Forums » Suggestions

/vote mute command: Percentual approach

Feb 16, 2017 Dr. Lecter link
Yeah, because 100 spam will totally rise to the level of "super tragic" one day!

Feb 16, 2017 myacumen link
"Thanks for bumping this. I kinda gave up on this one when Whistler ninja edited the starting post with a sneaky "Nope - Whistler" thing and then told us to use the support ticket function, ignoring that such "IP-bans" really rarely happen.

I saw some of the crap today. It was horrible. But I suppose we have to wait for it to get super tragic until the devs do something..."

Considering all the "things" you have done in VO that are questionable I find it difficult to believe any of this concern is genuine. I believe it is more of "I'm going to pretend to care about this other stuff so it looks like I care and still get away with my normal BS".

You made your own bed, now lie in it.
Feb 16, 2017 genka link
The irony of Sieger complaining about "sneaky edits" to remove references to players' poor actions is making me look like an idiot giggling into a fist at work.

Thanks Sieger. I hope I don't get tragically fired.
Feb 16, 2017 Ore link
Death to 100
Feb 16, 2017 Sieger link
Dr. Lecter - Heyyy! Don't give up hoping dude. SOME day the Steam release may come. And the iPhone release. And then imagine ALL these kids running into 100. Will many of them stay? Hell no! But there will be a massive influx. And they will CHAT! Wait for it!

myacumen - What...? You really need to time your little frustrated whine-RP posts better. Right now you ran into a suggestions thread, talking about how I did some things that upset you and that I now have to deal with "consequences" or some shit. None of what you said was in any way related to the suggestion at hand, despite you trying to make it look like that's the case. What's wrong with you man, lol? I am enjoying this game very much, I only have benefits and no downsides and really just made this thread because I'm concerned with VOs ratings going down because of the 100 situation.

Take your medicine and piss off if you don't have anything constructive to add.

genka - My condolences to you dude. That the VO forums keep you so nervous that you have to check them out at work is questionable in itself. But that you were forced by them to show an actual emotional reaction? Crazy. I wish you the best of luck to deal with it, dude.

Ore - Yeah, this suggestion is quite old. Nowadays I'll sadly have to agree with the best solution being to get rid of 100 as we know it. I really liked the idea somebody wrote in another thread about restricting the "general 100 chat" to the area of space you are in at that time. So there would be grey 100, Serco 100, Itani 100 and UIT 100 and to chat to them, you would have to be there. That way, all the trolls and angry vets (like you and me) atleast know the other guy is not too far away to fly there and tell them what you think about them with your blasters.
Feb 16, 2017 genka link
No mention of me not being any good at game, so I am afraid I can only rate this Siegerpost a 6/10
Feb 16, 2017 myacumen link
The only RP in this thread is you RPing that care about the actual game
Feb 16, 2017 Ore link
To be honest Sieger, your opinion doesn't matter. I wrote that suggestion for Guild's consideration. I could care less what sour vets think about it. Though, I suspect Incarnate believes 100 is something he can control and moderate even though we all have F2P/6 deleteable x1Mil?trololo/sandbox poop alts.

The reality is, noob players aren't represented here or in 100, and the growth of the game is stagnated.
Feb 16, 2017 Inevitable link
Hey guys /ignore "playername"
Feb 16, 2017 Dr. Lecter link
The reality is, noob players aren't represented here or in 100, and the growth of the game is stagnated, although those two facts have nothing to do with eachother.

Feb 16, 2017 PaKettle link
Lecter Please dont express opinions I actually agree with - Its vary confusing.

10 votes is a very low bar to reach....
Feb 16, 2017 Pizzasgood link
I don't have a problem with making the requirement automatically scale somehow based on the number of potential voters online, but I do think that it should have a minimum requirement of ten votes, even if there are fewer than ten people available.
Feb 16, 2017 Ore link
"although those two facts have nothing to do with eachother."

Are you sure Lecter? According to Inc the story is slightly different.

"Yes, I know community-toxicity has a real financial ramification too, I'm more directly and viscerally aware of that than anyone (among other things, I also get to see the public negative reviews about our community, which then stick around forever"
Feb 16, 2017 Luxen link
I dont use any perma-ignore, but hand out mute-votes on a regular basis. I also let that person know i voted @ them, and hope they quiet down their politics/shaming/etc. Most of the people i vote get to keep on going along, and im okay with that, because for the most part they have allready finished being rude.

And then there are the excessive ones that really do need to be muted. Some pilots go too far, with a few very recent even trying to give new pilots completely false advice that will merely fustrate them - no, i dont mean when a pilot tells the new ones to go to B8 or /explode.

I would and wouldnt like the vote mute process to be easier. On the one hand, some pilots "straighten up" after a particular incident has passed. On the other, some pilots will never cease to amaze me with what they do (in a negative way).
Feb 17, 2017 Eyvindr link
You should all try complaining about the so called 'toxicity' on 100 after not giving any attention to the 'toxic' players, they are all just drama queens looking to get in the spotlight with completely useless banter, like VOID.