Forums » Suggestions

Cloaking devices

Feb 20, 2005 Crevin link
How about a clocking module, and/or a clocking licebnse level or something along those lines. This would make it so espionage missions would actually be useful, +cloak license when successful. You could have it so someone can't see someone else cloaked if they have a higher license level. Ie, a level 5 liecese cloaker could see a level 3 liecense person cloaked, but the level 3 couldn't see the level 5...or not:) And/or make it so if you fire your cloak is deactivated. And it can only be activated if you have full energy and/or 50%+ or more hull strength, something along those lines, so as not to make it too powerful. Would give people something else to shoot for and make the game more interesting.
Feb 20, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Cloaking has already been suggested numerous times:

Having pointed this out, I will add that the "levels" idea has not been discussed before.
Feb 20, 2005 Fnugget link
Or take +(1/cloak level)% damage taken. Though I'm hopeful it will be implemented someday, I would hope it would not be much powerful.
Feb 20, 2005 Crevin link
Ya, sorry. Hehe I just read the "read first" article, lol.

Ya maybe it should be more powerful...but my experience is the less powerful something is, the better odds of it being put in:) In my scenerio I suppose it would only have 1 real fun use without being powerful...which would be if you're higher licence level you could always cloak around people lower and not be seen...yet they would have a chance to get your level too, so it would be fair, or maybe even mix in a radar licence for spotting cloaking...I just like to post numerous suggestions, since I'm not exactly sure what the devs consider "too" powerful, or "not" powerful enough:)
Feb 20, 2005 DekuDekuplex link
Re: Crevin

> And it can only be activated if you have full energy and/or 50%+ or more hull
> strength, something along those lines, so as not to make it too powerful.

Actually, I think it would be more interesting if it could only be activated if the character's ship had 50%- or *less* HP, which is when it would be needed. It would be a kind of "desperation" measure.

Also, I would prefer to have it set up so that cloaked people would be invisible only to those with a *higher* Combat Piloting License level. For example, if you were of Combat Piloting License Level 3 and cloaked, then other characters of Combat Level 3 or lower with 50% or less HP could see you, but not someone of Combat 4 or higher. That way, say, several weaker trading pilots with low HP from being attacked by a nasty pirate could gang up on the single experienced pirate using teamwork. This would enable inexperienced pilots with low HP to use teamwork to their advantage in teaching pirates who pick on newbies a good lesson.

This would also prevent it from becoming too powerful, since it would only be useful to players who aren't likely to use it offensively. It would be most useful to players in trader guilds who get picked upon by nasty pirates waiting in ambush.

Of course, it should automatically de-cloak as soon as any weapons are fired. There should also be a time limit on how long it can be maintained; for example, two minutes. However, it should not draw energy; otherwise, it would be useless for escaping from pirates who camp near wormholes.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Feb 20, 2005 Solra Bizna link
But if higher license levels make it LESS useful, who'd bother to get it in the first place?