LOT of invisible things changing "under the hood".

Most of the visible changes are client-side stuff, tweaks or bits of polish here and there, and not fundamental gameplay changes. I also (personally) have a huge backlog of gameplay changes to do, so some of those might happen concurrently, but the patches themselves will be more about client-side development. Changes to the default UI "skin", the available fonts, various features and options we built for VR, etc.

We may also "stage" the release, so the patch only hits on PC first, and then another patch follows later for Android/iOS/etc. This can help simplify our testing process.

This past week, we aimed to release an update on Friday (yesterday) with these new changes, but that just proved to be infeasible. The longer we go without a patch, the more testing there is to do, and the more inevitable small bugs or issues we find, so it can take a bit longer to synchronize the development and production versions. Still, I expect we'll get a release out next week, so please keep an eye out, and report any problems you find on the Bugs forum.

Once we get this next update out of the way, we'll potentially be in a better position to work on some gameplay and content related features, which I know is something people are waiting for.

I also have another announcement related to GearVR beta-testing, if players would like to get involved with that, but I'll save that for a separate newspost to be written in the near future.

Have a great weekend, everyone!