Forums » General

"Be Nice"

May 09, 2005 Solra Bizna link
> This area is meant to be a positive place for constructive discussion of the game.
> Flames and other rude behaviour will not be tolerated. Offenders may have their
> accounts deleted.
When I came here, I was under the impression that this would actually be followed through upon.
May 09, 2005 AlienB link
If such action was needed, it would. Most things that you get all worked up about are very minor, you tend to blow things way out of proportion.

Just learn to ignore people, and the game is much more enjoyable. Yes, n00b needs a [FM edit: "something"], but as long as you make half an attempt at being the mature adult, (as I hope you are) it won't be hard.
May 09, 2005 Solra Bizna link
Who mentioned n00b? He wasn't actually the person I was thinking of.
Besides, I'm not the only one whose ire n00b provokes.
May 09, 2005 Hoax link
I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying, if n00b provoked you, double check and make sure you aren't a sucker ;) I mean that in the nicest way! Not that we're talking about n00b here.
May 09, 2005 Borb II link
n00b is one of the funniest people in this game as long as you don't take any thing he says seriously.
May 09, 2005 zamzx zik link
and, sedina b-8 is a ******* WAR ZONE! so get over it! its the Only time I ever attack like in a blood wrath is in there. and I fire att you, to make sure you arn't typing. if you move when I do that....boom.
May 09, 2005 Shapenaji link
It is a war zone... during a war.

When there are 4 people hanging out there and chatting, and then one of them decides to go on a rampage and kill the other three while they chat, there's an issue of personal honor.
May 09, 2005 bojansplash link
Have to agree with shape on that.
We are all in this game.
Personal honour should be more important then mindless pks.
May 09, 2005 Nya13 link
players like to claim to be Honorable players but very few are. honor is mostly used as a tool of complaint or tactic. mostly used by dishonorable players and idiots.

May 09, 2005 Forum Moderator link
The "Be Nice" rules work best when people actually take them to heart. I could sit here for hours editting and deleting all the rude and unnecessary comments that get slung around...or users could learn a few basic skills:

1) Don't post (or play) when you are already frustrated.
2) OMFG delete OVERLY EMOTIONAL language BEFORE posting.
3) Don't respond to overly emotional language, or flames.
4) Don't make personal comments or attacks. If you rely on these during an argument, it means your argument or skill is weak.
5) Let people have their opinions. If you state your opinion well, and they continue to hold their own opinion...let it go.
6) If something about a post immediately pisses you off, try re-reading it to be sure you didn't infer something that isn't there. Try reading it in a neutral tone (if you actually hear when you read).
7) Don't assume every post is directed to you or is about you (including this one - it isn't directed at anyone in particular).

If you can't abide by the "Be Nice" rules, don't complain when your posts or even entire threads are deleted.
May 09, 2005 softy2 link

On topic : yays. Though I am not sure what is "nice" though. Sometimes it's hard to be, since people are too serious (including myself).
May 09, 2005 yodaofborg link
Because you read it as if you typed it yourself.

Because your of a certain mindset.

Becuase you decide that comment is pointed at you.

These are the reasons I sometimes feel insulted, belittled, over-rated... ...ect ect.

I am me, you are you, what I consider nice, and you consider nice, may be two different things...
May 09, 2005 Hoax link
>6) ...Try reading it in a neutral tone (if you actually hear when you read).

From now on I'm reading everything in the voice of Twiki from Buck Rodgers. I just think it would be really easy to take criticism in a friendly manner from Twiki. I mean seriously. I'll use poetic license to add the be-de-be-de-be-dees, so if I misunderstand something posted it might be because I put them in an inappropriate place. If you post a quote I'll switch to Dr. Theopolise's voice to avoid confusion, while not as un-intimidating as Twiki, Dr. Theopolis still has a very nice manner. However all quotes beyond the first will be done as Crichton from Searcher. This is to stick with the robot theme, if it weren't for that Hawkman would beat out Crichton for sure. Seriously. Also of note is that all Twiki references refer to the original voice Twiki. If I hear any of you writing in the 'Searcher' Twiki voice I will consider it a flame. I will read my own writing in the voice of Tiger Man, or sometimes Gary Coleman.
May 09, 2005 sarahanne link
LMAO. Now you have me hearing voices in my head......
May 09, 2005 yodaofborg link
Hmmm r2d2ofborg says...


It sounded like a burp.
May 09, 2005 LeberMac link
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize in advance for anything offending I might say in the future. I'd also like to give a blanket apology for anything I have said in the past on these boards, and for this apologetic post that I am apologizing in now. I'd also like to say that I'm sorry for having to say I'm sorry.

May 09, 2005 Seraph link
Amen to FM.
Hope I haven't overstepped my boundaries thus far.
May 10, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
Supposedly hearing when you read limits the speed that you can read at, I wouldn't know since I've never read without hearing it in my head.
May 10, 2005 Spellcast link
I dunno, i hear it in my head when i read, and i averaged a reading/comprehension speed in the top 2% last time i was tested for it, (part of a study i took part in my freshman year in college.. oh about 7 years ago now)
May 10, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
they hear voices, voices I tell you

get them a straightjacket :D