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A few concerns about Retail Release

Aug 25, 2004 Tritian link
OK I realize release is very close now... which quite frankly worries the hell out of me.

You're going to be releasing this game with almost no features!!! Peoples first impressions are going to be pretty bad if there is nothing to do. Release is extremely critical for a games lifespan. If release fails, it's a good chance that the game as a whole will collapse pretty quickly.

I assume the main activities in Vendetta after release are going to be PvP, Hauling, and Botting. In order for this game to succeed at the bare minimum, there needs to be a dynamic and logical economy built off a supply/demand model to make hauling useful.

Also, the flight physics system really needs work, aswell as the guild/squad warfare system which is almost completely non-existant. And all this stuff needs TESTING!!! You cant expect people to pay for a beta.

To ellaborate on the flight system, ships are extremely slow, the lateral thrusters are way to powerful, and there is almost no sense of mommentum to ship flight physics. These are all number changes that probably wouldn't require a lot of effort to code.

Quite frankly this game doesn't even feel like a space game. It feels like a crappy first person shooter with HORRIBLE controls. You dont fly your ship, you move it around. there is no mommentum to carry you, and thus there is no flight tactics.

Battles are reduced to turreting and strafing in various angles to 'dodge' your enemies bullets. This makes group battles difficult work because everything breaks up into 1vs1's where ships are strafing slowly back and forth. Thats not a space game, thats Ken's Labarynth with updated graphics.

Please consider my suggestions and please dont release this game until it's ready. This game needs atleast 3 months in stress testing *if* those features were inplace.
Aug 25, 2004 KAos_nyrb link
no sense of mommentum?!?!
having you been playing this game/beta?
there is a huge impact of mommentum!

As for horrible controls, i personally love the controls. They allow you to pull off very complex moves with ease.

The ships aren't slow, it's just space is BIG.
Having any increase of speed would make the tiny amount of time to make decisions even shorter. I belive it would make this unplayable.

This game plays heavily on PvP aspects, so with a larger player base the gameplay will increase tenfold (remember the end of universe party's)

The battle system requires great skill to take on highly skilled players, But thats what i love about it! you can't just buy an Uber ship and be guaranteed a victory, as skill plays a very large part in battles if the players have decent ships.

Also ALOT is coming shorty, so don't think that the current is the final product.
Aug 25, 2004 FutureRuler link
There are a lot of features that haven't been released to the test yet, presumably.

Oh, and try flying in Physics mode.
Aug 25, 2004 Tritian link
"As for horrible controls, i personally love the controls. They allow you to pull off very complex moves with ease.

The ships aren't slow, it's just space is BIG.
Having any increase of speed would make the tiny amount of time to make decisions even shorter. I belive it would make this unplayable."

I dont buy this for an instant.

this game isn't a space sim, it's an FPS shooter. I love PvP with a passion, and currently I play a game that uses more mommentum and speed in their ships. Quite frankly, there is no comparision between the skill and fun flying a ship into battle rather then strafing infront of someone who's spamming slow ammo weapons at you.

This game's flight system would actually BE a flight system if the lateral thrusters power were cut in half, the ships went three times faster, and weighed about 4-5 times as much.

I can sense the mommentum physics in this game, but the ships are WAY to light for the mommentum as much of an impact as is needed to create a sensation of space flight.

Also ammo speeds should be trippled.
Aug 25, 2004 genka link
[deleted - Forum Moderator]
Aug 25, 2004 Tritian link
i use physics mode all the time
Aug 25, 2004 Tritian link
go ahead and call me a stupid n00b, i expect it from the way other peoples constructive criticism is taken by the vocal minority of this community.

It still doesn't change the facts that this game needs a lot of work to be playable. A lot more then 1 months time of implementing features and testing will allow.
Aug 25, 2004 thginkrej link
I think Tritian was referring partly to the rather unrealistic way speeds are capped while constantly boosting and ships slow down when turbo is released. Also, 200 meters per second is comically slow in deep space, but our sectors are on the scale of kilometers, so these speeds are appropriate for that - any faster would make it very hard to fight anything.

And I agree about attacks turning into either jousting runs or multi-directional strafing marathons. If lateral thrusters were a bit weaker, it would force more "classic" dog-fight maneuvering with ships flying mostly forward (like in Descent Freespace, et al.). I'm not sure if that was the model the devs were going for, and I'm not convinced it's any more realistic than what we have.

I think there was some discussion trying to explain away the lack of realistic physics even in "physics" mode and other inconsistencies. I could live with the flight model the way it is, if things were added like mining and a less than perfect sensor system (jammers, sensor buoys, "opaque" roids, etc).

But it's true, anything to be added before retail release should be in ASAP for testing. But I'm sure the devs know this.
Aug 25, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I think folks are overreacting a bit here.

Since nobody but the devs actually has a comprehensive list of exactly what is in the chute for release:


pending input from the Dev's themselves. Watch this space. O.0


"In order for this game to succeed at the bare minimum, there needs to be a dynamic and logical economy built off a supply/demand model to make hauling useful."

This is already in place and is being tweaked.

"Also, the flight physics system really needs work, as well as the guild/squad warfare system which is almost completely non-existent. And all this stuff needs TESTING!!! You cant expect people to pay for a beta."

The guild features are in the works already. The Dev's have made it very clear for quite some time that they don't expect people to pay for a beta.

"Quite frankly this game doesn't even feel like a space game. It feels like a crappy first person shooter with HORRIBLE controls. You don't fly your ship, you move it around. there is no momentum to carry you, and thus there is no flight tactics."

We'd probably have to discuss this in real time because there is so much to say. Let's just leave it that there is little to say about flight characteristics in an airless and weightless environment. More about momentum later.

"Battles are reduced to turreting and strafing in various angles to 'dodge' your enemies bullets. This makes group battles difficult work because everything breaks up into 1vs1's where ships are strafing slowly back and forth. Thats not a space game, thats Ken's Labyrinth with updated graphics."

My experience with large group battles is contrary to this. Slow strafers and turreteers (I just coined a new term!) are usually blown up by the ship that they were not targeting.

"This game's flight system would actually BE a flight system if the lateral thrusters power were cut in half, the ships went three times faster, and weighed about 4-5 times as much"

I won't argue about the lateral thrusters until I've tried it. I have tried flying at triple speed and can tell you that it becomes a battle of distant dots that quickly become a ship and then equally quickly become a dot again. The devs tried it long ago and discarded it. Also, you know without friction the ships would just keep whipping along at high speeds into the inky blackness of space. That would be accurate, but not fun.

"Please consider my suggestions and please don't release this game until it's ready. This game needs at least 3 months in stress testing *if* those features were in place."

Consider your suggestions considered.