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news update

Nov 08, 2005 incarnate link
Nov 08, 2005 Beolach link
Awesome. Are user created UI skins going to be feasible any time soon?
Nov 08, 2005 jexkerome link
Oooo, large patch. Nice!
Nov 08, 2005 incarnate link
Beolach: "probably". The ability to let users replace UI graphics is inherent in the new UI system. But, I'm not exactly sure how polished up that whole area is.. it's not what we're focusing on right now. For the moment we're just trying to get the UI together and working properly and doing new things. In any event, if it isn't able to support skins at release time, it'll probably do so shortly thereafter.

Skins are pretty easy. It'll probably just be a text file that allows you to override the built-in graphics with replacements of your own. More advanced user-configurability, like exposing the underlying Lua code for people to make their own UI-widgets and stuff.. that's a little more involved. But, that ability is also pretty inherent, and has been a goal since the beginning of the re-write, so I'm pretty optimistic there too. But, again, for the moment we're just trying to make it all work.
Nov 08, 2005 incarnate link
Also, on another note, I don't know exactly when that next (big) client update will be coming. Probably not until we *need* to release a client update, for some feature change. I imagine it'll be before the UI-update (which will be a big deal on its own), but I don't know exactly when. So.. don't expect it this week or anything :). Just in case I gave the wrong impression in the newspost.

I'd like to get it out there sometime in the next couple of weeks, so you all can see the changes. But, I'm still fiddling with the normal maps on the TPG ship (not to mention I haven't touched many of the older ships yet), and I definitely want that to be in there, so we can start to use it in convoys and the like. So.. Soon(tm), heheh.
Nov 08, 2005 yodaofborg link
/me points inc. to the edit button, baaad dev, double post! (heh)

Nov 08, 2005 incarnate link
Since they were on two different subjects, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the whole "client update not imminent" thing, and not just the people who were interested in interface skins.
Nov 08, 2005 Person link
So are the TPG shots still planned for today?
/me pokes Incarnate
Nov 08, 2005 LeberMac link
Damn you and your Soon™!
/me shakes fist at Soon™!
Nov 08, 2005 Blacklight link
Nov 08, 2005 icbm1987 link
Yay! Convoys with Cappie Escorts!
Nov 08, 2005 Moofed link
/me hopes the OpenGL renderer isn't forgotten with all these DirectX9 features making the news.

Can't wait to see the new UI!
Nov 08, 2005 who? me? link
ooh pretty please can there be an option to keep the old UI.

Nov 08, 2005 Big Mike85 link
i agree.....although the new UI will be nice knowing you guys Id still like to be able to use the old one for memorys sake lol
Nov 08, 2005 Beolach link
Oh, another question: Does the new UI show Turbo Thrust on the ship stats screen, and show thrust in kN rather than N? Please say yes.
Nov 08, 2005 Beolach link
And another other question: user selectable fonts, yes, no? /me wants the old font back.
Nov 08, 2005 toshiro link
The news post from 11/7 also made it into
Here's the link... not very exciting, but oh well...,854,862604734,20051109003213