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High lvl players...

May 05, 2004 Spellcast link
Yes i have Lmines they are, heavy 7, trade (umm something less than 10) I'm not sure of the trade level cause i had level 4 heavy from trade 6 up.

IMO Alex/Eldrad did not exploit, I feel durgia has hit the nail on the head as to how we should be reacting to this. And as a matter of note, there are quite a few people who now have flares.

<also can we PLEASE make the FC 9/x/x/4 AND 4/x/x/9 it just kinda seems wrong that the battery to give traders unlim turbo with the efficient engine requires 9 combat levels.>
May 05, 2004 red cactus link
Does the FC actually give all trade ships unlimited turbo? Or just the bus?
May 05, 2004 Magus link
" I would like to ask anyone who is upset by this to msg me in game instead of using public chat."

-Wow, you're a nicer person than I am. If I was in your shoes I would have invited everyone who has a problem with it to suck it up. It's a test. We found a bug and the devs fixed it. Even if Alex Rowe had used the bug to level up (which he didn't) it doesn't change game balance in any significant way. All it did was artificially level a handful of people up beyond what other people are leveled at. That sort of dynamic is what you get in an MMORPG. Some people are will be higher level than others. It happens. That's how the final game will be so suck it up and live with it. It's nowhere near the level of the money bug since that is generally getting money with NO work. Botting with increasing bonuses still involves a crap load of work to get anywhere.
May 05, 2004 Spellcast link
teh FC batt and either the free engine or the efficient engine will provide unlimited turbo. they energy drain of those two engines is matched exactly by the output of the fc batt.
May 06, 2004 RelayeR link
The benefits of having a tier of players up higher, so soon, is great for the test as it gives the Devs a wider spectrum of testers attacking the game at different levels.

I, for one, would like to be the one to test the ramifications of a lowly player like me killing a high level player like, *cough* alex *cough*. :P :) jj jk really don't mean it :D /end joking (did I sat I was just kidding?)

As I said before, I don't think it's a big deal that everyone that knew about the bug didn't tell me so I could get a few extra levels and get rid of this damn battery. Really, it's ok.