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Basic Orientation

Jul 19, 2004 Sheean link
Even in a rollercoaster or airplane?
Jul 19, 2004 RelayeR link
<"Even in a rollercoaster or airplane?">

What are those? Is this the "strange words" thread???
Jul 20, 2004 harvestmouse link
in a rollercoaster or airplane? yea, those too.

(I love rollercoasters!!)
Jul 25, 2004 toshiro link
actually, most station designs clearly suggest "up" and "down", as well as sector designs (think of the old s9 station, the new Geil border guard station, the roid rings...)

some are less clear on that, or lack any orientation, i agree.
Jul 26, 2004 Immortal Q link
The old universe generally had all the elements arranged roughly on a plane, which became clear if you flew really far away and looked back. I haven't seen this as much in the new 'verse, but I haven't been played the new one much at all. The change was probably necessitated with the "required jump distance" - a planar sector would make it too easy.
Jul 27, 2004 Demonen link
Sectors and systems... Has anyone of you seen a 3D model of the Sol system? (yeah, that's the system where RL happens)

It's flat. Not completely, but pretty much.

How about the RL galaxy? The milky way?
Flat. Well... flat-ish. It's "only" a few hundred thousand lightyears thick.
in galactic terms, that's called "flat"