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in progress

Feb 26, 2004 randomize link
this progress issues hasn't been update in a month. where did developers go? ;)
Feb 26, 2004 Spellcast link
they are working on the code, not the webpage. (that is when a1k0n isn't stealing NT flags with a frigate)
Feb 26, 2004 electric27 link

PS: Why do these things come up, like, every other week?
Feb 27, 2004 randomize link
because naturally people got used to prompt updates of IN PROGRESS status. Now, even though that updates are no longer available, people still want to know what is being worked on and when to expect the new version.

oh, those silly people who want to know everything...
Feb 27, 2004 a1k0n link
i'm stabilizing and optimizing various server things. then i'm going to work on AI. ray's doing his usual handling of bug reports and fixing random stuff. john, ray and waylon are working on the mission system and the future vendetta universe. we're all too lazy to write anything too specific on the In Progress page.
Feb 27, 2004 randomize link
thank you, a1k0n, that'll do.

how far are john ray and waylon through mission system? any ETA?
Feb 27, 2004 SirCamps link
Mar 01, 2004 randomize link
*bump* ;)
Mar 01, 2004 crazydeb8r link
I really think guild should trademark a "soon" logo. It's too much.
Mar 01, 2004 furball link
*sigh* ... I propose that any one else asking for an update should get banned from the boards and the game.
Mar 01, 2004 UncleDave link
C'mon, you know youre as curious as the rest of us... :p
Mar 01, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Okay, 3 days ago he told you what the devs are up to. I'm not even working on the code and I'm annoyed by the frequency and tone of the requests for progress reports.

Even if they were to drop everything and update the progress page, some users would then clamber for approximate patch release dates. At 12:00:01 on the release date they would then complain bitterly that the release is late, make still more snide remarks about "soon", and maintain an hourly posting vigil until the release was made.

Then people would post that the release "does nothing to balance the valk/trading/frigate/vult/game."

Mar 01, 2004 randomize link
without going into personal insults...

I think you all need to take a chill pill. I've asked devs a question, I got an answer, I've requested slightly more information.

If you have a problem with that, I suggest you install Proxomitron and snip out bits of html where people talk about progress.

And as UncleDave correctly pointed out... You are as curious.

To FM. I think you are overstepping your boundaries and beginning to do your job in less satisfactory manner. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing. It applies to all board members including you.
Mar 01, 2004 MrMellow link
Get off the poor guy's toes. I think FM's doing a fantastic job. Much love, brother. Much love. FM's not the only one sick of all these requests to update the in progress page. The more time the devs spent updating the site, the less time they spend on the game. Besides, I don't think they like getting bugged about updates every day. So...let's all just chill, let them do their thing, and enjoy a nice, refreshing ice cream. mm.
Mar 01, 2004 StarFreeze link
The devs don't need to even have an In is a nice feature that gets updated when Incarnate has the time. All the devs have been working day and night on Vendetta and personally I would have them work on it then tell me what's going to come out in the next release. All the in progress does is tell you what is more than likely coming in the next version. You really don't need this because you will see the next release eventually. I would hope everyone would just be happy with what is shown on the page and be extremely greatful if Incarnate gets around to updating the page. We shouldn't be demanding we should wait and save our happyness for when it comes out. Just like the 3.2 one knew until the day of it coming out it was going to be such a major gui interface change and all. I know you are all curious but people's curiousity is causing a lot of demanding(not to mention annoyances) and the devs personally don't need to see that.

So I ask of all of you who read this post, just let it go...time will show what the devs have been working on. Enjoy the game(test) as it is and be extremely happy when a release or info on the next release comes out.

Mar 01, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
"At 12:00:01 on the release date they would then complain bitterly that the release is late, make still more snide remarks about "soon", and maintain an hourly posting vigil until the release was made."

De ja vu!

Sounds EXACTLY like what happened when 3.3 was released.
For those of you who don't know, 3.3 was extremely unstable, imagine crashes every few minutes and immense lag.
Mar 01, 2004 Pyro link
That, and 3.2... :P

Oh, wait, we were all being hyper and killing each other then... ^_^
Mar 01, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
3.2 was stable from what I remember.
Mar 02, 2004 UncleDave link
Okay, 3 days ago he told you what the devs are up to. I'm not even working on the code and I'm annoyed by the frequency and tone of the requests for progress reports.

'Even if they were to drop everything and update the progress page, some users would then clamber for approximate patch release dates. At 12:00:01 on the release date they would then complain bitterly that the release is late, make still more snide remarks about "soon", and maintain an hourly posting vigil until the release was made.

Then people would post that the release "does nothing to balance the valk/trading/frigate/vult/game."'

At the end of the day, its because we actually care how the game comes out and we like to see... stuff! Its not that we're all ungrateful people, but we have been spoilt by this test and its quality and we want to see more- human nature. :p
Mar 02, 2004 furball link
To answer the charge of being curious. No I'm not. I know the devs will do a good job on the release and I'm willing to wait patiently for them to release it when it's DONE.

As far as to randomizes comments about FM not doing a good job IMNSHO that's just so ludicrous that I'm not going to say any more than just "PLEASE keep up the GREAT work FM".

Also allow me to say "Amen Star Freeze Amen! Amen Mr. Mellow Amen!"

Dave, there's caring for the game and then there's demanding. IMNSHO, randomize is demanding.