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Prepare for the hunt

Sep 29, 2004 Zer0cool 666 link
Well the beta is getting reset as i type this so prepare ye all for the 5700 n00bs that will be coming into our little universe, i vote that we hunt them.
Sep 29, 2004 Ben Shaw link
well, hunt them all cept for a couple who u can mentor to gain those extra useful mentor points!

PS how long does a reset usually take once its down?
Sep 29, 2004 Magus link
I vote that we NOT (I repeat NOT) be assholes to the very people who will comprise this community very soon™.
Remember, first impressions are crucial. If a newbie walks in and sees a community full of jerks, they will either leave, or get the impression that being a greifer is acceptable.
If they see a community that helps them out when they have questions, they will be encouraged to continue playing.
Sure assholes will trickle through anyway, but you have to minimize them.
Sep 29, 2004 Phaserlight link
Hear Hear, Magus!
Sep 29, 2004 Tilt152 link
I agree with the people who will not vote to hunt down newbs who are in buses(I mean at below 4/4/4/4)..

But if they are not in buses anymore(Say Vulture, Hornets. etc), then I think that player killing is a fair game.
Sep 29, 2004 rapturous link
i'll hunt all i want!

but myself i haven't gotten past the bus phase since they implemented the licenses...i haven't even played since they implemented the licenses...

all i know is that centurions used to be the shiznat.
Sep 29, 2004 RelayeR link

here we go again...
Sep 29, 2004 Feydakin link
If that is the atttude of the games community Zer0cool 666 and friends, this game will be stillborn. If an MMOG these days can't support a healthy community, it might as well not bother going gold... I sincerely hope that sort of attitude is in the minority.
Sep 29, 2004 Yokom link
Im going to be one of the noobs let me say this Bring it brotherman.

For the ones that are saying be nice to the noobs, well ya ok be a little nice but dont carebear up the whole game experience. Set the tone for what it will really be like.
Sep 29, 2004 Grumpymonkey link
I may be a wee bit premature in posting this, but am I to assume that all the new players will not be greeted with open arms?

Sorry if I may offend anyone, but beta doesn't pay the bills. It's we, the low life "n00bs" whom have been anticipating the open beta for some time, that will keep this game alive. Bottom line... no new subscribers, no game.

Once again, I'll apoligize for my rudeness, but being one of the 5700 apparently unwelcome guests, reading this single thread has already soured my views. Yes, it may be I am lacking sleep, and may be a wee bit "more" grumpy than usual, but geez... reading that as soon as I get in, I'm going to to be hunted... golly gee... what fun!!!

I think Magus and Phaserlight are the only ones who have an idea of what all us "n00b's" are here for... although, the "comprimise this community" part still bothers me...

Either way... if all of you don't want us new players here, just make it public... Broadcast it everywhere!!!

Once again, apoligies for those I may have offended...
Sep 29, 2004 Magus link
Zer0Cool's views are in the minority so don't worry about it. Most people you find will be nice to you (probably about 60%.) Another 20% will be pirates who will probably kill you if you look at them wrong or seem to have cargo handy, but they're just roleplaying pirates, so roleplay a guy who avoids pirates and you'll be fine.
You will find a handful of griefers roaming the galaxy, but the vipers are a guild in the process of being established that will, hopefully, be able to discourage such activity.
Sep 29, 2004 Forum Moderator link
It would be helpful if you would mentor the noobs for a little bit. Hunting them right now would be just a little sad. Let them level up, let them buy a shiny new ship and enjoy it. Sooner or later they will want to try their mettle or get a little mouthy. THEN bring it on, but kindly refrain from griefing them.
Sep 30, 2004 Phaserlight link
Grumpymonkey: don't worry, most people IG are genuinely nice. If you have any questions, want a mentor, or just an escort on a dangerous trade run, give me a holler (Phaserlight). Since this is a twitch based game naturally there will be a few 13 year olds who just want to "p0wn" people, but the beautiful thing is that there are heavy RP consequences for attacking someone unprovoked in monitored space (the uber vult death guard swooping in for the kill is a sight to behold ;).

Oh, and b.t.w. Magus wrote that newbs will "comprise" the community, not "compromise" it ;).
Sep 30, 2004 Dmentia link
Heh sounds like zerocool is the intergalactic chav scum
Sep 30, 2004 ratonu link
or he is just a noob playing cool (zerocool).

see you in unmonitored space zerocool ;), and you can consider me a n00b when you meet me :d

new players should not worry one bit. the game was tweaked during the last year to give everyone a chance to do well , regardless of the role he choses.

there will be pirates just as well as pirate-hunters. if there is a lot of arguing that means the game is interesting so why complain ? just enjoy, because as others have said, most of the veterans will help you if you ask for help.
Sep 30, 2004 RazorsKiss link
Let him hunt me. I've flown sims for long enough not to care :D
Sep 30, 2004 Revenant link
Hi all, I am one of your 5700 n00bs. It's disappointing, but it's understood that there will always be griefers and those looking to have fun by spoiling other peoples' fun.

I'll download the client and fire up the game tonight, (I just got my invite email, thanks!) but I have a few questions I didn't see answers to in the faq.

I would surmise from some of the statements have read, that you are relatively safe in 'monitored' space. Can they still grief you and run away before the retaliatory force arrives?

Is it a setup where the better missions take place outside of monitored space, so you have increased griefing risk?

Are mission locations outside of monitored space in random locations, or are there standard mission spots that are going to be 'patrolled' by PK'ers laying in wait?

I just hope this game has some sort of PvP controls. Too many mmorpg's have been ruined by rampant PK'ing and player griefing. I don't mind a little PvP on an even playing field. But this game will get frustrating fast if every time I go on a mining mission (when mining is implemented) I get attacked and blown up...
Sep 30, 2004 Tilt152 link
Only proper pirates would ask for the victim to jettison their cargo.

I just hate killing players for a sport.
Sep 30, 2004 a1k0n link
Most of the new-player activities take place in monitored space, yes, which means that any PvP hostilities will bring in strike force bots. It is possible to kill somebody and run from the strike force, but it's also very easy to not see it coming and get killed by a seeker instantly. We will make adjustments as necessary. The strike force is quite mean as it is now. Griefing people in this way currently involves a lot of running away; hopefully that's enough of a deterrent but we will see.
Sep 30, 2004 Quietdeath link
Hey GM, nice to know thanks QD!!!!