Forums » Bugs


Nov 16, 2004 Fnugget link
So, I was testing mining, and then suddenly I get warped like, 1000m across the sector. At first I thought the roid disappeared. I was floating at 6m/s around the roid, so that i dont amass too much cargo in one spot before, but now i was floating 6m/s towards my ship from about 1000m away. What I saw, I will call my "view ship", while where I originally was is my real ship. My "view ship" was in the normal HUD view, as most fly in, but i could select and target my real ship. I saw myself mining. I had "Moby Dick" follow me and see what was going on. Apparently my mining lasers were also like 1000m long or something, and it turns out my cargo dropped where my "view ship" was. To me though(in my "view ship"), I watched my real ship amass huge amount of cargo on it. So, when my "view ship" touched my real ship, I blasted off at over 5000m/s. I flew out over 400km according to Moby. I eventually slowed down, jumped out and in, and everything was normal. Some other things I saw was that when i switched to teh first f9 view mode, the camera sped from where my real ship was, to my view ship.

How do I post screenshots? Do you guys need some more info somehow? I am on a mac.
Nov 16, 2004 MobyDick link
I have two screenshots of Fnugget's ship (ViciousNanite in-game). The view I caught was the "physical" location. I saw where his ghost ship was, 20m above the roid he was mining, and I saw particles floating up to a ship that I couldn't see. But he stopped mining before I could screendump it.

After that, he hauled ass away from me.

Here are urls to the pics ...

Sorry for the poor gfx quality, I'm on a P3 933Mhz at work, so I have everything turned down. But you can see how his mining beam shoots across the sector.

From Fnugget:

006 is my "view ship", along with the crazy seconds timer in the chat. It's clear I'm mining, but the lasers aren't visible, nor the roid.
007 is looking at my own physical self
008 is speeding away at 5782m/s, with Moby Dick at 37km.
010 is the cargo trail dropped from the path of "view ship"
Nov 16, 2004 Whistler link
Cooool. Nice report.
Nov 16, 2004 stick link
hmmm... from what you said, I think it could be lag or something... not really sure...
Nov 16, 2004 Fnugget link
I doubt lag like this happens, lasting several minutes. Also Moby watched the distance meter rise very quickly, and he saw the extended beams. Not only am I messed up, but Moby saw it too. I also talked to Moby in perfectly fine real time throughout the entire trip, so lag is way out of the question.
Nov 16, 2004 raybondo link
Did you jettison cargo exactly when this happened?
Could you see your 'real' ship mining or was the ship itself invisible?

What it looks like is that your client had a temporal hiccup into the past, moving your ship back to where it would hav been at that time. That explains the timer problem in your chat.
Then you were flying around and your computer readjusted the time, flinging you into the present and causing you to accelerate really fast.
This does not explain the string of cargo crates though.
Nov 16, 2004 MobyDick link
I think he was constantly jettisoning his cargo, which would account for the string of cargo crates. Before this happened, he was leaving trails of cargo all over the place.
Nov 16, 2004 RelayeR link
Sounds to me like some stuck keys on his keyboard may have caused the client to go haywire.
Nov 16, 2004 Fnugget link
I really wasnt flying around. It kept me at my view ship pace of 6m/s toward my physical ship. I tried to accel but it stayed at 6. I guess it was out of sync, because when i finally reached myself, zoom! And yeah, I was jettisoning while mining. I accidently let it fill once, and then I got close enough to select the roid again, and shot the 1000m mining lasers.
It's weird though, how my mining lasers didn't cut out. Client side I was enough to the roid. Server side decided I was somewhere else.
Nov 16, 2004 raybondo link
Ok, this is starting to make more sense.

I think your client time hiccupped and shot your ship backwards in time. Physics doesn't update if the client is in the past which explains why you were unable to move your ship when you 1000m back. Your view then slowly moved back into the position it was at when time jumped back. When the two times merged, your client immediately updated its physics and sent your ship speeding ahead full. That may have been because you were trying to fly and all your commands got queued up or just the fact that it was then a few more seconds in the future and it updated with large numbers.

Time being behind also explains why the mining gun didn't shut off.

How long did it take for your 'view ship' to move back to where the 'real ship' was? about 1000m/6m/s ? (about 166 seconds or 3 minutes?)
Nov 17, 2004 Fnugget link
1000m was just a random figure. I was not able to target myself, so I was well over 2000m. Far enough so that the screen shot i took of seeing myself, i was using 'i' zoom.
Nov 17, 2004 RelayeR link
Awsome...time travel! God, you guys are gooooood!!
Nov 17, 2004 paedric link
An upside down universe and time travel, what more could a pilot want? :-D

/givemelon "Devs" 1
Nov 23, 2004 Fnugget link
I DID IT AGAIN! THis time i rolled also. Blackhalk was also mining me while this happened. I watched his ship teleport all over the place. My mouse recticle flew around the edges of HUD. Apparently I was rolling too. When I re-synced/merged with real ship, I flew at 9000m/s. I flew at a roid field, and then I warped back and flew at the roid field again, over and over, and extremely fast. I also noted my max ping hit over 16.7 Million milliseconds.

Maybe it's just me. No one else gets this to happen?
From now on, I will call this the Temporal De-Sync Anomaly.
Nov 23, 2004 MobyDick link
Since I provided a host for Fnuggets screenshots the first time, here are the ones from this time:


0002 is my amazing max ping.
0003 is the roid field i flew at multiple times at 9000m/s.
Nov 23, 2004 raybondo link
Where are you located geographically?
Nov 23, 2004 ananzi link
"I think your client time hiccupped and shot your ship backwards in time. . . . "

this has got to be the coolest bug i have ever seen in a game
Nov 23, 2004 Fnugget link
It says Nyrius G2...
i was kinda just shooting and doing /roll and e to double speed roll, and the i was still shooting and did /roll 0, and the anomaly happened. sort of in the middle of space. I might have been staring at the direction that the 2nd pic was.
Dec 02, 2004 Fnugget link
Apparently a few other peopl have done this too, namely Solra and Cip O'Bo.
Dec 04, 2004 Shadowfury333 link
Nice bug, what a great way to accelerate.

BTW with your pings, the maximum was around 4 hours and 40 minutes, and the average was about 8 minutes.