Forums » Suggestions

Better Station Defense and Faction Consequences

Oct 03, 2015 jordanmorgan14f link
Today I was station camped by 6 players for an hour. To be frank, that's bullshit. I have played this game for quite a while, but I contemplated uninstalling VO. Of course I didn't. But think about new players. Most new players come, get griefed by notable guilds like FAMY, and leave due to frustration. A big part of that is the lack of real station defense and consequence for attacking in NFZ. I suggest buffing up the strike force and the amount of permanent Faction loss to the offending player, making the NFZ wider, and creating guild wide punishments for Faction loss
Oct 03, 2015 joylessjoker link

Lol. As I was telling you in the other thread, if you don't like being put in uncomfortable, nonconsenting pvp situations, the simple solution is to quit TGFT and join either TRI or FNTG. It's pretty much how you can remain a "neutral trader" until the TGFT leaders wake up and smell coffee.

This is an utter waste of the precious development time.
Oct 03, 2015 greenwall link
I agree with the first and last statements joyless stated.


Not good use of dev time.
Oct 03, 2015 Savet link
There are some details missing...

I'm going to guess that the following occured:

1) Player flew to grey and homed at Sedina D14.
2) Got killed.
3) Couldn't buy a good ship.
4) Didn't want to pay the piper.

Please correct me if any of the above is wrong. Until then -1.

Edit: I see from Joker's post that he joined a pirate guild and now doesn't want to get shot at. I still suspect this was somewhere in grey, and most likely a Corvus station.
Oct 03, 2015 greenwall link
I'm going to assume that the following occured:

Oct 03, 2015 Savet link

Congratulations Greenwall, you can use a thesaurus.
Oct 03, 2015 jordanmorgan14f link
Player was homed at sedina d14, player undocked, was swarmed by FAMY members, while the strike force split a 6 pack and lobbed a few lazy neats at them. I'm all for pirates being the douchebags they are, but the station defense needs serious work, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Considering 2 of you are part of FAMY your opinion on the matter shouldn't....well matter.
Oct 04, 2015 Kierky link
The station defenses are powerful, and are a good deterrent to even skilled players. Your inability to run on the other hand leaves something to be desired.
Oct 04, 2015 Savet link
Since all of my guessumptions were accurate, I'm going to make the following suggestions:

1. Don't venture into grey until you can properly run or defend yourself.
2. Don't home in grey until you have local faction rep.
3. Don't join guilds which are the target of virtually every other guild unless you are willing to be hunted. (Remember when TGFT used this logic for FAMY?)
4. Warthog mk2 with an FC cell is your friend. There is very little in the game that can catch you if you just lay on the turbo coming out of station.
5. Equip some conc/prox mines to drop behind you to discourage pursuit. Lightning are useless against chasers. Any mines will add mass and slow your acceleration.
6. Don't expect any sort of safety at Corvus stations.
Oct 04, 2015 greenwall link
Savet, I didn't need a thesaurus. "Guess" was the wrong word to use.

/me channels his inner pizzasgood
Oct 04, 2015 greenwall link
People grief other players in this fashion on a regular basis. ONE does it to ITAN, TGFT does it to FAMY, and vice versa... and the list doesn't stop there. We all have done it to eachother at one point. If you find yourself stuck without an escape method the best option is to log off for 15 minutes, which is usually long enough for your assailants to bugger off. And then it becomes a valuable lesson on why you should never home in a corvus station without a way to escape.
Oct 04, 2015 DeathSpores link
Better to die first before attemptin' to logoff, am an ol' bastid and can perfectly wait 30mn for ye to log in again.
Oct 04, 2015 Death Fluffy link
Hog 2, fast charge cell, no weapons. Learn to dodge attacks from behind you, particularly the yellow blips that indicate flares. Watch the distance of your persuer and if they are less than 1000 m away, dodge a bit before jumping.

The basic cent is hard to catch as well, but isn't infiboost.
Oct 04, 2015 bojansplash link
During the last decade stations NFZs were expanded several times (500, 1000, 1500, 2000m) and strike forces have been enhanced with more vultures and aernas but Corvus stations have always been quite specific because they allow players to dock even with temp KOS status. It has been like this forever and, frankly, this is one of the most fun vo features for pvp oriented players.

At one point in time or another, we have all been ganked and station camped at Corvus.
Oct 04, 2015 Death Fluffy link
Think of it as an initiation ritual.
Oct 04, 2015 abortretryfail link
But think about new players. Most new players come, get griefed by notable guilds like FAMY, and leave due to frustration

Think of the noobs!

Do you have any data to back that one up?
Oct 04, 2015 Death Fluffy link
While I quit caring about new players years ago because of the failure of gs to implement what I consider to be adequate safeguards for new players in UIT space, I would say that this type of mild abuse is the result of another problem I see with VO.

The lack of consequences in the game. Losing a ship / death (should we really call it death?) means nothing. Credits are too easy to get and impossible to lose unintentionally or by mistake. Resources are plentiful. In fact the only thing to fight over are the 3 f-ing conc stations. Why the hell is Deneb even a thing? There is no value there so no real reason apart from ego to participate.

Other than that I agree with everything Savet said except #3 for the reason that apart from current game politics, there have always been players who exploit / target any new player regardless of affiliation.

Beyond that, I have no objection to players attacking members of an enemy guild, whether they are new or old. I do have a personal objection to griefing of new players by any guild. I think it's poor sportsmanship. But that is only my opinion on the matter.
Oct 04, 2015 Pizzasgood link
-1. I don't necessarily disagree with adjusting things, but I do disagree with adjusting things based on an experience that happened at Corvus, who are a special case.

In any other faction's space, that would have been harder for them to pull off. When violating the NFZ at other faction's stations, they reset your home if you were homed there. That means that if you mess up and get blown up by the SF, you respawn elsewhere and the prey has a chance to escape. Corvus does not do this. Corvus even allows you to dock with them while KOS.

Furthermore, Corvus doesn't do faction penalties, other than a 15 minute TempKOS. Using an experience at a Corvus station to justify altering the penalties elsewhere is simply bullshit. Other factions do impose lasting penalties on you for killing people in their space, which takes a bunch of trade missions to undo -- preceded by a 10 million credit bribe if the penalty brought them down to Hated or KOS (in the case of subfactions anyway; for the nations you can just spend a couple hours botting to get back to disliked so that you can do the trade missions). Non-Corvus factions also have a weekly limit of three kills -- if you exceed that limit, you become TempKOS for 24 hours in that faction's space, and nothing you can do will lessen that (it doesn't reset on death and cannot be bribed away).

"But think about new players. Most new players come, get griefed by notable guilds like FAMY, and leave due to frustration"

I can't speak for other pirates, but I only station-camp newbies if they're in a guild I dislike or if they make an ass of themselves. Otherwise, I normally only kill them one to three times outside a station before going elsewhere.

@greenwall: I don't actually have a problem with Savet's use of guess. Perhaps your inner pizzasgood is more in-tune with subtle differences in the definitions and connotations of guess and assume than mine is, and would care to share?
Oct 04, 2015 Roda Slane link

The subject of risk is revisited on this forum on a recurring basis. Risk is an integral part of VO, and the issue is not how to reduce risk, but how to provide proper balance.

While this thread is not to the same extreme, I once saw a suggestion that the /ignore command, prevent the ignored player from damaging the ignoring player. Obviously, this did not happen.

Logging into Vo is consenting to PVP, and leaving nation space is consenting to a dramatic increase in risk, and visiting a corvus station is yet another significant increase in risk, and homing at a corvus station is perhaps the worst possible crime a noob may commit.

Corvus is for the outcast, the unwanted, the homeless. Corvus is the faction of last resort. When no other faction will have you, there is always Corvus. All other purposes of Corvus are secondary, and Corvus is the most likely place to meet this very type of player.

You went unto the den of thieves, the capital of crime, the refuge of villainy, and you are surprised at the results. I am surprise at your surprise.

ALL NOOBS TAKE NOTE: CORVUS IS NOT NOOB FRIENDLY. You will need at least level 2/-/-/2/- to buy a fast charge power cell at Corvus, and without significant Corvus faction standing (well beyond starting Corvus standing), the fastest ship you can buy is a basic centurion. A centurion with a fast charge may not be fast enough to outrun valks, greyhounds, serco vultures, or a myriad of other ships that more advanced players will be flying, and many vets make a point to be in a fast ship when they visit corvus, perhaps not so much to chase you down, but in case some one decides to chase them.

My main issue is not that you where destroyed repeatedly at corvus, but rather, that you even survived long enough to dock at corvus.
Oct 04, 2015 jordanmorgan14f link
I home at Corcus. I always have been homed there. I do understand what you are saying, and I agree, there should be balance. I expect to be attacked there. That's why I home there, for PvP. But there should be a discouraging factor for when multiple people decide to station camped you as soon as you log, making the game unplayable. If a new player unknowingly homes at Corcus, because he thinks its cool its a pirate statio, most likely he will not be able to get away. And if he has low Faction and licenses, the fastest ship he may be able to get is a centurion. That will not outrun a Valk or Vult, and he will be stuck there until he eventually logs, and will probably stop playing. This game has been in Alpha/Beta stage for years. Some of these issues are the reason, and devs aren't inclined to change them because vets make a fuss about any changes that could benefit new players.