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Gamepad with keyboard - multiclick commands

Mar 29, 2023 Tom Phoenix link
Recently I had to reinstall my VO on android TV, so I had to configure all my settings from scratch. I decided to write it down and share with you some commands that I use on my gamepad. At first I thought to put this post in Android forum, but nowadays usb gamepads (and other usb joysticks) should in theory work with any system (windows/linux/ios) and as I understand, there should be multiclick options in those VO versions too.

I've got a common gamepad with two thumbsticks, four buttons on left (left, up, right, down) and four on right (X-left, Y-up, B-right, A-down). There are two additional buttons near center: left Start and right Menu. Also left (L1) and right (R1) front buttons for weapons and another two for rotating ship that I haven't changed - it works well for me.

First of all I had to change mouse sensivity (even with "joystick with keyboard" configuration, mouse sensivity affects how fast coursor moves on PDA menu). Then as always I unchecked "reverse pitch" option in gamepad menu. I had an issue with calibration - I had to click "find joystick" and plug gamepad out and in, because my calibration options where skewed and at first I was constantly turning in one direction when flying.

I haven't configured any "two buttons for one extra command" on gamepad menu (like Y+B to open cargo), because I missclicked too many times. Instead now I use multicklicks (press and hold) for more commands on pad.

So here is my list of commands that I currently use in my casual gameplay:

1) On left side I've got mostly "select next (...)" commands:
on left button: press - "select next cargo", hold - "select previous cargo" (is there any way to filter those, like not selecting scrap metal for example?),
on up button: press - "select next enemy in front", hold - "select next in front",
on right button: press - "select last hostile enemy", hold - "select nearest enemy"
Sidenote: I found out that in some missions "select next/nearest enemy", doesn't work (it does not automatically select enemy ship from green dots on radar), so it's better to pay attention on mission logs in PDA (and chat) and then find out from selected target description which green dot (ship) is an enemy.

2) "Toggle turbo" - it's different than "turbo" on left stick. I no longer have to hold that thumbstick to fly faster. I binded it to my down button on left side to toggle it on and off when needed. As I understand its difficult to share this command with any other on one button.

I gave up on "strafe up" and "strafe down" commands, because never used them anyway. (As I understand in more combat focused gameplay its better to have them, like for example to dodge rockets and missiles etc.)

3) On left Start button I've got only press for "zoom"
I wanted to add on hold another command, like "hail selected player", but then my "zoom" command doesn't work (it locks itself on). The same goes when "zoom" was on hold.

4) On my right side I've got:
X-left: press - "navigation menu", hold - "mission logs"
From my experience commands for opening PDA menus doesn't go well with one, two and three multiclick options. (BTW - what commands go well with those one, two and three clicks?)
Y-up: press - "jettison cargo" (it opens cargo menu), hold - "player information menu"
B-right: press - "toggle auto-aim" (it sometimes helps in combat when used well), hold - "show sector list".
Sidenote: In my case having "sector list" on hold makes it to appear only when i'm holding button and disappear when I no longer hold it. It helps to quickly check surroundings, like for example in ion storm.
A-down: press - "toggle flight-assist mode", hold - "activate" (for pressing action key to enter wormhole)

5) I set "chat in channel ..." (chat to active/help/sector/etc channel) and all communication related commands to keyboard. This way I use them when I want to write and not worry if I accidentally open it during flight (exiting chat on my pad is two buttons procedure, open keyboard menu and exit button)
Sidenote: Previously I had command "say_sector o/" (it sends message "o/" to all players in sector) on my gamepad, but I quickly abandon that idea due to too many missclicks. I'm thinking about binding "join 100" command to a key too.
Also on keyboard I find "scale HUD" command very useful as an addition to configuring graphic and video settings.

6) On right Menu button: press - "+activateturrets" (toggle turrets on - in multiclick it's important to not write "/" before command to make it work), and hold - "-activateturrets" (toggle turrets off).
Sidenote: I'm not sure if before making weapon turrets fire I have to first select an enemy. For now as I understand defense turrets works fine when I activate them (there appears a red AT indicator on HUD when activated).

7) In PDA menu I use shortcuts on keyboard, like for example "M" - missions and "N" - navigation.

9) Also I have read on forums about chain firing command. It could go on L1 button for example on press - "fire primary weapon", and on hold - chain firing command. Does anyone know the right command and how make it work? (By chain firing I mean to fire two weapons by holding one button - not as usual, simultaneusly - but 'in chain', alternately)

9) Other commands on gamepad:
I was thinking about adding "toggle auto-route", but i'm not sure how it works yet. Also "fire tertiary weapons" could be useful (as I understand tertiary weapons/addons can be configured in addon groups menu). Also "toggle auto-jettison" could be helpful when mining specific ores. Does anyone know what does "toggle cargo beam" do? Also are "toggle radar stations/enemies/cargo/etc." commands have any good use? And "toggle mouse-lock" - is there any use for it when playing on pad?

And.. maybe you know more useful commands? Also if you have some thoughts about gamepad/keyboard configurations, please share it too.
Apr 06, 2023 Tom Phoenix link
Since I posted this I changed my configuration a bit. (I cant't edit it so I post another one)

I didn't used "select previous cargo" as frequently as I thought I would (also it cycles only through two objects when stationary, see: Targeting cargo is semi-broken), so I changed my left hold to "select next".

And question - does anyone know how to make a command "select next wormhole"?

I replaced up and now I have: press - "select next in front" and hold - "select next enemy in front"

I found out that there are more missions where enemies are not marked as red dots on radar (I coudn't select them) so previous configuration worked for me mostly in hive sectors or skirmishes. Also using Y-up hold - "player information menu" I accidentaly found out that I can see information about selected objects like players and NPC's ships (standings for example, give money, make a buddy and menu to message them), cargo (cargo cu for example) and even asteroids.

And I replaced right, now I have: press - "select nearest enemy" and hold - "select last hostile"

I'm convinced now that taking down nearest enemy in combat situation is usually more important than targetting last hostile that could just fly away.

Also I recenlty found Custom Binds! Post 'em here - its on first page in Community Projects forum and somehow I missed it.

BTW, thanks to Luxen for toggle turbo I've got now this command configuration:
(When used it doesn't generate TURBO ON and TURBO OFF notiffications in chat)

As I'm constantly finding out there is no one configuration for everything, its constantly switching between what works best for any given gameplay.
Apr 18, 2023 darknessrise13 link
I play with a Xbox Series X controller on iPad and PC. I primarily use the multi-button binds on my iPad. They do not work well on PC, it seems. I use A+X for +activateturrets, X+Y for a rotate alias, Y+B for Jettison menu. I, however, do not have the multi-click menu on iOS. Are you binding these manually or via a menu in settings? I'd be interested in setting up multiclicks as well.... That would offer a lot more versatility to me.
Apr 19, 2023 Tom Phoenix link
I've just checked my settings (android tv with usb keyboard and gamepad), In Options -> Advanced -> Controls, I've got those tabs: General, Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad, Calibration

I've got "Multiclick Settings" in Keyboard tab at the bottom, center.

When I enter it I can add new sets of commands, like Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, etc. with key bindings (action keys on keyboard or gamepad), for example:

Set 1:
Key binding - X-left on gamepad
Press action - Navigation menu
Hold action - Mission logs
1 tap action - NONE
2 tap action - NONE
3 tap action - NONE (I haven't configured those)

or Set 2
Key binding - + on keyboard
Press action - say_sector o/ (command example)
Hold action - NONE
and all taps actions - NONE

In Gamepad tab I've got X+B options too, but now I don't use them.

I have no idea if this multicklick menu is on other devices/systems (with gamepads and/or keyboards), so if someone know about it, please let us know.

And for toggle turbo: I've inserted commands manually into chat while in game (more info in the link that I mentioned above). I hope it helps.
Apr 20, 2023 Tom Phoenix link
Also in binds/commands category on I noticed a page about Xbox controller binds.
Jul 30, 2023 pamelaleo10 link
Thanks for the information!
Jul 30, 2023 Captain Spry link
Would you mind sharing your config.ini file? I'm having trouble setting up the multi-clicks to work with custom binds and alias'.
Jul 31, 2023 Captain Spry link
Actually I was able to figure it out! You have to also work with the wgaf file to add alias and binds and set the multiclick settings in game.
Aug 20, 2023 A-Dawg link
I have an XBox Series X controller I've been struggling to setup with VO very recently. This thread has been extremely helpful! I'll post my full setup when I'm done with it as well.