Forums » Role Playing

Rogue Border Patrol GX-1250x'r

May 13, 2005 Harry Seldon link
*cough* *cough*

Have a cookie. Go take a walk. Get a tan...or even better, a girl. :D
May 13, 2005 Solra Bizna link
> you yourself even know im being impersonated by someone before this happened
Um, yes, I recall something or other about you flaming the crap out of everyone logged in, and then trying to pretend to be impersonated by accusing tumblemonster, who was in a duel at the itme.

> and solra you arent even ingame anymore
Just because Solra Bizna doesn't log in doesn't mean Solra Bizna doesn't play. Have you noticed the five extra character slots per account? I use them.

Your extremely aggressive attack against anyone who begins to consider making an implication that you might possibly be the Rogue Border Patrol isn't helping your case. If you weren't them, you wouldn't care.
May 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
Seriously dude. Chill.
May 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Look, don't post this stuff on the Guild website. There are plenty of guild sites out there. Use them. If you (meaning anyone) is going to post something even remotely like this to the Role Playing forum, PLEASE make an attempt to actually role-play it. This could simply have been a communication regarding transmissions from somebody calling themselves Rogue Border Patrol - that the Border PAtrol denies the existence...etc. If there are going to be accusations, there will be flames. Take is outside friends.
