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IA-VPR alliance

Mar 01, 2005 Shapenaji link
soo... I gotta ask, what's up with this. Are IA running short on enemies, you want us on your pitooties as well?

You're almost forcing a [BL]-Serco alliance
Mar 01, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
VPR = viper
IA = Itani Alliance
BL = ?

thanks for answerring my question :D
Mar 01, 2005 UncleDave link
Black Lance.

Non-denominational pirate guild.

EDIT: I think this alliance wouldn't be for all Vipers to necessarily attack Serco on sight, and I hope they won't take one side or the other in CtC.
Mar 01, 2005 Shapenaji link
Non-denominational :P I like that
Mar 01, 2005 Spider link
Well then. I'll play nice until later confirmation in public by Maso.

Should we strive to eliminate any and all Vipers on sight due to this alliance? I'm tempted, the IA are known hostiles and troublemakers at any point, and this ... alliance... puts the Vipers into a fairly bad light with me and my kin.
Mar 01, 2005 Shapenaji link
It's displayed rather prominently on their website
Mar 01, 2005 Hoax link
The IA has offered to assist Vipers in our fight against pirates. I can see why this would make BL nervous. Somehow I don't think Serco Nation is so weak now they'd seek 'help' from thieves.

Vipers do not engage in IA state activities. Our co-operation is limited to the scope of pirate hunting.

Any just guild Serco, Itani, UIT is welcome to seek alliance with the Vipers against pirates. It is in the interest of all law abiding nations to have regulated space lanes.

Just as we continue to maintain neutrality in the Serco Itani Cargo wars, we continue to maintain neutrality in our protection of space. Serco, Itani and UIT traders alike are welcome to our protection. Just as we continue to hunt pirates of all nations.
Mar 01, 2005 Spider link
So, What you mean is that the IA gets a few new targets and the ego-boost of "we're not defending asshats, really" of the old INM, while you get to stay out of their buisness unsullied as they keep the planned genocide of other nationalities?

I'm not sure I'm very impressed. VPR's flying in cooperation with the IA will be seen as likely targets and actively participating in war crimes due to this affiliation.
Mar 01, 2005 Hoax link
Perhaps you forget we once had a pact with SAF as well. We have proven our commitment to neutrality. Who are you to question us? You speak for Serco now Spider? Only pirates need fear the Vipers, why do you sound scared?

We keep out of both nations business of genocide. It's safe trade lanes we are interested in.

While you may make an enemy of the Vipers your actions will not reflect on your nation as a whole. We will continue to protect honest Serco, Itani and UIT traders alike.
Mar 01, 2005 hronek link
my understanding of the alliance is that it's simply a non-aggression pact:

as a member of the IA, i am not to attack any member of the viper guild, even if they are serco. non-viper serco are still fair game, especially if they participate in CtC.

when called upon, i am to assist vipers in their policing of the trade lanes against pirates. vipers will continue their anti-pirate actions but will not participate in anti-serco activities.
Mar 01, 2005 mdaniel link
Hronek, that is pretty much correct.

Also to clarify this one more time:

Vipers do not engage in CTC.
Vipers do not participate in the Itani vs Serco war.
Vipers hunt pirates and people who hunt and attack peaceful traders of any nation
Vipers are made up of members that belong to any nation.
Vipers do not have guilds or entire nations as enemies.
Vipers only have the BL as a guild as enemy so far since they are declared pirates.

The Viper alliance with IA is for mutual assistance and only against pirate threat. And only extends to enemies on our KOS list. IA enemies are not our enemies unless they are pirates on our list as well.

Shall it become known that IA is engaging in dubious and immoral activities we will examine the situation and decide then if an alliance can continue.

M. Duncan
Mar 01, 2005 LaMas link
I see no real need to further comment on this alliance. I pretty much agree with Duncan's statement. We will stick to our goals and definitely resist the temptation to become an instrument in the serco-itani war - as we have resisted it in the past. I urge everyone who has the feeling that he has been badly or unfairly treated by VPR-Members to report that on our forum site (-> see guild info page).

Mar 01, 2005 softy2 link
I think this alliance is great for the game. Without much content, it is up to the players to make them.

VPR-IA vs BL is nice, since my BL char doesn't have to wait the longest time to find things to shoot at, which is what I pay 10 bucks to do.

Kill! Kill! Kill!
Mar 01, 2005 terjekv link
I must admit I love this:

from Duncan:

# Vipers do not have guilds or entire nations as enemies.
# Vipers only have the BL as a guild as enemy so far since
# they are declared pirates.

am I the only one seeing the funny part of having both these statutes listed?

# The Viper alliance with IA is for mutual assistance and only
# against pirate threat. And only extends to enemies on our KOS
# list. IA enemies are not our enemies unless they are pirates on
# our list as well.

oh well, that'll make very sure that I won't help Itanis with CtC then. fair enough.

Mar 01, 2005 Shapenaji link
Sooo... lemme see if I've got this right.

VPR has enemies/pirates.

IA is currently lacking enemies.

IA is willing to help VPR with their workload?

well that's nice of them.

I mean, honestly I don't mind too much.
For all the posturing about VPR not getting involved in nation conflicts, the sudden availability of IA in B8 has proved to be a bonding force between our boys and the serco.

Spider and I have had some fun waxing em.

Just pointing out, alliances tend to form bonds beyond what is agreed upon.
Mar 01, 2005 Spider link
Agreed here, Shape.

Still, that was -my- kill and I'll tear it out of your burning hull if need be. ;-)
Mar 01, 2005 Spellcast link
"-IA enemies are not our enemies unless they are pirates on our list as well.-"

I'm just curious, and am in no way shape or form implying that i have witnessed any such behavior..... BUT what if an IA member is found to BE pirating?
Mar 01, 2005 LaMas link
nice provocation, spell. ;) however. However, an anti-pirate guild cannot and must not tolerate that there are people that actually pirate while hiding behind alliances. Therefore, I urge you to let us know if you think something unjust happens. We will judge about it and take our consequences. Whoever it concerns! Just report it (even if it concerns me ;)).

Mar 01, 2005 Hoax link
Spellcast: We would re-evaluate the alliance. Possible outcomes acceptable to Vipers would be (speaking as VPR a council member):

IA disciplines or possibly removes the offending party from their ranks.

IA and VPR agree that Viper attacks on this individual will not affect the alliance (much like we dealt with SAF some of whose members were the most notorious pirates in the galaxy).

The Vipers will most assuredly disband the alliance if IA appears to condone pirating.

Again, for the most part, we deal with people on a case by case basis. One bad apple will not discredit the whole IA, several may bring into question how the alliance reflects on the perception of Vipers and were that to occur, it would be dealt with as mentioned above.

Shape: Those extra bonds formed wont last long once a few Serco lose there valuable cargo to there BL 'assistants'. BL is no ally of the Serco people.
Mar 01, 2005 Spellcast link
heh, as i said maso, it was a totally hypothetical question. I've been far to busy trying to convince the itani leadership that they dont need to have a bounty on me for the past week or so. As such i havent been anywhere near most IA, VPR, or BL members. deneb is a quiet place this time of year.

Hoax, thats more or less what i figured, i was just commenting on the fact that there was a distinct lack of any form of stance regarding the above circumstance. The agreement with the SAF that VPR had worked quite well for the most part, and I wish you all the luck in the universe taking down pirates....