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Final Game distribution

Jul 17, 2004 Spellcast link
As we near the final days of the test, with a stress test still to come and the retail release hopefully within a month or so, I was wondering if we could get some answeres about the final product.

My first question is, how much will the game cost? Not for the monthly subscription, but for the actual game itself. Retail cost of a CD with vendetta on it.

Will the game still be availible for download, or will we have to go buy a CD?

If the game is availible for download, will we have to "buy" the game to download it. by "buy" the game i mean pay to be allowed to download it seperate from the subscription.

Personally I wouldnt mind having a CD, and even if the game is availible for download I might buy one anyhow just to have the files availible in an easier to move form.

sort of linked to this topic, If the game does have a 1 time cost that you have to pay to download the game, a potential "perk" for testers would be to waive that fee and just charge for the subscription.
Jul 17, 2004 roguelazer link
How will the final game be distributed?

The game will be available in retail stores in North America, and also on-line. A free trial version is likely.

--the FAQ
Jul 17, 2004 Spellcast link
umm, read the post, not the topic rogue.
Jul 17, 2004 AlienB link
Um, well spellcast, you've obviously not been paying attention when Incarnate does actually awnser these repetitive questions. We really need pinnable topics and some more sub-moderators. (glares at a1k0n)

Anyways, they've said that there will be a free trial, that the game will be available in stores in CD/DVD form, and that you can also purchase and download exclusively online. I'm willling to bet you'll be able to download the game just fine, free, and without and account, but you'll need to pay to keep your account active and allowed on the active play server. I really don't know why they would charge to download the client, since you've got to pay to subscribe for an account anyways, that just doesnt make any sense.
Jul 17, 2004 Spellcast link
Um, well spellcast, you've obviously not been paying attention when Incarnate does actually awnser these repetitive questions. We really need pinnable topics and some more sub-moderators. (glares at a1k0n)>>

I keep fairly on top of the forums, and i dont remember any answers to these specific questions. Perhaps he answered them on IRC, which i dont have access to all the time.

As to why there would be a fee for downloading the client, some online games sell a download key that you have to have to download the game. Usually this is done to make the version of the game you buy in stores more attractive since otherwise fan websites will just tell everyone to download it and not spend money in stores. Since guild isnt relying heavily on a partnership with a major game retailer, I didn't think there would be a fee either, I was just curious.
Jul 17, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Okay okay okay, thats MORE than enough as far as I'm concerned.

I think Spell has some valid questions and ideas that I'd like to see the Devs respond to, because I too haven't seen this information other than by way of player's posts which arent that reliable factually.

I'd like to hear it straight from the Devs.
Jul 18, 2004 RelayeR link
Please read the last post by FM...
Jul 18, 2004 Forum Moderator link

Essentially the answer is the same as before: there is not a definitive answer yet. This is why the question was not answered to user's satisfaction before. All the details have yet to be solidified, and history has shown that people are pretty unforgiving if discussions of what *might* happen do not reflect what *does* happen. It's a trust thing. The devs have shared what facts there are to be shared. When more is known, it will be shared.

In the meantime, the devs are working like crazy to make this a game that people will enjoy. Bug squashing and content, those are the priority for making Vendetta viable.
Jul 20, 2004 incarnate link
Hi. I don't know exactly how much it's going to cost in stores. We're still kicking around numbers. The monthly fee will probably be like $9.95/$9.99 per month. We plan on there being a freely available, downloadable trial version. The online trial will be short (in the range of 8 hours of online play) and be skill capped and potentially limited geographically. It will be possible to convert to a "paid" account, probably just by paying the $9.95 and setting up a recurring billing system, but the specifics of all of this haven't been worked out yet. Other games (like EVE) have required a $19.95 fee to "buy" the game online, before paying the monthly fee.. I don't think we'll be doing this, but again, all is not known yet.

The retail game is going to include some cool stuff, like a printed, illustrated copy of the 55-page background storyline (for those into the universe history), along with (hopefully) a poster. We'd include more stuff if we had the time or could afford it.. but, well, we're doing what we can.
Jul 20, 2004 Hoax link
Offtopic but related to incarnate's last paragraph:

Any concept art, sculptures, or non-digital what-nots just sitting around? Auction or raffle it off! I bet a lot of testers would love some memorabilia.

When I was beta-testing the first Myth from pre-microsoft Bungie they ended up giving away some sculptures they had made of some of the cooler characters. It was a big hit.

I know you prolly don't have a box of die-cast valks lying around, but sketches or anything like that would be really cool.
Jul 21, 2004 Starfisher link
They don't have die-cast Valks lying around? Awww....

I like that idea, Hoax. Be a good eBay thing, and since we're the only ones who would have any idea what the auction was about it would be pretty restricted to us testers.

[edit]amazing the difference a letter can make[/edit]