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Question(s) for Incarnate

Apr 19, 2011 space999999 link
Phase, I wasn't saying anything against your point.... I agree.
Apr 19, 2011 PaKettle link
That cut the plates and fluid form down to just over 1000 each.
Thanks Incarnate - Much more reasonable.

Any idea on how long before the key system is extended to the cappies?
Also Could we talk you into some sort of shared storage?
Apr 20, 2011 incarnate link
I understand the need for share storage, or at least shared access. I think this can also be achieved through the key system. But, it'll probably take a little while to do.

On the upside, most of the underpinnings should be in place now for the insurance mission, so I'll put that together sometime soon.
Apr 20, 2011 abortretryfail link
CD, there's a use for hive nanite replicators: MAD LOOT.
Those things sell for loads of credits!
Apr 20, 2011 CrazySpence link
if you make anything else use a key system without allowing me to delete keys I will come to wisconsin and beat you with my car keys
Apr 20, 2011 incarnate link
Noted :). The key system definitely needs some streamlining and improvements.
Apr 20, 2011 PaladinOfLancelot link
I get your points in saying that capships should be expensive and hard to obtain, I also understand @inc motives for making capships so expensive (he wants to give us all enough occupation until somnething else will be finished/polished).

Still, that does not change the fact that capships are still waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to expensive. I mean if now you have to grind for weeks or months using a group of players just to get a Trident, how long will you need to grind to have something bigger (like TPG Constellation for example) ?

The major disadvantage of this situation is that with the current system, we will never see great group vs group or guild vs guild battles where many capships fight simultaneously. Nobody simply will ever risk losing a capship in a battle if it's so incredibly time-costly to get.

So i think this is pure insanity, even taking all your arguments into consideration.

I thought that Vendetta was not supposed to be about grinding. O RLY ?
Apr 20, 2011 PaladinOfLancelot link

To make things realistic, i propose that one Trident was obtainable with an approximate 3 weeks / 5 hour a day grind for a single player. I think that is much more reasonable than current situation.

The cost of a constellation should be about 4-5 times that, and 6-10 times that for bigger capships.
Apr 20, 2011 Pizzasgood link
Actually PoL, once you have one capship, you can use it to haul the crap you need to build another one, which means building other capships may be less difficult than you imagine. Also, some players/guilds intend to construct and sell capship parts so that others don't have to start completely from scratch. Whether they'll be able to follow through with that we'll have to wait and see, but I certainly hope it works out.
Apr 20, 2011 incarnate link
Nobody simply will ever risk losing a capship in a battle if it's so incredibly time-costly to get.

I'm sure that would be the case, if there wasn't an Insurance Mission, which allows people to simply and quickly replace their destroyed capship at a pretty reasonable cost. I described all of that in the announcement post.
Apr 23, 2011 LeberMac link
What insurance company would continually risk billions for reasonable monthly payments on capships piloted through hazardous space?

I'm sure their virtual stock is shooting through the ROOF. How could it NOT be a complete success?
Apr 24, 2011 Impavid link
Not to mention if you can insure and re-purchase your ship for 500k and no work, why do you have to spend a year hauling tediously crafted crap halfway across the galaxy to build a ship in the first place if, after building it once, you can magically build it again with NO resources? If the station already has all that crap, why not make the ship purchasable outright in the first place?
Apr 24, 2011 Whistler link
Impdavid: According to you, the capship stations won't be out for another year yet. Please withhold your comments until then.
Apr 24, 2011 Phaserlight link
It's a good goal to work towards as a guild or with a group of trusted players. It feels kind of like a nuclear weapons arms race among a host of rogue nations. I guess the corporations controlling the capital shipyards would like to keep cap ships out of the hands of just anyone, but once they know that you have the capability to construct one yourself they would rather fund your endeavors.
Apr 24, 2011 Impavid link
Whistler, according to you, the devs shit rainbows. Please keep your stupid comments in your pocket. The cap ships are a year out. Perhaps a bit faster if a ton of people are willing to work their asses off so one player can fly a Trident. I expect that to break down fast. Everyone's all "woo they're here!" but they're not. Not even close. We'll see one, maybe two play owned cap ships within the year. And everyone else will be quite ready to blow them to hell. In the meantime business as usual: No new economy, most of the gameplay broken beyond repair, and a constant stream of bullshit posts from Inc explaining whatever the fuck he's always explaining in 10 paragraph when it could have taken 2.
Apr 24, 2011 Whistler link
Nope, revisionism won't save you. I'm holding you to the facts.

Your mocking thread of March 12, 2011 was entitled "Capship stations will have to wait a year". Stations. Now there is one. You don't get to saunter back in like that without having a little crow dished up for you.
Apr 25, 2011 ShankTank link
I'm more concerned about details of gameplay than things like player-controlled cappies. Are there any plans for fixing capship AI to do things like engage broadside before the player cappie idea advances any further? Seems like a required thing to do, immediately, considering that once shields are implemented on the cappies, players could theoretically take out even a hostile HAC by stalling in an orthogonal orientation to its nose.
Apr 25, 2011 Impavid link
Oh Whistler, are you referring to the thread you deleted? The one that maybe struck a little close to home? Perhaps you'll restore it so everyone can share and enjoy? Thought not. Is that big ugly ass station a cap ship station? Is it done? Does it have textures? Does it have a point?

I'm not revising anything. I posted that thread (which you DELETED) after inc posted that cap ship stations will have to wait a week. You know, same ol' shit, different day (I'm not sure about that date precisely since you DELETED THE THREAD).

Whistler, do you eat rainbows?
Apr 25, 2011 Impavid link
Actually, Whistler, don't bother, I kept a copy. I'll repost it for everyone to enjoy. Are you going to delete this too?

Thread Title: Capship will have to wait a Year.

"I was trying to get them done for this year, but there are still some technical problems, A1kon quit and he was the only dev with any programming prowess, and we wanted to fail on another platform first. So it will have to wait until next year. It's important to get the "giant station" assets' paint jobs completely right, because the 5 people on android only have a few hundred pixels available to them, and while they're busy not being able to fight or steer we want them to have something pretty to look at. I don't want to have to patch a zillion new android devices when they hit retail, but luckily I won't have to because after a few minutes of the free trial they'll realize a twitch based space MMO has no place on a mobile platform, and 10$ is too much for a standalone mobile app, much less a monthly subscription fee.

So, yet another delay, but you all expected it anyway, so this post is redundant. "
Apr 25, 2011 Whistler link
LOL! You left a word out there. The thread is still in the trash folder. I won't restore it because you'll just accuse me of editing it anyway, but those who read it at the time will know what you've done. The important part is that you were ashamed enough to change it. I expected a cleverer response along the lines of "well it's not a cappy station until there's a cap ship built in it", but you have failed miserably for all to see. You are fortunate to have a voice here - it's a shame that you waste it so.

My apologies to ShankTank, who was trying to get back on topic.