Forums » Suggestions

New Systems and Spatial Anomalies

Dec 15, 2006 Jim Kirk link
I think that this game should have added content. That being said, why not space a bit more like "Real Space"? Blackholes, Tertiary Systems (and more), Neutron Stars, Quasars, and Nebulae (might be included with the new "fogging" content). All these things should already be in this game, but no one put them in.

I suggest new systems to be made, some around these Objects. I would suggest just a couple of points. There shouldn't be anything near a blackhole(yet) but have it behave like a normal system. Instead of not being able to enter the center sectors of the system, you should be able to enter it, but have only a certain amount of time and distance till you hit the point of no return (which you may not escape from without jumping out to another sector). For the neutron stars, I suggest Radiation (mostly Alpha and Beta Rays) eminate from the star in waves while the star rotates madly on its axis and looks like a wierd oval.

Obviously with the nebulae, it would make you undetectable in certain thick areas, and would become a playground for pie-rats!
Dec 15, 2006 toshiro link
Black holes and similar astrophysical phenomena have been suggested before. Sorry to burst your bubble.

And if you cannot see the pirates, they cannot see you,either, so nebulae sectors would require forcedly shared exit points, as has been suggested/demanded for storms.
Dec 19, 2006 Jim Kirk link
Well, no one can detect eachother on radar, but perhaps (much like the storms, but with fog dispursed in various random formations) the player uses his visuals to detect enemies in nebulae.
Dec 19, 2006 moldyman link
Quasars are galaxies obscured by very bright jets from black holes, usually the youngest and thus farthest galaxies. Try again please.

As for the rest of it, suggested, washed, suggested again, beaten, washed, suggested again, thrown into a closet, died, resurrected again on the third day, suggested again, then you.
Dec 19, 2006 Whistler link
See "nebulae, able to fly through"

As for your statement that "All these things should already be in this game, but no one put them in.", let me educate you as to why there are things "missing" from this game:

Vendentta Online was originally Vendetta Test (VT). VT was coded specifically to showcase Guild Software's custom-made game engine.

VT was a simple FPS game that had an arena for deathmatch, capture-the-flag, and cooperative (cooperate with other players to kill bots). The graphics were very similar to what we have now, and the flight model was pretty much the same. Scores reset after every 15 minutes, there were powerups instead of inventory, and you could use any ship in the game. The sole purpose of VT was to attract a game development company to purchase the game engine and throw its resources into making a "real game" with it.

That never happened. Space-genre MMORPGs have not been sexy in the eyes of the big game development companies for a few years now. Guild was left with the decision to either go get "real" jobs, or to plow their lives and finances into making Vendetta Test become the game they wanted to make. See, the Vendetta backstory was written well before even VT was made - there's a vision aching to become reality. Guild chose to push on and make things work somehow.

Here's where your comment comes into play, James: As VT was NEVER intended to become a markettable game in its own right, it was all hard-coded. It wasn't modular. Tools weren't written to handle things outside of what the game engine does, and development was seriously hampered. It would be like making a movie set house into an actual liveable house.

For awhile the devs continued development while players enjoyed the game for free, 24/7. As funds began to run low, the players ASKED to be able to donate and eventually asked to subscribe in order to keep development moving at a fast pace. Development has continued, and the game has stayed online and playable 24/7 (barring a few acts of nature).

Much of the work over the past several months has been in rewriting the code that is the foundation of Vendetta. This will provide the functionality to allow content to be added in days (or even hours) instead of weeks.

So yes, there are things that should already have been put into this game. On the other hand, the developers should already have been bought out by a larger company and should be sunning themselves on a tropical beach instead of providing us with a unique gaming and game-development experience.
Dec 19, 2006 upper case link
well, the nebulae fly-through is pretty much the effect we're going to have with the fog thing.

and, folks, dont want to blow your bubble but... earth is *in* a nebulae. uh-hu. yeah. a nebulae's dust speckles are light-years away from each other. but the puree effect we see is simply because we're seeing the whole thing from very far away.

so, fog == good, nebulae fly-through = pointless.