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Describe what you like about Vendetta PvP combat

Jul 31, 2004 Spellcast link
Having also played most of the games that have been mentioned here, I must say that the arguments on both sides are somewhat valid. To a beginner in vendetta the physics only mode is somewhat confusing, and I found that it took me a while to get used to the idea of flying backwards and fighting.
Incidentally once I did get used to that idea, I found that when i went back and replayed the campaign from independence war i did better.

I did like the Elite games and flight model, and in vendetta I see the potential for something even more entertaining.
Jul 31, 2004 Phaserlight link

Most of what you say is true of the Vendetta Test in its current state. However, if you would do a little research you would find that many of the things you mention that make a good MMORPG, guilds and quests for example, are in development and will in fact make it into the launch version. Others (such as player-owned stations) will hopefully be implemented sometime after release. Some of the features that you complain are lacking have in fact already been implemented! Vendetta's economy is fully dynamic and also player driven, I don't know how you could have missed this fact unless you haven't been paying attention to the website or the game for the past six months. Do a little more research before making snap judgements on a work in progress.