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Oct 18, 2003 Arolte link
I would like to kindly ask the moderator to intervene with Blitz's posts, as it's apparent that he's making personal attacks. Quote from Blitz...

>Well, Arolte's posts about the change of the Hornet remind me those
>pesky 7 year olds. They don't say WHAT'S wrong, but say only that's it's WRONG.
>IT'S BROKEN. FIX IT. No offense.

And to respond to this, in a non offensive way, I believe that I did in fact state what was wrong and offered solutions to fix it. Had you read my posts you would've known this. But I guess you really don't care, since you've got some kinda grudge against me.

/me shrugs

I apologize if I made this thread off topic. I also realize that I've repeated a lot of those suggestions many times. But I know I'm not the only one. I guess it's all because there's very little feedback from the devs when it comes to suggestions. Even a "STFU" from Incarnate will suffice.

Oct 22, 2003 Daon Rendiv link
Seeing ppls responses I would go for either 1 more s slot or better balance of mass(if that is even possible). For those of you who don't know what that means, the prom would still have the low acceleration it has but it would behave in turns as if it had less mass because of the better balance (I guess the technical term would be mass distribution)
Oct 22, 2003 Magus link
It's not that I don't want it to get a hull upgrade. I just think that it would be smarter to try to balance it step-wise instead of giving it the biggest upgrade first. Boost it bit by bit to see how it goes without risking overpowering it.
Oct 22, 2003 Nalar link
proms fine.
Oct 23, 2003 UncleDave link
No it is NOT fine. Even the marauder can defend itself better, and its a trading ship for god's sake.
Oct 23, 2003 roguelazer link
He's just mad 'cause I killed 'im.
Oct 23, 2003 The Kid link
a marauder is a trade ship, exactly why it should be able to defend itself. The prom is a bomber. The hornet even gets the label "not for dogfighting" because it's an attack ship.
Use the large port well, don't always use it for rockets or advanced gatling. Remeber mines are not "cheap" as some people say. Mines are the classic way to defend yourself.
Oct 23, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Um, have you lot got some fancy secret marauder that I've not seen?

Prom could do with an extra 1000-2000k seeing as most of the ships have been improved since it was first introduced.
Oct 23, 2003 The Kid link
extra 1000k... gulp, 1million hull...
Oct 23, 2003 Hunter Alpha link

:D :D :D
Oct 23, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
Yes, 1,000,000 hull...muhaha
Oct 20, 2003 Daon Rendiv link
uhh ctishman, i think your post ended up in the wrong thread, this is a prom/net thread.

For the prom:
Their is no doubt that the prom has serious trouble facing certain ships cough.valk.cough but I don't think it needs any more hull. My suggestions would be to (only do one of these):
slightly lower mass
better balance mass
1 more small weapon
change to 2L 0s weapons

For the net:
I don't think a hull boost would be that big a deal so (only do one of these):
boost hull 1k (repeat untill suficient)
slightly lower mass
better balance mass
inherent energy generation
fire energy weapons for 3/4 price

That last two may be confusing but think of it like this: as is the net can fire 2-3 nrg weapons at a time and thus doesn't ever seem to, he remainder get used for ammo weapons. If you add more energy gen or make weapons burn less then this weapons platform can finaly use more energy weapons. (thus increasing loadout variaty)

Now the prom doesn't need that extra nrg like the net but it could be tried and if it worked it would give the gunships more character.
Oct 20, 2003 The Kid link
I guess going back to Dave's original post, it will work by taking away the 500 hull points added on the vulture and adding it to the prom :)
Prom doesn't need a 2k boost, it seems pretty fine, 1k maybe.
try using the rag if you're gonna complain.
Oct 20, 2003 StarFreeze link
Instead of complaining about the hull settings, play as it is and deal with it. If you get really good with the hull as it is now and then later they do up the hull then you are even better off. I guess it would be nice for it to have 1-2k more armor but when most people fight/duel that 1-2k is going to make a very little difference. A tri flare attack or dual guass is still going to rip that Prometheus to pieces.

Now here comes the "flame" except it really isn't out of's more of a comment about sircamp saying:

[Blitz, are we not allowed to debate what's needed? This is akin to SF's idea of "you're not allowed to hold your own opinions or disagree with me."]

I love how I didn't say that sentence at all yet you post it on here so that you can rip on Blitz. That is quite sad if you ask me. So please sircamps use your comments not others(or ones you make up) to rip on people.

Back to the subject...I think maybe another small port on such a big ship would be nicer than a hull upgrade. That way it can nicely defend its self better.
Oct 20, 2003 Magus link
I'm waaaay against a hull upgrade. NO NO NO! I was fighting TS2 today. Him in a prom, me in a 2x gauss Vult. The damn thing would not die. I kept hitting him and hitting him and he would not blow up. And his Adv. Gat. coupled with the relatively high turn rate of the prom. made me unable to get within melee range. Boosting the hull anymore would make it hideously unbalanced against any non-special. Instead, I think an extra S port would do wonders. It's a good ship already, one more S port will give it the umph it needs. Do that first before anything else. If people still whine, make that S port an L. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. Stop whining and learn to love it.
Oct 21, 2003 genka link
remember back when the prom had a butt-load of hull and about as much maneuverability? Now those were the days...
Oct 21, 2003 UncleDave link
"Boosting the hull anymore would make it hideously unbalanced against any non-special."

Youve missed the point. It needs to be balanced against the other SPECIALS.
Oct 21, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I cant take your prom down in a maud or a valk. I can however take it down in a wraith. And dependant on what setup you use, in a hornet. As I demonstrated yesterday when you ran to the dock :D

hehe, I love saying that :D

Oct 21, 2003 Forum Moderator link
If you find yourself attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, it's probably because you know your own argument is weak and losing. Everyone will please kindly stick to the argument and keep the insults to themselves.
Oct 21, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ack forum moderator.

I was just arguiing that I could beat him in a non special but not in a special, so it all depended on the setup that you use, not the ship.

Sheesh, people cant even take a joke anymore :(