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IGN Interview Part 2

Jul 30, 2004 Starfisher link
Check the news page, over
<- there, for a link.

Most of the interview is describing things the way they are or will be Soon(tm). Then there's the little snippet about what the three major content goals are for after release:

1) Player owned cap ships
2) Mining
3) Exploration
**4) Player stations.

4 is an iffy thing according to the tone of the interview, but the other three are solid goals. If I may prioritize them according to my internal scale -

1) Cap ships
3) Mining

Cap ships come in at number one because they would add so much to the beloved PvP aspect of the game. Exploration comes in second, because while I would probably waste a month of my life searhcing for wormholes, eventually everything is found and you have to wait for the next universe expansion to explore again. Mining is sort of an "eh, yeah, cool" thing for me - something I'd do once in a while but isn't super important.

Interesting interview overall.

Jul 30, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Cap ships are high desirability because they will add a lot of gameplay to the game.
Not everyone is going to want to use a Battle Cruiser sized ship, personally I'm going to use a mid sized ship. Others will want to fly smaller ships, more maneuverability. Some people will fly Battle Cruiser sized ships for the support they bring in battle.
Jul 30, 2004 roguelazer link
The combo of mining and exploration is gonna be a killer draw for the non-pvp types and pirates alike. It's too bad that we have to wait that long. :(
Jul 30, 2004 Urza link
Our recommended system requirements are a 2 GHz PC (or G5 Mac) with 512 MB of RAM and a GeForce FX5600 / Radeon 9600 or better"

jesus christ!! i'm on a g3! wiuth a rage 128 pro!!!
Jul 30, 2004 Durgia link
I am on a P3-800 with an Rage Fury lol. Though I cannot use Rglow I still get 45fps avg on a medium graphics level.
Jul 30, 2004 genka link
350mhz G4 witha rage 128 pro.
Runs fine, although I prefer the ibook downstairs. (600mhz with some crappy laptop video card.)
Jul 30, 2004 Phaserlight link
Once again I find myself thinking man, I can't WAIT to see this game released! I'm very excited to see that guild support will be in the launch version, this will add a while new dimension of gameplay, particularly if guilds can declare war on each other, form alliances etc. I'm also *elated* to see that Mining/refining and player-owned cap ships are on the post release goals list. Vendetta engine + Cap ships = intense, epic, jaw dropping space battles!

Keep up the good work, devs!

Jul 30, 2004 Pyro link
*looks at system requirements*
*looks at computer*
Jul 30, 2004 Arolte link
Those are the RECOMMENDED system requirements, not minimum. And I think that's with pixel shaders turned on, not off. Hopefully pixel shaders will remain optional, 'cause the OpenGL version (at least on my system) is bugtacular despite my meeting the GPU requirements.
Aug 01, 2004 LuniX link
a G5 is a bit high cheapest to get one is around 2000 dollars not to mention thats just with a FX 5200. There probably counting on the new iMacs to be G5 but thats not confermed bij Apple.

back to the subject:

If a Stock market is added with the mining and mining bots and corps. Then the mining will be VERY interesting. But i agree with the 1,2,3 from Starfisher. Cap ships first and finally the exploreation they promised.
Aug 01, 2004 Arolte link
Exploration is a more important feature than capital ships though.

Aug 01, 2004 Eldrad link
"eventually everything is found and you have to wait for the next universe expansion to explore again"
Not necessarily true. The entire universe was randomly generated (excluding names which have been generated in the past). It would be possible for the devs to have many explorable systems appear and disappear on a weekly or daily basis.
Aug 01, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
But eldrad, what if you're IN a system that disappears?
Aug 01, 2004 harvestmouse link
it won't disappear if you're IN it Piro!
Aug 01, 2004 randomize link
i think i would sell my soul to god and go to church every sunday if devs focused on improving gfx up to todays standards.
Aug 02, 2004 Sheean link
Well how much more realistic do you want the roids to be? Can't get much more realistic looking then they look today ;)
Aug 02, 2004 Starfisher link
.... pretty graphics are meaningless unless there's something to do in the game. So I'd rather they do exactly what they're doing now...
Aug 02, 2004 Arolte link
Sheean, I think he was referring to the portions of the game that haven't been updated for years. Like all the non-special ships. But yes, gameplay thankfully has priority right now.
Aug 02, 2004 raybondo link
Heh the only reason the recommended specs are so high are for the mac. The G5 comes with either a GFFX5200 or a 5600. the 5200 is complete and uttr crap. The 5600 is fast.
For Windows, I would say the recommended is at least a GF3 or the radeon 8500 due to their pixel shader capability.
The game runs fine on a gf1 or even a TNT2 (as long as the cpu can keep up). There's also issues with different driver versions that make certain cards better or worse, different phases of the moon, alignment of the stars and planets, how many birds are in your backyard, etc...
Aug 02, 2004 Pyro link
What's so bad about the 5200? It's not the best card out there, but Vendetta should run fine on it at a good resolution with decent graphics settings. Hell, my Radeon 7500 Mobility ran okay at 1024 x 768, and that's a much less powerful card...