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Help with writing background?

Aug 11, 2004 raynes link
Are you planning on allowing players to help write some of the background information on the game? Or maybe write some stories concerning the events in the universe? I'm very interested in those types of things. I'd give it a shot now, but there really hasn't been much released to give me stuff to work from.
Aug 11, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
I dont think that will be even needed, as I have heared the entire plot and backbone story has already been written eons ago. They only need to put the story in...

Their thoughts where these, why put in a complete story if we cant even get to do what we want the story to do.

example ithani outposts gets swarmed with serco battleships, go and destroy... But impossible to create battleships due to the lack of them being implemented :D..., etc
Aug 11, 2004 incarnate link
Er, well, partially that and the fact that I wasn't sure if aspects of the storyline would need to be changed, and I didn't want to release it if major parts had to be cut later. The storyline was since finalized a month or so ago, and I need to put it online.

I'm not against users contributing their own story progressions, people have been writing things like that (ctishman, verdandi) for awhile. I'm don't know if or how we'll fit them into the game. But I'll think about it. We did have a couple of user-created vendetta newspapers at one time, which was a pretty cool concept, and could stand to be integrated into the game. In fact, I think I even defined something like that in our original design doc. The issue is more of oversight.. we'd have to have GMs proofread everything for content, or something.. hmm..
Aug 11, 2004 Pyro link
I'm sure you'll have no trouble whatsoever getting some good GMs out of Vendetta's loyal userbase... :P
Aug 11, 2004 harvestmouse link
went back and read the Vendetta Chronicle. it rocks!!
Aug 11, 2004 furball link
/me signs up to become a proof reader. :D See, I can even speel and every little darn thang! :)
Aug 11, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[post deleted]
Aug 11, 2004 Celkan link
I *so* volunteer as a proofreader. And as a GM, of course. :P
Aug 12, 2004 genka link
A bar brawl had erupted today in Odia something-something. According to reports it was a result of an argument over who had the biggest feet. A bar-goes who wished to remain anonymous testified that 'Everyone had their shoes off,' while an official from the Odia administration said that someone could have easily stepped on another's foot, or maybe even their own, triggering an outburst of rage.

In order to break up the fight the barman called in the National Defense troops from their patrol. The men stopped the fight quite easily by stepping on a few people's feet, and threatening to shoot everyone. This turn of events, however, did not pass well with a few of the station residents, who immediately formed a four-person committee of Concerned Citizens Against Misuse of Our Troops. Mrs. Summers, the committee's chairman, said 'This is appalling! Who knows what could've happened with our brave robotic troops in here, rather than out there?! Bad influences, like alcohol and sex could've gotten in while they were stopping some silly argument.'

It is thought that over thirty bar patrons, and nearby residents that rushed to the scene, partook in the fight. Six of those are still in the station's sickbay. Two have already been released after being treated for general paranoia and overactive imagination.