Forums » Role Playing

ONE on the RUN

Feb 04, 2016 greenwall link
This is what happens when the antagonists don't have many active forum conflicts to feed on... they go after the moderators for keeping things in order. Stay strong whistler!
Feb 04, 2016 Whistler link
Savet: I generally agree that there is a place for images to make a point. I did leave the Strangelove one up for a bit, and I agree that there is room for discussion about leaving that particular one alone. Again, my intention was to apply the rule fairly among the many images in a row.

Lecter: I'm not particularly motivated by your opinions regarding my actions. That harp has only ever had one string to the best of my recollection.

Greenwall: Thanks. I must admit that I'm so used to the usual BS that I am suspicious of anything else.
Feb 04, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
Lecter: I'm not particularly motivated by your opinions regarding my actions. That harp has only ever had one string to the best of my recollection.

And my opinions have nothing to do with your feelings about them, J. Stewart. So you just keep on manufacturing drama where there was no need, and see how useful that is. I certainly don't expect you to back down (nor could you, really), but the fact remains you exercised poor judgment in this case. It's certainly not the first time you've engaged in more vigorous moderation of late, including my own posts--but I do believe this is the first time you've received anything like a substantially negative reaction involving sensible reasoning from multiple parties.

Wonder why that might be.

I expected push back regarding Inc's new rules, so we might as well do this here and get on with it.

You win an award for Worst Choice of Bridge On Which To Die (metaphorically, of course, but your ability to accurately discern meaning herein is not really shining today, and I would not want to be misunderstood on that kind of point).
Feb 04, 2016 bojansplash link
I think this meme, considering what has been said above, is perfectly on topic.

Feb 04, 2016 joylessjoker link
"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime."

-- Justice Potter Stewart
Feb 04, 2016 Whistler link
To recap, I removed a run of off-topic images from this thread earlier. I invoked Incarnate's rules regarding the handling off-topic and content that really has no value. These consisted of a Dr. Strangelove meme and some images of bears. The string of images disrupted the original RP thread and appeared to invite yet more of the same. To remind you: This website is the sole property of John Bergman. You have no protection from censorship here.

I have explained my actions and have shared the information provided to us from Incarnate. I have been transparent, polite, and patient.. As of this writing I have not taken any action to mute anyone. I thank those who demonstrated the skills necessary to have a discussion without resorting to insults. While we may not agree, I do take your opinions into consideration.

I will leave everyone with this:

"Enforcement and Escalation

The forum administrators are VOLUNTEERS, doing their best to enforce the guidelines WE give them, please don't blast them for giving their spare time, for free, to try and make the game forums a more pleasant place. Administering the forums of this game is like trying to bathe a house-cat: it's a great way to get scratched and mauled without any personal benefit. Admins don't even get free game accounts or anything else, they just get to deal with grumpy people all the time. Not super fun.

If you have a problem with Policy, bring it up with us (the developers) in a Support Ticket, because we're the ones who actually define what the Forum Admins are doing. Don't blame them for executing the policies that we define.


If you feel an admin has horribly wronged you in some way, you can always submit a Support Ticket to the effect and let us (the developers) know. But, know that this game and forums have been live since 2002, and the number of times we've ever reversed a volunteer-guide's actions can be counted on one hand. Generally, our volunteers are pretty great, and adhere correctly to the guidelines we give them."

I appreciate that Incarnate is very busy just now, but this was an expected response to his rules clarifications and he will need to address the conflict at some point. Make a ticket, but don't expect a fast response. I alerted him privately already.
Feb 04, 2016 Sieger link
I dislike posting in RP. Well done pushing me to do it anyway.

Can we stop this stupid debate in a RP thread? Go make yourself some thread which is for bitter players who take more delight in the Forums than in the game. There you can have your "glorious fight against the guides".

I request deletion of the whole debate that was going on so the RP can move on. Granted, it wasn't good RP as it was the old "i shoot you guys!" vs. "no we shot u more!!!" thing, but atleast there is a RP-core to it after all.
Feb 04, 2016 Mi5 link
Can't any of ye die with grace, to the bottom with ye all.
Feb 04, 2016 Whistler link
Hi Sieger

I appreciate your thoughts on this. I let this happen here because I knew we were due for push-back on the rules clarification and I felt that we might as deal with it here and avoid embers floating through the forums.

Incarnate has requested that users open a ticket if they have an issue with the moderation, rather than engage these public debates, so this sort of thing will be curtailed. Future debates of this sort in any forum will be locked or otherwise moderated, and the users will be directed to open a ticket.

I'll consider deleting the debate part of the thread in a little bit.
Feb 04, 2016 greenwall link
leave it up -- otherwise what was the point of having it?
Feb 04, 2016 Whistler link
Yes, we'll leave it up.

I did have a chance to correspond with Incarnate about this specific issue. He has updated the section I cited to now read

"... or some other content that really has specifically negative value." It's still a judgement call, but the test is now more specifically about perceived negativity.

With that change, the images would have stayed. I'm not able to put them back, but you are free to repost if you like.

My thanks to those who were able to have a respectful discussion about this.
Feb 04, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
With that change, the images would have stayed. I'm not able to put them back, but you are free to repost if you like.

Thankfully I saved a space for that...bear joke incoming!